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.lit2 format - request for feedback

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 11:24 pm
by ericw
Hi, Spike and I have been playing with a new .lit2 format for Q1 for high-res lightmaps, with different lightmap scale per-face.

Here is the struct:

Code: Select all

typedef struct
	char magic[4]; //"QLIT"
	unsigned int version; //2
	unsigned int numsurfs;  //should be checked against the bsps' surface count
	unsigned int numpoints; //total number of sample-points in the lit2
	//uint		lmoffsets[numsurfs];	//completely overrides the bsp lightmap info
	//ushort	lmextents[numsurfs*2];	//only to avoid precision issues. width+height pairs, actual lightmap sizes on disk (so +1).
	//byte		lmstyles[numsurfs*4];	//completely overrides the bsp lightmap info
	//byte		lmshifts[numsurfs];		//default is 4 (1<<4=16), for 1/16th lightmap-to-texel ratio. minimum value is 0
	//byte		litdata[numpoints*3];		//rgb data
	//byte		luxdata[numpoints*3];		//stn light dirs (unsigned bytes
} qlit2_t;
Couple of notes:
- It's designed not to affect the original lightmap data in the bsp or .lit v1 files, so engines that don't load the .lit2 will be totally unaffected. By putting it in a separate .lit2 file, we don't break colored lighting in non-lit2-supporting engines.
- lmextents contains the full width/height of each lightmap, measured in samples. Quake and the light tool use the word "extents" differently, to mean 1 sample less on each axis than what's stored on disk
- having the lmstyles array allows relighting a map, possibly adding dynamic lights, and being able to distribute just the .lit2 file.
- The lightmap scale for each face is stored in lmshifts as an exponent of 2. The maximum resolution is an lmshift value of 0, which is 1<<0 == 1, i.e. a 1:1 texel:lightmap ratio. lmshift of 1 means 1<<1==2, or a 2:1 texel:lightmap ratio.

I guess we just want feedback on whether everything makes sense.

One question is whether it's worth including the lmextents or not. This is to avoid floating point precision issues in CalcSurfaceExtents, e.g. on a few of mfx's maps, the CalcSurfaceExtents calculation needs to be done at 64-bit precision or better, or else it computes the wrong lightmap width/height.

There is (work in progress) progress compiler code at , in the "lit2" branch.
A preliminary patch to support this in Quakespasm is at: , also in the "lit2" branch.

These are special builds of quakespasm and my tyrutils fork with lit2 support:

Here is the documentation for the modded tyrutils:

Code: Select all

    Command-line options:
       -lit2  Force generation of a .lit2 file, which allow variable  lightmap
              resolution  as well as storing light direction data. By default,
              light will automatically generate the .lit2 file when needed.

       -lightmapscale n | -lmscale n
              Force  the  given  lightmap scale for the entire map, overriding
              any values set in the map via the "_lightmapscale"  entity  key.
              See "_lightmapscale". Default 1.0.

   Func_Group/Func_Detail Keys
       The following keys can be used  on  any  entity  with  a  brush  model,
       worldspawn,  as  well  as  special entities func_group and func_detail,
       which are processed by qbsp.  Note: these keys are  read  by  qbsp  and
       passed to light through a temporary file.

       "_lightmapscale" "n"
              Customize the lightmap scale for brush faces of this entity:
                0.0625 => 16 times default resolution (finest)
                0.125 => eight times default resoluton
                0.25 => four times default resolution
                0.5 => two times default resolution
                1 => default
                2 => half default resolution
                4 => quarter default resolution
                8 => eigth default resolution
                16 => 1/16 default resolution (coarsest)
              Using this key imples -lit2.
Finally: screenshots:

Re: .lit2 format - request for feedback

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 9:20 am
by Baker
I don't have anything interesting to say except I think some of the new lighting features you've worked on are very nice.

In particular, the lighting through fence textures is very impressive! Not to say the other features aren't, but that one in particular seemed borderline impossible-ish.

