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Broken Links related to atomic gamer?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 11:38 pm
by WickedShell
I noticed a number of links like the staff page from the main site redirect to atomic gamer, as well the download link system being broken. That's at which takes you to an atomic gamer 404 page. The download example I found was when I need another clean copy of QuakeC 106 (you'd a thought by now I'd back that up before reinstalling but noooo) for reference you can view the bad link for the download from; click the link for QuakeC 106 and you get the following code back from telefragged;

Code: Select all

$query = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
which if you do what the php code is trying to do by hand, takes you eventually to an attomic gamer page about people buying things, and all the files can then be found by browsing the hierarchy, but the normal link system is broken.

Feel free to delete or move this or whatever, I tried to email to but apparently that doesn't work/is not setup, I didn't know where else to stick this.

Re: Broken Links related to atomic gamer?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 1:47 am
by FrikaC
The links you provided are all from the old version of the site. There shouldn't be any links to any of these pages internally - so you've probably clicked onto the site from an external source. If you go to the proper homepage of the site, that is,, you will find the correct, current, Getting Started page along with all the QC tutorials in our php based system. The old site (which is still up on the server for some reason) is likely to have a lot of missing or outdated information.

Re: Broken Links related to atomic gamer?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 2:15 am
by WickedShell
... Ya know I thought it looked ould but I didn't really think to hard... I guess that's what I get for following google in. (Since that's how I got there). Sorry, that was my bad.