..Any suggestions for a Android Quake engine?

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Re: ..Any suggestions for a Android Quake engine?

Post by mankrip »

The sound lag almost disappeared now, good job.

I'm installing the Android SDK right now. Is there anything specific I need to configure or install to get FTEDroid compiling properly?
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh mankrip Hell's end wgah'nagl fhtagn.
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Re: ..Any suggestions for a Android Quake engine?

Post by Spike »

you need these: android sdk. android ndk. ant. java jdk. cygwin (or mingw's gmake instead I guess)
note that I also have cygwin installed, and use it for gmake

excerpt from my batch file:
cd engine && make droid-rel DROID_ARCH="x86 armeabi" DROID_SDK_PATH=/cygdrive/c/Games/tools/android-sdk DROID_NDK_PATH=/cygdrive/c/Games/tools/android-ndk-r7 ANT="c:/Games/tools/apache-ant-1.8.2/bin/ant" JAVA_HOME="c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_02" JAVATOOL="/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_02/bin/"

will compile ftedroid for arm devices as well as android-x86
cygwin must be in your path. the other paths can be tweeked via the commandline as above.
if you're compiling on linux, you can drop the ant/java paths entirely, but you'll still need to specify the droid paths.

to install it on your device:
c:\Games\tools\android-sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe install -r release/FTEDroid.apk
(or you can set up an http server and install it over wifi or whatever, assuming you device is set to allow installs from 3rd party locations).
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Re: ..Any suggestions for a Android Quake engine?

Post by mankrip »

Is there a way to make the engine use a network folder instead of ID1? This would make testing a lot quicker and simpler. I'm getting some crashes here, and it takes quite a while to plug, copy files and unplug the device every time I test a different file.

By the way, savegames seems to be almost working now. They can be loaded, the weapon slots are set correctly, but all the ammo is depleted and the player's self.origin seems to be set to '0 0 0'.

Also, I just checked, and replacement textures aren't being loaded. They do work fine in the Windows version of FTEQW, though.
Last edited by mankrip on Thu Mar 29, 2012 6:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh mankrip Hell's end wgah'nagl fhtagn.
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Re: ..Any suggestions for a Android Quake engine?

Post by Spike »

fte has a cl_pure cvar which causes the client to use only the pak files the server says to use.

fte can download files as it needs from the server (though md3s or other similar model formats can have such awkward dependancy chains that it doesn't try to download them all, or even know that it should). So you could just add each mdl to the server and let the client download until you find the problematic one.

but no, there's no way to get fte to use a network location for all its data without directly mounting it on your android device's filesystem (eg: nfs).
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Re: ..Any suggestions for a Android Quake engine?

Post by mankrip »

I've just installed FTPDroid, which will surely help a lot.

I hadn't thought of mounting a network folder directly into the filesystem, but I'll certainly do this too.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh mankrip Hell's end wgah'nagl fhtagn.
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Re: ..Any suggestions for a Android Quake engine?

Post by xaGe »

..It kind of sucks after 3 months my battery in the YDPG18 has appeared to have died! Doesn't seem to want to hold a charge. It will run off of the charger when plugged in at least, but defeats the purpose of a "hand held" device. If its just the battery guess I could try to crack it open and do some sort of replacement or battery mod when I find time. :roll:
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Re: ..Any suggestions for a Android Quake engine?

Post by mankrip »

I've finally got around to installing everything and compiling it.

The compiling time was so long (despite the fact that it gets compiled twice, one for x86 and another for ARM) that I got afraid to think about how big its source code must be. I usually do a clean compiling of Makaqu every time I change something in the headers, but this would be certainly unpractical with FTEDroid. Anyway, what matters is that it's a really powerful engine.

After installing it, I noticed the latest source release (I've got the SVN tarball less than 24 hours ago) uses the external SD card for the data, but it uses the root dir instead of the FTE dir, so I had to put my ID1 directory directly into the root dir.

I've also noticed that now a graphical presets menu shows up when starting the game.

And when trying to play a demo or start a new game, be it either single player or multiplayer, the engine closes. I've tried changing the presets, but got the same result for each of them. The menus and console displays properly though.