Re: .lit2 format - request for feedback

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 7:24 pm
by ericw
Glad to hear, Baker :-)

Here's a direct link for the engine diff: I'm happy with how compact it is.

This diff isn't making use of lmextents or luxdata.

Re: .lit2 format - request for feedback

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 7:36 pm
by Baker
The diff looks really clean and looks like any GL engine could implement it rather hassle-free. Sounds like you have more ideas you are implementing here ... than 2x size lightmaps when you are done.

Re: .lit2 format - request for feedback

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 8:18 pm
by mh
I'd like to see more overbrighting range in this.

Currently the light tool itself clamps at 255, and some hotspots will saturate to white rather than retain their correct colour as a result. Even something as simple as shifting the RGB values down 1 bit and using a 4x modulation scale (instead of 2x) can be effective (yes, you lose an extra bit of precision, but software Quake only used 64 light grades so I believe it can be afforded to be lost). Alternatively store the light data in a 10/10/10/2 format. Engines that can't (or won't) support this can just re-adjust the data at load time.

I'm also curious about what perf is like with lightmap updates.

Re: .lit2 format - request for feedback

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 9:15 pm
by Baker
BLOCK_WIDTH and BLOCK_HEIGHT is doubled, right? So 4x size.

How does this affect FPS *without* a .lit2? If it reduces performance in a no .lit2 case for no reason, might be a minor issue.

[With heavy rocket firing with 8 players and 30 monsters (assume a Tronyn map :D ).]

Re: .lit2 format - request for feedback

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 12:08 am
by Spike
Baker wrote:How does this affect FPS *without* a .lit2? If it reduces performance in a no .lit2 case for no reason, might be a minor issue.
without lit2, it means you can submit more surfaces in a single batch (without needing to resort to texture arrays).
with static lighting, I personally saw framerates increase. it really all depends on your optimisations.
if you're really paranoid you could use threads and pbos.
a vanilla qbsp will chop up surfaces to 240*240 texels max. this gives 15*15. with lightmap scaling, this potentially results in 241*241luxels, per (large) surface if your light.exe just forces all surfaces to 1:1 scales.
256*256 means each surface can potentially end up with its own unique lightmap texture.
simply put, you probably want higher anyway.

if you're going higher, you will break voodoo cards (which have a 256*256 limit). which means you might want to make the block width/height dynamic.
and if you do that, this means lit2's higher lmblock sizes potentially won't affect FPS without lit2s at all, depending on how you code it.

also, hmap2's -darkplaces argument already requires block_width to be 256 (note that its the qbsp that decides the subdivision size of surfaces, as well as the per-surface lightmap scaling. my initial patch for light.exe just overrode the 1:16 thing directly). engine support for this is basically required for lit2 to not get bogged down with tiny surfaces. software renderers might hate it, but gl renderers will see a speedup if the qbsp is willing to use it and knows how to do so without breaking lightmap scales.

Re: .lit2 format - request for feedback

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 12:20 am
by Baker
The qbsp without the .lit2 would be backwards compatible though, I'm assuming, so the maps would load in other engines. (Right?)

The lightmaps are loaded on level load obviously, so if I chose I could have the non-lit2 scenario use the old block size 128 should it be an issue. i.e. block_width = lit2 ? 256 : 128 ... do a malloc, etc.

Re: .lit2 format - request for feedback

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 12:47 am
by Spike
with the way that ericw implemented control over per-surface lightmap scales, it is the qbsp that deals with the func stuff and thus the qbsp that decides the per-surface scales. it is also the qbsp that subdivides the surfaces that the engine ultimately sees. this does NOT mean that the bsp is incompatible with other engines - in fact that only happens if you use a larger subdivide size, or bsp2. this implies that the surfaces will still be 240*240 texels max ((15+1)*(15+1) luxels)
if the lit2 has a higher lightmap density on a max-size surface, the result is a surface with more than 16 luxels on each axis - exactly like hmap2's -darkplaces thing in that the max is now 256*256.
the engine must thus be able to cope with 256*256 luxels surfaces, even if the qbsp will never require it, because the light util's higher lightmap res will require it.
if the qbsp understands both the -darkplaces argument and lightmap scales, it *should* take the lightmap scale value into consideration in order to prevent the light util from needing to generate surfaces with more than 256 luxels in any direction.
if the qbsp understands -darkplaces but not lightmap scales, the light util will need to be aware that it may need to use a lower lightmap res for large surfaces, in order to avoid going over the 256*256 limit.
the only reason I don't want to require engines to support 256*16*256*16 lightmaps (just in case) is because that is a lot of memory to have to poke in order to relight anything...

