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Poetic Contraversy

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 8:56 pm
by KakesaR
The reason:

I normally start threads like this in religious forums (no, i'm not religious though) where more people reply and know what they're talking about, but I was interested about what people who know what "logic" is would say.

I don't expect many people will bother replying this, but I think you were trying to get more people onto your forums
(or maybe I just imagined that.. I'm not sure any more, I was just put on some weird medication because i'm excessively tired/lazy and it's messing with my mind). So anyway, I figured if I start this thread, maybe different kinds of people would be attracted here, whether through search engines or other means.. which could in turn lead to more people being curious about QC, old as it is (and I know I did read an article about people not wanting QC to die out..)

Anyway, shut this down if you think it's inappropriate for this site, and I won't complain a bit.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 9:14 pm
by KakesaR
The general idea:

Poetry is a good (although slightly more difficult for most) way of expressing opinions and things of the like, and so I intend to try and have some people "debating" with it.

You can post comments on other poetry (providing that it was included in the debate ie. written by a member) in here, but if you're placing an argument it must be in poetic form.. whether it's something simple like Haiku or Acrostic poetry, or you're into more indepth stuff (not that those two kinds can't be indepth, it's just that generally people use those when they're writing simple little things).

You must post your own original work.. there's not much point in posting someone else's poetry, because that's their view, not yours. Use your own words.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 9:24 pm
by KakesaR
Structure of Comments:

(So that it's more easily identifiable amidst all of the poetry.. sorry if it seems like i'm spitting out heaps of rules and stuff, but .. well, I have no just explanation for that, just bare with me :P
You don't have to stick to all of this crap, i'm thinking it's just a guideline, and writing it partly because i'm bored (and I guess you are too, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this..))

Should all be something like this:

Comment on "(name of poem here)" by (author of poem):


-(Your own name)

For example:

Comment on "Super Awesome Mystical Ice-Cream Truck Man Of Doom and Political Significance" by Irritable Man Of Somewhat Greater Skill In Literacy As Compared With The Writer Of The Following Comment:

ur poem was all n lyk good n i lykd it n stuff cuz it made me feel hole agen u no, lyk now i feel lyk goin n gettin a job n lyk makin more icecream and stuff
n I lyk, reely feal for u man cuz i waz in da same situation n stuff not that long ago, wen lyk my mum made me stop eatin icecream cuz itz lyk bad for us? u no nyway cuz like ur the 1 who writ the poem!
nyway thx n i hope 2 c more of ur poetry on hear lyk later

-Mr. Slimey Nostalgic Popcorn Man of Illiterate Proportions


Wow, that was a load of crap and a half. I wonder where that came from..

It must be the medication..

No wonder we don't trust doctors..

*Drools on keyboard whilst eye is twitching*

And I think I just used up every slightly large word I know, too. Hmm..

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:31 pm
by Tei
Comment on "(name of poem here)" by (Pavesse):

(I like it)


Vendrá la muerte y tendrá tus ojos
esta muerte que nos acompaña
de la mañana a la noche, insomne,
sorda, como un viejo remordimiento
o un vicio absurdo. Tus ojos
serán una vana palabra,
un grito callado, un silencio.
Así los ves cada mañana
cuando sobre ti sola te inclinas
en el espejo. Oh esperanza querida,
ese día sabremos también nosotros
que eres la vida y eres la nada.

Para todos tiene la muerte una mirada.
Vendrá la muerte y tendrá tus ojos.
Será como dejar un vicio,
como ver en el espejo
resurgir un rostro muerto,
como escuchar unos labios cerrados.
Descenderemos al abismo mudos.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:47 pm
by KakesaR
Comment on "Tei's Comment" by Tei:

Wow, that's a sure nice comment.
But erm, what was the name of the poem?
And (for those of us who don't speak Spanish) can you provide a 'rough' translation?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:55 pm
by KakesaR

Alright, now the topic. Religion. This is variable though, i'll change the topic every week or two so people have something new to write about..

I'll post the first poem to start it off, I guess (and I hope that at least some people here have different views on things to what I do).