There are too many warnings when compiling this engine, so I have no idea where to start looking in to try to fix it.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh mankrip Hell's end wgah'nagl fhtagn.
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Re: ..Any suggestions for a Android Quake engine?

Post by Spike »

make droid-dbg DROID_ARCH=armeabi -j8
is the line I'd use to compile a 'debug' version.
note that fte's makefile should have proper dependancies, so you'll only need to make clean if you change the makefile/CFLAGS.

There are a lot of warnings, yes. Generally I do all my development/testing with msvc, which simply doesn't generate those same warnings. that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. :P
If you're paranoid, try adding this to the make line: CFLAGS=-fno-strict-aliasing
That should remove the bulk of the warnings by removing the point of warning about them in the first place, but it might run a little slower.

The graphical presets menu is a little pointless on android, you probably want the second or third option. the first is a little too extreme really, and is present more for the visibility than for screenshots. The last two will eat too much performance on embedded devices. Pick the third if you want it to default to vanilla-like settings.

The engine 'closing' is it crashing. Either a segfault or a sys_error. If you run logcat (from adb or a shell on the phone itself, even after it crashed) then it should show various stuff including all Sys_Print calls (including console prints and any sys_error messages).
Any segfaults should be accompanied by a register dump and a stack trace, although I've generally not found the stack trace useful for crashes in native code.

A quick overview of interesting rendering function calls:
R_RenderScene (gl_rmain.c) - sets up the projection+world matricies, frustum
Surf_DrawWorld (r_surf.c) - figures out which world surfaces/batches are visible
GLBE_DrawWorld (gl_backend.c) - does the actual rendering work.
BE_GenModelBatches (gl_alias.c) - generates batch lists from entities (non-world bsp+mdl+spr+etc) for the backend to render.

if you're getting a crash on starting a new map, then chances are its either low memory (check for Sys_Errors) or a gl/backend crash (GLBE_DrawWorld + gl_backend.c)
It could also be part of model loading, gl_rsurf.c has a function 'GLBE_GenBrushModelVBO' which is called to prepare some vbos.
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Re: ..Any suggestions for a Android Quake engine?

Post by mankrip »

I can't copy or even look at the log from logcat, because the thing won't stop flooding itself with useless messages, and it gets even worse when I long-click to open the context menu.

However, I can confirm that your current build is also crashing when trying to load any map.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh mankrip Hell's end wgah'nagl fhtagn.
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Re: ..Any suggestions for a Android Quake engine?

Post by Spirit »

You can set logcat to a less verbose level. You can also make it log to disk.
Improve Quaddicted, send me a pull request: https://github.com/SpiritQuaddicted/Quaddicted-reviews
Posts: 924
Joined: Fri Jul 04, 2008 3:02 am

Re: ..Any suggestions for a Android Quake engine?

Post by mankrip »

Thanks, logcat -f ftelog.txt -r 256 -v long did it for me.

All I did was trying to start the single player game from the main menu. Here's a very detailed log:

Code: Select all

[ 07-05 11:45:32.831    88:0x5d I/ActivityManager ]
Start proc com.fteqw for activity com.fteqw/.FTEDroidActivity: pid=507 uid=10054 gids={3003, 1015}

[ 07-05 11:45:32.841    88:0x69 W/Process  ]
Unable to open /proc/294/status

[ 07-05 11:45:32.901    88:0xcd D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:32.911    88:0xcd D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:32.931    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:32.951    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:32.951   507:0x1fb I/FTEDroid ]

[ 07-05 11:45:32.951   507:0x1fb I/FTEDroid ]
create view

[ 07-05 11:45:32.961   507:0x1fb I/FTEDroid ]
Base dir is "/data/app/com.fteqw-1.apk".

[ 07-05 11:45:32.961   507:0x1fb I/FTEDroid ]
User dir is "/mnt/sdcard".