to clarify, bsps will still work in any engine that supports that bsp format (ie: bsp2 or bsp29), and has nothing to do with an engine's support for lit2. potentially even the vanilla bsps can be relit with 256 times the luxel count, without changing the bsp at all.

Re: .lit2 format - request for feedback

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 12:54 am
by ericw
Baker, re: performance impact of increasing the engine's BLOCK_WIDTH/BLOCK_HEIGHT to 256x256, as Spike said, I would expect a bit of a speedup with static lighting (less switching of lightmap textures, so larger batch sizes), and possibly a bit of a slowdown with dynamic lighting. I can test on some low-end hardware (have an intel 82815, radeon 9250) and see if there are any problems there.

MH, re: higher bit depth per sample, Spike and I discussed it a bit but didn't come to any conclusions.
10/10/10/2 might be nice. It does add a bit of extra complexity to the format.
One thing I worry about is, if it's an optional thing for engines to implement, it's yet another variable for mappers to test (does the map look good with vanilla, highres with vanilla dynamic range, highres with high dynamic range).

Re: .lit2 format - request for feedback

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 2:41 am
by ericw
Also, MH, the tyrutils light tool has some special clamping logic that prevents colors from blowing out to white (it scales down all 3 components so that the highest one doesn't exceed 255).
Not that that's a perfect solution, but it does work around the colours-blowing-out-to-white issue.

Re: .lit2 format - request for feedback

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 10:30 pm
by mh
OK, I understand (and was aware of) the complexity issue, but the extra variable for mappers to test didn't even occur to me. My bad. :oops:

Regarding performance, this is going to highlight even more the need for a fast upload path for dynamic lightmaps. It's a few years since I did comparative tests so I don't have up to date data on this, but back then the 3 main performance issues with lightmap uploading (roughly in order) were:
  1. Lots of small glTexSubImage calls causing tens, hundreds or thousands of pipeline stalls per-frame,
  2. Using format and type parameters for glTexSubImage that didn't match what the GPU preferred to be fed with, thereby causing the driver to have to do a format conversion, and,
  3. The amount of data needed to be converted from model->lightdata to blocklights, then to the lightmap data in main memory, finally fed to glTexSubImage.
I put format conversion ahead of amount of data because my old measurements showed up to 40x performance improvement with some hardware/drivers, whereas amount of data (all other things being equal) should scale linearly. The two are however related because if the driver has to do a format conversion then amount of data that it has to convert is also significant.

I've a couple of test engines (one Quake, D3D11, one Quake 2, D3D9) that handle dynamic lightmaps entirely on the GPU, trading off the cost of extra draw passes (and in the D3D11 case extra texture reads) versus the cost of re-upping textures. With the standard lightmap resolution it comes out as pretty much a wash, but I suspect that with higher resolution lightmaps it would sneak ahead and may well become the most optimal path. The downside is that the code I have absolutely requires shaders so there's no fallback for pre-shader hardware, but I'm dubious about the need to support that nowadays anyway. I guess you could do it with some 2x modulate, using styles as primary colour, and attenuation maps for dynamic lights, which would open it up to GL 1.4 hardware. Neither engine is in a state that I'd consider publicly releasable, but if any engine coders would like a look (VS 2013 Community projects, and I'd be more willing to share the Quake 2 code) PM me for a link.