(Oh, and just something 'slightly' interesting.. if you read my first two or three posts in here and then my posts in the other topic I started called "What's going on inside my head right now-" you can see how I slowly begin to morph into a rambling idiot as the medication takes affect. :P)

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 11:04 pm
by KakesaR

Conscience eradicated,
Eyes closed tight,
Ears never hearing
The cries in the night.

Being fulfilled,
Lift to the light,
Burn those who don't believe
What the book says is right.

Foul breath on paper,
Daemon of word,
Follow what you don't see,
Meaning absurd.
Is it my fault that the light hurts my eyes?
I'll stay in the dark, where I know i'll survive.
I'll stay in the dark, for in darkness.. I strive.

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 4:14 am
by machi
maybe my first attemp to such a thing

not every word has a meaning
nor every sin has a sinner
blur, fog and shadows rule
in this fantasy we call world.

hope its good enough

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 9:55 am
by KakesaR
In Biblical Sense, We Mistrust

You're right, the words are misleading.
You're right, they may have no meaning..
But inside the whole, there's some truth, and it's told:
That you'll find it, if you bother reading.

However, you see there's a catch.
The stories confuse and dispatch
The logic we know, our minds cease to show..
And our once different thoughts intermatch.

The trick to survival is Nutri Grain, because..
It's brain food, and it makes you smart.
So, eat Nutri Grain, and you will be..
Able to resist the Bible!

Proudly sponsored by Nutri-Grain -

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 3:54 am
by Sajt
Somewhere on the third
corner of the world
An honourable man was not knighted
but Earled
Old Earl Chester, how his story unfurled
In his day he did travel the world

Seeking out wisdom, seeking out truth
And many battles claimed many a tooth
from the honourable mouth
from which Chester, forsooth,
uttered many cries in his youth
Before he had even one tooth

And Earl Chester did have a dog
marching through the fog
Furwad, fed on many fish
Wrote the story's prologue
Full with beer and grog
And high on a little too much eggnog
Furwad's eyes were fog.

Finally good Earl Chester was outmatched
Though naught more than scratched
Out of his home he was snatched
And sent to the vinegar mines
The Earl's pants were patched
And a bowl of vinegar he dispatched
To the foreman's eyes it attached

And killed him sure. Poor Earl was sad
And what was left of him was a nomad
Who found a raggy home in Baghdad
But his story did not go untold
Though he was poorly clad
And with many a bruise on one gonad
A good future was not yet to him forbade!

And after going too long unfed
With too heavy a heart and too heavy a head
With no luck to everyone he pled
When suddenly out of the darkness
A fleeting shadow he saw that sped
Towards him, it was Furwad back from the dead!
And from that day he lifted high his head!

He was hauled out of that cesspool
Looking nearly as gaunt as a ghoul
With much food he did refuel
With aid from the King's men!
They took him on a flying toadstool
To see King Finn Mac Cool
Who Chester soon saw was no Tom-fool

And after a good shaving
And a double-dose of bathing
And much cheerful waving
To the humongous crowd
Chester came before the great King
Who, in the process of Earling
A grand future was paving!

And from that day on
Many children the Earl did spawn
He became a great icon
And retired in the Carribean
Where he spent his last days drawn
To the movement of the waves at dawn
Till the day he was.... graced
by having his face
on the new 7 dollar bill!

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 2:24 am
by Entar
How about this one?


There once was a man in a fight
He then ran away in the night
He sat on a log,
And ate a hot dog,
But found it was dynamite



Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 3:47 pm
by Harb
I saw you standing there
words beyond compare
feels like I was never there

it was just the other day
could be many years away
feels like I was never there

I wrote a simple song
endless days are gone
feels like it's been far too long

it was just the other day
or so my dreams hope to say
I knew that day would never stay

so proud
so formless and empty

I remember all my days
mistakes lost in the haze
on his knees the sinner prays

forgive me for my lies
the inner child cries
won't you help me dry my eyes

life handles to extremes
crushed and broken dreams
my lies are truths or so it seems

pushed against the wall
the coward standing tall
hineni I go and hineni I fall

so proud
so formless and empty

a russet coloured set
tainted with regret
a shared beauty stand I'll never forget

love has fled and gone
how could I be so wrong
beneath my feet a broken song

* 'hineni' is a phonetic rendering of the hebrew word for 'here i am'