[ 07-05 11:45:32.961   507:0x1fb I/FTEDroid ]
starting audio

[ 07-05 11:45:32.971    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:32.971   507:0x1fb I/FTEDroid ]
audio running

[ 07-05 11:45:32.981   507:0x1fb I/FTEDroid ]
model: SK product: b602ref device: b602ref

[ 07-05 11:45:32.981   507:0x1fb I/FTEDroid ]
init sensor manager

[ 07-05 11:45:32.991    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:32.991   507:0x1fb I/FTEDroid ]
init accelerometer

[ 07-05 11:45:32.991    60:0x3c V/AudioFlinger ]
registerClient() 0x27d38, tid 60, calling tid 507

[ 07-05 11:45:32.991    60:0x3c V/AudioFlinger ]
Adding notification client 0x28a68

[ 07-05 11:45:32.991    60:0x3c V/AudioFlinger ]
sendConfigEvent() num events 1 event 0, param 0

[ 07-05 11:45:32.991    60:0x56 V/AudioFlinger ]
MixerThread 0x19c98 TID 86 waking up

[ 07-05 11:45:32.991    60:0x56 V/AudioFlinger ]
processConfigEvents() remaining events 1

[ 07-05 11:45:32.991    60:0x56 V/AudioFlinger ]
PlaybackThread::audioConfigChanged, thread 0x19c98, event 0, param 0

[ 07-05 11:45:32.991    60:0x56 V/AudioFlinger ]
audioConfigChanged_l() Notifying change to client 0x19a20

[ 07-05 11:45:32.991    60:0x56 V/AudioFlinger ]
audioConfigChanged_l() Notifying change to client 0x1ee40

[ 07-05 11:45:32.991    60:0x56 V/AudioFlinger ]
audioConfigChanged_l() Notifying change to client 0x28a68

[ 07-05 11:45:33.001    60:0x57 V/AudioFlinger ]
Track constructor name 4096, calling thread 507

[ 07-05 11:45:33.001   507:0x1fb I/FTEDroid ]

[ 07-05 11:45:33.001    88:0xcd D/SensorHAL ]
Using /dev/input/event1 (name=ecompass_data)

[ 07-05 11:45:33.001    60:0x84 V/AudioFlinger ]
start(4096), calling thread 507

[ 07-05 11:45:33.001    60:0x84 V/AudioFlinger ]
? => ACTIVE (4096) on thread 0x28e30

[ 07-05 11:45:33.011    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:33.011    60:0x84 V/AudioFlinger ]

[ 07-05 11:45:33.021    88:0x5c D/SensorHAL ]
+__control_activate: handle=0 enabled=1

[ 07-05 11:45:33.021    88:0x5c D/SensorHAL ]
+__control_set_delay: ms=20

[ 07-05 11:45:33.021   507:0x202 D/dalvikvm ]
Trying to load lib /data/data/com.fteqw/lib/libftedroid.so 0x4615f1a0

[ 07-05 11:45:33.031    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:33.051    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:33.071    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:33.091    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:33.111    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:33.131    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:33.151    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:33.171    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:33.191    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:33.211    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:33.231    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:33.231    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:33.241   507:0x202 D/dalvikvm ]
Added shared lib /data/data/com.fteqw/lib/libftedroid.so 0x4615f1a0

[ 07-05 11:45:33.241   507:0x202 D/dalvikvm ]
No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/com.fteqw/lib/libftedroid.so 0x4615f1a0, skipping init

[ 07-05 11:45:33.251    60:0x3c V/AudioFlinger ]
stop(4096), calling thread 507

[ 07-05 11:45:33.251    60:0x3c V/AudioFlinger ]
(> STOPPED) => STOPPED (4096) on thread 0x19c98

[ 07-05 11:45:33.261    88:0x5c D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:33.261    60:0x3c V/AudioFlinger ]
Track constructor name 4097, calling thread 507

[ 07-05 11:45:33.281    60:0x3c V/AudioFlinger ]
start(4097), calling thread 507

[ 07-05 11:45:33.281    60:0x3c V/AudioFlinger ]
? => ACTIVE (4097) on thread 0x28fb8

[ 07-05 11:45:33.281    60:0x3c V/AudioFlinger ]

[ 07-05 11:45:33.301    60:0x56 V/AudioFlinger ]

[ 07-05 11:45:33.321    88:0x5c D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:33.364    88:0xce D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:33.370   507:0x201 D/libEGL   ]
loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so

[ 07-05 11:45:33.380   507:0x201 D/libEGL   ]
loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_mali.so

[ 07-05 11:45:33.390   507:0x201 D/libEGL   ]
loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_mali.so

[ 07-05 11:45:33.390   507:0x201 D/libEGL   ]
loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_mali.so

[ 07-05 11:45:33.422    88:0x58 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:33.490   507:0x201 I/FTEDroid ]
Surface changed, now 800 by 480.

