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[FTEQW][REL] Bloodletter

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 10:03 am
by Shpuld
As some of you already saw from the other thread, or watched on twitch, I took part in Ludum Dare 44 Compo using FTEQW again.
The result is a FPS called Bloodletter where you're only armed with a double barreled shotgun and a power to slow down time using your own health.

There's nothing special about the QC in this one, mostly basic AI, combat, and special FX stuff. Most of the 48 hours was spent on doing the art I feel, the gun, the enemies, the animations for both, the environments, the sounds, etc...
I tried this workflow where I make models in Blender and export them to obj, and use them as misc_models in radiant so that q3map2 makes them properly solid and lit. I think the outcome is fairly good, considering pretty much all the environment art is just 7 rock models, 1 rock wall model, and a tiling ground terrain model. It also allowed me to make quite a few maps with a consistent amount of detail very quickly (granted they all look the same).

Download at the page:
Ludum Dare Compo page:

As always the QC source is included in the downloads, in the game/src directory.


Re: [FTEQW][REL] Bloodletter

Posted: Thu May 02, 2019 9:45 am
by toneddu2000
As always great work! I like the atmosphere, the game itself and the fact that's created in 2, incredible! Thanks a lot to release the source code, as always! A question, why do you use ssqc+csqc? Wouldn't be easier to do all CSQC without bothering sending/reading from SSQC to CSQC?

Again compliments Shpuld!

Re: [FTEQW][REL] Bloodletter

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 4:21 pm
by Shpuld
Thank you toneddu! I do ssqc+csqc because I'm more used to it, and if I choose to expand the game later on, it won't be too hard to make it multiplayer. I don't find the complications of having separate ssqc and csqc to be a big issue