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dodgeball up @

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 5:36 pm
by Frenzy
I have put this mod up on

Scratch1 is set to "5" , but it's only spawning 1 dodgeball? Fixed it. rcon srcatch1 5 ; rcon restart
and it was fine.

Another issue we're running into is players from both teams spawning on same sides.

On map dbcastle.bsp we're able to walk through the middle once in awhile. Same in dbvault.bsp, here's a quick demo:

Here's a longer one same map dbvault with a bit more success but still glitching through mid:

We played dbbase.bsp as well.... same issue

I'm not sure if it's connected, but I think it's only the Green team being able to get through the middle.

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 6:45 pm
by negke
Well, that's odd; thanks for reporting it.
The push triggers in question, at least in my maps, have angle 360 and speed 60 (70 in dbbase). The triggers on both sides are 8 units wide and they touch.

Which clients were you using? Any special (non-standard) settings? I have no idea why this happens, but maybe some of the QC and engine coders here can tell. At any rate, I think placing a thin clip on the center line would solve it for the time being - as a hotfix.

Btw. judging from the demos, the regular balls seem to do very little damage considering how hard it apparently is to hit an opponent.

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 12:37 am
by Orion
Never seen that issues here. :o
And also I can't reproduce them. It works perfect here. :?
What engine are you using? It may be an engine issue...

I never spawned into walls and such... That's really weird.

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 9:23 am
by negke
Spawning inside walls only happens when loading maps other than the ones supplied with the mod. Since those are lacking the required team starts, the players will spawn at 0,0,0 which in many stock maps is outside the actual level.

As for the push issue, I realize my clip hotfix wouldn't have worked at all as the balls bump off clip walls, too. I made the trigger volumes a bit bigger now, 16 units wide (and also replaced the non-QRP textures except for metal4_2b). Though I'm sceptical the wider triggers will solve the issue (which I believe to be related to either some network protocol/ping thing, or some maxfps-type of config messing). Anyway, might be worth a try:

Edit: As an afterthought, could it be related to that issue where a trigger_hurt in a space map doesn't kill a player if it has fired shortly before (by another player)? So in this case, if two players touch the push at the same time. Clutching at straws here obviously. :)

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 4:45 am
by Trickle
Some interesting changes on the way, along with two new maps and another special dodgeball. Regular dodgeball and power throw damage will be tweaked higher as well!

More to come soon :)

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 6:08 pm
by mindzx
Here to provide some feedback!
Hosting in the USA is gone from what I can tell (oof) , we tried several times but just couldnt run through the paces of starting a game playing it and finishing a game,always had ghost entities stuck on the server.

Something direly needed in my opinion, is indicators sounds.

a sound for ballhits (a basketball bounce noise)
a sound for ballcatch (hmmmm?)

cont. thought process later...

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 1:32 am
by Trickle
There are sounds..maybe the universal server didn't download it right? Also, sprinting didn't work on Frenzy's server. Hopefully all will go well after the next release! The issue with being able to go to the other team's side should no longer happen as well =)

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 2:08 am
by Baker
Trickle wrote:There are sounds..maybe the universal server didn't download it right? Also, sprinting didn't work on Frenzy's server. Hopefully all will go well after the next release! The issue with being able to go to the other team's side should no longer happen as well =)
The current clients like ProQuake, Qrack and such with web download don't download sounds. Future versions will, I already posted working code here in a thread on how to enable sound download. However, I'm thinking I'll need to rewire the download process to use a thread as the new code is intended to stay connected to the server and without a separate thread, sometimes due to a couple of seconds delay it appears to disconnect sometimes. I want it to stay always connected during the download.

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 12:36 am
by Spike
while polling should be fine, downloads should generally be done in a thread anyway to ensure the tcp buffers are kept flushed when you're vsynced to 60 fps

imho, download code should download paks/pk3s, because its the only sane way to cope with additional features like md2/md3's external textures, or lits. Of course, doing that is a huge pain, yet its still the only sane way (plus you get free compression when its always in a pk3).

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 3:35 am
by Baker
Spike wrote:while polling should be fine, downloads should generally be done in a thread anyway to ensure the tcp buffers are kept flushed when you're vsynced to 60 fps

imho, download code should download paks/pk3s, because its the only sane way to cope with additional features like md2/md3's external textures, or lits. Of course, doing that is a huge pain, yet its still the only sane way (plus you get free compression when its always in a pk3).
Well, eventually I think things in NetQuake will scale up to some of that but the way things are it is mostly used for missing maps.

/Avoids the external media conversation. :D

Re: Quake Dodgeball

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:59 am
by cat
Trickle wrote: Quake Dodgeball 1.0 Trailer

Awesome trailer! I really like the look.

Re: Quake Dodgeball

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:37 pm
by MasterSplinter has a dodgeball server up.

a bug on one of the maps "dbvault", allows the green team to cross the "team line".

Any thoughts on more development on this mod? People who have played on the server feel it has big potential.

Re: Quake Dodgeball

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:56 am
by Trickle
Hey guys, wow. I have some exciting things coming up for the next release! That's right, Quake Dodgeball is NOT dead. In fact, we are finally on Moddb.

With that said, me and Orion had this tendency to AWOL the mod or go on hiatus. Thus version 1.2 was never released shortly after Quake Expo 2011 like we were hoping. The good news is there have been a BUNCH of new additions, as well as three new awesome maps by negke. We have a lot of surprises coming up, so be on the lookout. I'll keep you all posted.