[ 07-05 11:45:33.500   507:0x201 I/FTEDroid ]
Starting up (apk=/data/app/com.fteqw-1.apk, usr=/mnt/sdcard)

[ 07-05 11:45:33.540   507:0x201 I/FTEDroid ]
Console initialized.

[ 07-05 11:45:33.580   507:0x201 I/FTEDroid ]
Added zipfile /data/app/com.fteqw-1.apk (10 files)

[ 07-05 11:45:33.620   507:0x201 I/FTEDroid ]
Added packfile /mnt/sdcard/id1/pak0.pak (339 files)

[ 07-05 11:45:33.660   507:0x201 I/FTEDroid ]
Added packfile /mnt/sdcard/id1/pak1.pak (85 files)

[ 07-05 11:45:33.670   507:0x201 I/FTEDroid ]
Playing registered version.

[ 07-05 11:45:33.680   507:0x201 I/FTEDroid ]
Client port Initialized

[ 07-05 11:45:33.800   507:0x201 I/FTEDroid ]
couldn't exec config.cfg

[ 07-05 11:45:33.800   507:0x201 I/FTEDroid ]
couldn't exec autoexec.cfg

[ 07-05 11:45:33.830   507:0x201 I/FTEDroid ]
Cvar physics_ode_enable may not be set via the console

[ 07-05 11:45:33.860   507:0x201 I/FTEDroid ]
Cvar fs_gamename may not be set via the console

[ 07-05 11:45:33.880   507:0x201 I/FTEDroid ]
Setting mode 640*480*32*0 OpenGL

[ 07-05 11:45:33.880   507:0x201 I/FTEDroid ]
Loading GLES1 driver

[ 07-05 11:45:33.880   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glBegin

[ 07-05 11:45:33.880   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glClearDepth

[ 07-05 11:45:33.880   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glClipPlane

[ 07-05 11:45:33.880   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glColor3f

[ 07-05 11:45:33.880   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glColor3ub

[ 07-05 11:45:33.880   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glColor4fv

[ 07-05 11:45:33.880   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glColor4ubv

[ 07-05 11:45:33.880   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glDepthRange

[ 07-05 11:45:33.880   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glDrawBuffer

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glDrawPixels

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glEnd

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glFrustum

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glGetTexLevelParameteriv

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glNormal3fv

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glOrtho

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glPolygonMode

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glReadBuffer

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glTexCoord1f

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glTexCoord2f

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glTexCoord2fv

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glTexGeni

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glTexGenfv

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glTexImage3D

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glVertex2f

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glVertex3f

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glVertex3fv

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glArrayElement

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glDrawRangeElements

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glPushAttrib

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glPopAttrib

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glGenVertexArrays

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glBindVertexArray

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glFogi

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glGetStringi

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glGenLists

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glNewList

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glEndList

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glCallList

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 W/FTEDroid ]
GLES_GetSymbol: couldn't find glBindBufferARB

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 I/FTEDroid ]

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 I/FTEDroid ]
GL_RENDERER: Mali-400 MP / Chainfire3D 

[ 07-05 11:45:33.890   507:0x201 I/FTEDroid ]

[ 07-05 11:45:34.000   507:0x201 I/FTEDroid ]
Can't register variable m_filter, already defined

[ 07-05 11:45:34.000   507:0x201 I/FTEDroid ]
Can't register variable m_strafeonright, already defined

[ 07-05 11:45:34.030   507:0x201 I/FTEDroid ]

OpenGL renderer initialized

[ 07-05 11:45:34.100   507:0x201 I/FTEDroid ]

[ 07-05 11:45:34.100   507:0x201 I/FTEDroid ]
FTE SVN 4056

[ 07-05 11:45:34.100   507:0x201 I/FTEDroid ]