Re: .lit2 format - request for feedback

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 11:25 pm
by mh
Some more general rambling.

I don't like this:

Code: Select all

   //uint      lmoffsets[numsurfs];   //completely overrides the bsp lightmap info
   //ushort   lmextents[numsurfs*2];   //only to avoid precision issues. width+height pairs, actual lightmap sizes on disk (so +1).
   //byte      lmstyles[numsurfs*4];   //completely overrides the bsp lightmap info
   //byte      lmshifts[numsurfs];      //default is 4 (1<<4=16), for 1/16th lightmap-to-texel ratio
And would prefer to see this:

Code: Select all

typedef struct litsurf_s
    uint offset;
    ushort extents[2];
    byte styles[4];
    byte shift;
} litsurf_t;

// litsurf_t surfdata[numsurfs];
The reason why is that you're going to want to load and read this data at the same time as you load surfaces (in Mod_LoadFaces) so this approach is going to be more amenable to doing so. It should also result in a faster map load.

Re: .lit2 format - request for feedback

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 1:57 am
by Spike
the reason for non-structed data was so that it would be easier to store parts of the info as bspx lumps. there's no reason you can't define some bspx extents lump to enforce that info, and it would be a shame to require repacking or extra conditions just because of that.
the other 3 sets of data may or may not be required when built into the bsp itself.

(for those that are unaware of it, bspx provides custom lumps, like 'RGBLIGHTING' to embed regular .lit files into the bsp (no header of course)).

to be honest, I'm not sure what we really want to promote, but .lit2 will be needed.

the other thing is that I wasn't sure if anyone wanted to add some flags to say that certain fields were omitted (so if nothing uses any non-0 style anyway, the styles part could be omitted entirely). I didn't suggest this myself in order to keep complexity down, but the option is there.
its also possible that a lit2 will have all shifts set to 4. this still provides deluxemaps, as well as making relighting flood random lightstyles without needing them to match the original bsp.
alternatively a flag to say the shifts should be floats instead of bitshifts or something. I dunno. floats suck, but it would allow even higher res lightmaps!... okay, bad idea, but hey.

the other thing is padding. Note that they're defined as ints, shorts, bytes, and thus need no padding (why do I get the feeling that someone is going to demand float scales instead of shifts, just because of this?).

(I really don't know what I want to do with bspx, but it would be a shame to ignore it completely - I dislike NEEDING external files, although I suppose it could just embed the entire lit2 data, optionally with all dsurface_t->lightoffset==-1 and invalid styles in a two-fingers to vanilla approach - the light data will typically be significantly larger anyway).
the other thing that might be nice is to include the info from .rtlight files somehow, instead of current methods.

but back on track, structs would be better for cpu cache than descrete arrays, yes, and might remove a few conditionals from the loader, even with the extra padding. However, I don't think it'll be that significant a saving compared to the potential size of the sample data.
it really all depends on whether anyone wants to make parts of it optional/selectable-precision or not.

See, this is why I like getting someone else to make the final decisions - its so much nicer being able to blame someone else for them all. :P

Re: .lit2 format - request for feedback

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 1:15 pm
by mh
@Spike: understood.

One other feature that I consider a must-have: a robust method of confirming that the .lit2 file really does belong to the .bsp it's loaded with.

With v1 .lits I typically compare the data size in the .lit with the data size in the original .bsp, and if it's an even 3x the size I accept the .lit file. False positives are still possible but highly unlikely.

I'm aware of QuakeSpasm's gamedir checking for .lits, but I think a real solution should be built-in to the format itself.

Now, the heuristic I like using will obviously break down for .lit2, although you could compare numsurfs instead and say things like "it's so unlikely for two different .bsps to have both the same name and the same number of surfs that I'm going to accept this .lit2 file with five-nines probability". But I'd like to go one step further; I'd like to see something obvious in the header, something that screams out to implementers: "Hey! Use me for checking!"

So I suggest including a "bspchecksum" in the header, which is a hash of the original BSP header.