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Frikfile saving/loading botwaypoints?

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 1:21 pm
by drm_wayne

im having trouble with frikfile and saving/loading my bot waypoints :oops:
Saving seems to work, but it seems not to load and spawn on the map..
Anybody can help me?

heres the frikfile code:

Code: Select all

void(vector here, float which) create_waypoint;

void() write_waypoints =
	local float file;
	string h;

	h = strcat(mappath, ".way");
	file = fopen (h, FILE_WRITE);
	local entity botwp;
	botwp = find(world, classname, "waypoint");
	while (botwp)
		dprint ("Saving waypoints\n");
		botwp = find(botwp, classname, "waypoint");
		if (botwp)

void() Load_Waypoints =
	float file, which;
	string h;
	local vector here;
	dprint("loading waypoints.. \n");

	h = strcat(mappath, ".way");
	file = fopen (h, FILE_READ);

	if (file == -1)
		dprint("Error: file not found \n");

	while (1)
		bprint("Loading waypoint\n");
		// the first line is just a comment, ignore it
		h = fgets(file);	
		if (h != "waypoint")
			bprint("Last waypoint\n");

		h = (fgets(file));
		here = stov(h);
		h = (fgets(file));
		which = stof(h);
		create_waypoint(here, which);
an if needed heres the waypoint spawn code:

Code: Select all

void(vector here, float which) create_waypoint =
local entity ent;

	ent = spawn();
	ent.solid = #SOLID_TRIGGER;
	ent.movetype = #MOVETYPE_NONE;
	setorigin(ent, here);
	ent.model = "progs/s_bubble.spr";
	ent.touch = way_touch;
	ent.flags = FL_ITEM;
	ent.classname = "waypoint";
	ent.waypoint = which;
	total_ways = total_ways + 1;

Re: Frikfile saving/loading botwaypoints?

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:41 pm
by frag.machine
The file I/O part seems OK. Have you tested create_waypoint() separately? Something like adding a impulse to spawn a hardcoded waypoint just to see if it works?

Re: Frikfile saving/loading botwaypoints?

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 4:44 pm
by drm_wayne
frag.machine wrote:The file I/O part seems OK. Have you tested create_waypoint() separately? Something like adding a impulse to spawn a hardcoded waypoint just to see if it works?
yes it works...
I waypointed 2 testmaps and then added 2 bots, they roam the map perfectly (if they dont find waypoints on the maps they use coffee_move).
I think i make some errors at loading them, but im not really good at frikfile stuff.

Re: Frikfile saving/loading botwaypoints?

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 12:21 pm
by Jukki
I found your problem as i said in skype, he had wrong syntaxes for the loading and saving