[ 07-05 11:45:34.100   507:0x201 I/FTEDroid ]
^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081 Quake Initialized ^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082

[ 07-05 11:45:34.150    88:0xbf D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:34.160    88:0xce D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:34.160    88:0xce D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:34.160    88:0x72 I/ActivityManager ]
Displayed activity com.fteqw/.FTEDroidActivity: 1338 ms (total 1338 ms)

[ 07-05 11:45:34.160    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:34.170    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:34.170    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:34.180    88:0x5d D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:34.190    88:0x5c D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:34.200    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:34.220    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:34.240    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:34.260    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:34.280    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:34.300    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:34.320    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:34.340    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:34.360    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:34.380    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:34.400    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:34.420    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:34.440    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:34.460    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:34.480    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:34.500    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:34.500    88:0x72 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:36.570   507:0x1fb W/KeyCharacterMap ]
Can't open keycharmap file

[ 07-05 11:45:36.570   507:0x1fb W/KeyCharacterMap ]
Error loading keycharmap file '/system/usr/keychars/adc_keypad.kcm.bin'. hw.keyboards.65540.devname='adc_keypad'

[ 07-05 11:45:36.570   507:0x1fb W/KeyCharacterMap ]
Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin

[ 07-05 11:45:39.040    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

[ 07-05 11:45:39.040    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
Build fingerprint: 'generic/b602ref/b602ref/m1ref:2.2.1/MID/eng.root.20111202.163330:user/test-keys'

[ 07-05 11:45:39.040    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
pid: 507, tid: 513  >>> com.fteqw <<<

[ 07-05 11:45:39.040    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
signal 7 (SIGBUS), fault addr 00000000

[ 07-05 11:45:39.040    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
 r0 69726277  r1 5f316b63  r2 2f000035  r3 4b3f3f3f

[ 07-05 11:45:39.040    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
 r4 4a0c7468  r5 8434ee24  r6 4a0c7478  r7 491e790a

[ 07-05 11:45:39.040    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
 r8 4a0c7320  r9 00000000  10 00000000  fp 00000720

[ 07-05 11:45:39.040    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
 ip 491e790a  sp 48722e50  lr 8412396c  pc 84064854  cpsr 60000010

[ 07-05 11:45:39.040    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
 d0  0000000000006e2e  d1  0000000000000062

[ 07-05 11:45:39.040    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
 d2  0000000000000073  d3  0000000000000070

[ 07-05 11:45:39.040    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
 d4  9ca97574ac7662ae  d5  13169b76189b1661

[ 07-05 11:45:39.040    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
 d6  8d157465749b16ae  d7  000000006575168d

[ 07-05 11:45:39.040    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
 d8  3ff0000043fa0000  d9  3f90624dd2f1a9fc

[ 07-05 11:45:39.040    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
 d10 0000000040df1507  d11 0000000000000000

[ 07-05 11:45:39.040    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
 d12 0000000000000000  d13 0000000000000000

[ 07-05 11:45:39.040    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
 d14 0000000000000000  d15 0000000000000000

[ 07-05 11:45:39.040    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
 d16 0000000000000000  d17 3ff0000000000000

[ 07-05 11:45:39.040    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
 d18 3f6019c5d10402a8  d19 3fddac670561bb4f

[ 07-05 11:45:39.040    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
 d20 bfc999ba3c2e7ee2  d21 3fc2493f459087d2

[ 07-05 11:45:39.040    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
 d22 bfbc71f42d66d08c  d23 3fb745f4e6681d22

[ 07-05 11:45:39.040    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
 d24 bfb3b114f41af7ed  d25 3fb10d83dd1298e2

[ 07-05 11:45:39.040    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
 d26 bfadde583e067085  d27 3fa97b5e468c482d

[ 07-05 11:45:39.040    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
 d28 bfa2b4442c6a6c2f  d29 3f147e88a03792a6

[ 07-05 11:45:39.040    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
 d30 3efb2a7074bf7ad4  d31 3e4db2ade0000000

[ 07-05 11:45:39.040    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
 scr 20000012

