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id on steam

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 5:18 pm
by ajay
As well as their new game "rage" being announced at QuakeCon, all (I think) of id's back catalogues has been released on steam.

You can get Quake for $9.99, and the whole catalogue for $24.99.

That seems pretty good to me, 'cept you gotta have steam installed, which people seem to hate and lvoe in equale-ish measure.

I dont know if they're mod compatible, no reason to think they wouldn't be.

Seems good value to me.


Oh and Quake Arena is coming to Xbox Live Arcade. I'm guessing it's Quake 3, but I've not read enough to be sure yet.

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 5:29 pm
by scar3crow
If the purchase then involves Steam to play, it is not a good deal.

Since it involves using Steam in the first place, and the fact that you are buying Quake from Valve, a company who built its thieving empire upon Quake's throne and popularity, than it is merely ironic, sad, and a kick in the nuts.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 2:32 am
by Dr. Shadowborg
scar3crow wrote:If the purchase then involves Steam to play, it is not a good deal.

Since it involves using Steam in the first place, and the fact that you are buying Quake from Valve, a company who built its thieving empire upon Quake's throne and popularity, than it is merely ironic, sad, and a kick in the nuts.
/me agrees

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 11:45 am
by Teiman
Is money, anyway. And money is flavourless, tasteless, etc.. Is only a quantity. How much.
Having more money on id hands can be a good thing.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 6:45 am
by Urre
Who cares. It's really just business. If Id found a cool way to make money of their classics, then wtg Id. I don't get the whole "oh nose it's Valve, and water in gas form is bad!"

If you don't like Steam, don't use it. I don't like it, so I don't use it. Others do.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 9:14 am
by Preach
Surely the most positive attitude is "Hey, larger potential audience for my quake mod". Although I don't have a copy yet, I've heard that quake from steam runs quite comfortably with darkplaces, and so any mods shouldn't be a problem

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 2:37 pm
by Urre
Preach: that's neat. Do they also have server browsing for different engines and QW/NQ? In other words, do they support filtering by protocol.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 3:27 pm
by Preach
From what I understand it's not integrated with steam in the same way as half life is. What you get is just a standard retail copy of quake, probably with glquake/winquake thrown in to the directory, and a shortcut to launch it on the steam launcher. So you can just put darkplaces in the directory and run it from a command line like you would normally. Or you could rename it and replace whatever the standard executable is with your engine of choice for launch with steam I guess.

I'm intending on buying it to check this kind of thing out, but I'm weighing up the package with all the quake games in it first.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 5:57 pm
by Spirit
It's winquake, glquake and moreQuakeWorld (or what it was called).
No soundtrack. You can use it without Steam though (I think), the id1 folder is there.
I wouldn't waste my money for it...

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 6:10 pm
by leileilol
although evile, it still beats equake/fquake/synq

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 6:51 pm
by Baker
leileilol wrote:although evile, it still beats equake/fquake/synq
Nice slander Cheapy :D

eQuake = piracy
fQuake = license agreement violation and things that are technically illegal

SynQ = legal and all GPL

You think it uses Plague's Pak or the Quake Retexturing Project or something derivative. It doesn't -- it uses content from Nexuiz, Open Arena, Open Quartz and true public domain and/or contributed content.

Thanks for the attention, Cheapy


Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 9:19 pm
by Sajt
I tried downloading the Hexen2 demo from steam (it uses GLHExen as the engine) but couldn't find where it stored the files...

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:43 pm
by FrikaC
Baker wrote:Nice slander Cheapy :D
To quote my hero, J. Jonah Jameson, that's untrue! Slander is spoken, in print it's libel.

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:53 am
by Megazoid
My in-dept review of 20 years development from id Software:

Dangerous Dave (1988) - meh
Commander Keen (1990 - 1991) - meh
Rescue Rover 1 & 2 (1991) -huh?
Shadow Knights (1991) -never heard of it
Hovertank 3D (1991)-erm...
Catacomb 3D: A New Dimension (1991) -bleh
Wolfenstein 3D (1992) -a couple of bonus points for nazism. Now worthless.
Spear of Destiny (1992) -cash in
Doom (1993) -addictive and advanced for the time. However, essentially mindless with no modern entertainment value.
The Ultimate Doom (1995) -cash in
Doom II: Hell on Earth (1994) -popular sequel
Master Levels for Doom II (1995) -cash in
Final Doom (1996) -cash in
Quake (1996) -cool after people got PC's powerful enough to run it. In my case about 2 years later.
Quake II (1997) - robots? wtf? okay I suppose.
Quake III Arena (1999) -not even remotely connected to Quake. Lame attempt to sell an engine.
Expansion: Team Arena (2000) -whatever
Doom 3 (2004) -dark, predictable, shiny. Doom tie-in designed to sell yet another Carmac engine. [/i]
Rage (2008) -I couldn't give a monkeys.

I would say however games that have been Published / Produced by id Software have been on the whole very good. Games developed by Gray Matter Interactive, Raven Software, Splash Damage & Ritual Entertainment for id Software have been excellent.

That is all.

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 12:17 pm
by Sajt
Keen was cool
Hovercraft was crap
Quake3 was pretty good...