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orientation of trace_plane_normal

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 11:52 am
by toneddu2000
Hi guys, I'm trying to orientate a tripod model near a slope, using trace_plane_normal
This is the tripod in global coordinates: It has red for x axis, green for y axis and blue for z axis
Now, if I use this code I created

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//self is camera entity, which has its own coordinates, but, in this case, it moves on global coordinates except for turning Y axis as yaw
void Orient_Think()
	fracdown = trace_fraction;
	local vector v = trace_plane_normal;
	vectest = vectoangles(v);
	tripod.angles = vectest;
	self.nextthink = time + 1;
	self.think = Orient_Think;
And, as you can see, orientation changes accordingly to slop perpendicular vector, but x axis and z axis are switched, plus y axis is inverted :!:

Now, I also created a code for make sure tripod turns on yaw accordingly to camera orientation like so

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	fracdown = trace_fraction;
	if(trace_fraction < 1){
		local vector v = normalize(trace_plane_normal);
		vectest = vectoangles([v_x,v_y,v_z],-v_forward);
		tripod.angles = vectest;
And, it rotates on Y axis, but still X and Z axis are switched
I also tried to invert axis using something like

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vectest = vectoangles([v_z,v_y,v_x],-v_forward);
but orientation is all messed up, so I presume it's not the correct way to do it.
How can I retrieve correct orientation of a trace_plane_normal and how can I manage those data to rotate the axis ternary as I want?

Thanks a lot for any clarification, because, on this subject I'm completely ignorant (it requires math..GAHHH :lol: )!