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
         #00  pc 00064854  /data/data/com.fteqw/lib/libftedroid.so

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
         #01  lr 8412396c  /data/data/com.fteqw/lib/libftedroid.so

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]

code around pc:

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
84064834 e1a06004 e795300c e5933000 e59333d4 

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
84064844 e1a07000 e783000a e8b6000f e1a0c007 

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
84064854 e8ac000f e8b6000f e8ac000f e8b6000f 

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
84064864 e8ac000f e896000f e88c000f e5943010 

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
84064874 e5873040 e5943014 e5873044 e5943018 

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]

code around lr:

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
8412394c e7883006 e5857004 e1a00009 ebff4fb1 

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
8412395c e3a02008 e1a01000 e2850008 ebff4e26 

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
8412396c e2850014 e8bd87f0 e1a01000 e59f002c 

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
8412397c e08f0000 ebfedbd7 e59f0024 e08f0000 

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
8412398c ebfedbd4 0022b57c 0000054c 00001674 

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]


[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e10  afd425ac  /system/lib/libc.so

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e14  00000000  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e18  491e798a  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e1c  86397a5c  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e20  491e78f6  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e24  0008e8c8  [heap]

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e28  00000098  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e2c  84123948  /data/data/com.fteqw/lib/libftedroid.so

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e30  4a0c7468  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e34  8434ee24  /data/data/com.fteqw/lib/libftedroid.so

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e38  86365720  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e3c  49ffaf38  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e40  4a0c7320  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e44  00000000  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e48  df002777  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e4c  e3a070ad  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
#00 48722e50  00000008  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e54  48722e68  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e58  48722ed0  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e5c  48722f08  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e60  ba350e36  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.060    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e64  dc143f19  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.070    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e68  00000000  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.070    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e6c  00000000  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.070    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e70  00000000  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.070    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e74  00000000  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.070    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e78  48722ec0  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.070    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e7c  000017c0  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.070    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e80  00000e60  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.070    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e84  48722ee0  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.070    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e88  48722ec4  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.070    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e8c  48722ec8  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.070    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e90  48722ecc  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.070    58:0x3a I/DEBUG    ]
    48722e94  48722ed0  

[ 07-05 11:45:39.400    60:0x57 V/AudioFlinger ]
binderDied() 0x28a68, tid 87, calling tid 60

[ 07-05 11:45:39.400    60:0x57 V/AudioFlinger ]
Removing notification client 0x28a68

[ 07-05 11:45:39.400    60:0x57 V/AudioFlinger ]
remove track (4096) and delete from mixer

[ 07-05 11:45:39.400    60:0x57 V/AudioFlinger ]
PlaybackThread::Track destructor

[ 07-05 11:45:39.450    60:0x56 V/AudioFlinger ]
remove track (4097) and delete from mixer

[ 07-05 11:45:39.460    59:0x3b D/Zygote   ]
Process 507 terminated by signal (7)

[ 07-05 11:45:39.490    88:0x6b D/dalvikvm ]
GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 2442 objects / 131328 bytes in 118ms

[ 07-05 11:45:39.490    88:0x9a D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:39.490    88:0xcd I/ActivityManager ]
Process com.fteqw (pid 507) has died.

[ 07-05 11:45:39.490    88:0x9a I/WindowManager ]
WIN DEATH: Window{463a1638 SurfaceView paused=false}

[ 07-05 11:45:39.500    88:0x58 D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:39.500    88:0x58 I/WindowManager ]
WIN DEATH: Window{46330f58 com.fteqw/com.fteqw.FTEDroidActivity paused=false}

[ 07-05 11:45:39.520    88:0xcd D/KeyguardViewMediator ]
setHidden false

[ 07-05 11:45:39.520    88:0xcd I/UsageStats ]
Unexpected resume of com.android.launcher while already resumed in com.fteqw

[ 07-05 11:45:39.530    88:0x6b I/BootReceiver ]
Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_05 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)

[ 07-05 11:45:39.550    60:0x56 V/AudioFlinger ]
PlaybackThread::Track destructor

[ 07-05 11:45:39.550    60:0x56 V/AudioFlinger ]
removeClient_l() pid 507, tid 86, calling tid 60

[ 07-05 11:45:39.570   170:0xaa D/dalvikvm ]
GC_EXPLICIT freed 2594 objects / 148712 bytes in 340ms

[ 07-05 11:45:39.620    88:0x6b D/dalvikvm ]
GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 508 objects / 47408 bytes in 87ms
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh mankrip Hell's end wgah'nagl fhtagn.
Dev blog / Twitter / YouTube
Posts: 2914
Joined: Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:12 am
Location: UK

Re: ..Any suggestions for a Android Quake engine?

Post by Spike »

adb logcat ActivityManager:I FTEDroid:I DEBUG:I *:S
supposedly should filter log output to just fte's Sys_Printf calls and system crash dumps/errors.

Before I continue, I should mention that I *think* its already fixed.

Your crash log basically says its a null pointer dereference in my code. Sadly the program counter address is almost useless, as its specific to that build, and is not corrected for randomized module load addresses.
This basically means addr2line isn't usable. Which is why any android-related crashes I've had have been fixed using Sys_Printfs. :s

Side note: the android emulator has (fixed) gpu acceleration in it now. Its also possible to use an x86-targetted version, which allows you to use accelerated cpu virtualization stuff too.
This has allowed me to get a gles2 context up and running in the emulator (natively, this needs android 2.2).
I added some const that you can change to 2 if you want to try gles2 instead, but the version on the svn is set to use gles1. It'll still fall back on gles1 if gles2 doesn't work (like in non-gpu-accelerated emulators), so should be safe if set by default, but I'm paranoid.
You can get a gles2 context up and running in windows by setting vid_gl_context_es2 1, assuming your gl drivers support the extension. This allows debugging with a real debugger instead of the awkward android-targetted gdb.
That doesn't really help with gles1-only crashes though.
Posts: 924
Joined: Fri Jul 04, 2008 3:02 am

Re: ..Any suggestions for a Android Quake engine?

Post by mankrip »

I just reinstalled the precompiled APK from your link in the first page of this thread, and it still crashes, same as before.

Could the stated resolution have any impact? On the console it says to be using a 640x480 video mode, but my device actually runs it at 800x480.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh mankrip Hell's end wgah'nagl fhtagn.
Dev blog / Twitter / YouTube
Posts: 2914
Joined: Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:12 am
Location: UK

Re: ..Any suggestions for a Android Quake engine?

Post by Spike »

the 640*480 thing is irrelevent.
I don't think the nightlies have been recompiled yet.
poke me on irc (quakenet, #fte) and I'll put up an http server with a build on it that you can try and install directly to your device (or PM me an email address and I'll email the apk to you).
Posts: 924
Joined: Fri Jul 04, 2008 3:02 am

Re: ..Any suggestions for a Android Quake engine?

Post by mankrip »

:D No need, thanks. I've finally got around to learning how to download the source using TortoiseSVN, and the current version does load properly.

Here's a video of it in action. The lightmaps gets animated like crazy when loading a game, and the lighting becomes blocky when the screen orientation changes.

After that I looked at its java code to find a way to make the engine ignore the device's orientation, but then I remembered that games that have an option to force an specific orientation also affects Android's notification bar, so it must be a matter or instructing the OS itself to force that.

I've also tried reducing the audio buffer to 256 bytes to see if the audio lag would practically disappear, but setting it to any value lower than 2048 made the sound stop working, so I reverted it back to 2048.
I've also tested some other games, and even Android games like Sonic CD have some audio lag. However, games from OrangePixel doesn't seem to have any audio lag, but they're most likely fully coded in Java, as they're also a JME developer and several (maybe all) of their games in Google Play are ports of their JME games for older cell phones. Maybe the audio lag is due to something with the NDK?

The last time I've tried, FTEDroid didn't use any of the external textures I've tried. Is there any external texture format that should work in the current version?

And the MDL skin mapping seems to be slightly off, as the end of the super shotgun model included in Makaqu displays parts of its muzzleflash skin. This isn't a problem for me, but may be a problem for others using custom content.

By the way, regular skies works great now.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh mankrip Hell's end wgah'nagl fhtagn.
Dev blog / Twitter / YouTube
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