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Animating lightstyle notes

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:25 pm
by mh
'm' is normal light but R_AnimateLight uses (map - 'a') * 22. This causes 'm' to translate to 264, not 256; yet 256 is assumed as normal fullbright everywhere else. This has always bothered me (even though it's likely not even noticeable) - just pick one and be consistent about it.

What is there to prevent a mod author from using chars outside of the 'a'..'z' range for lightstyle animations? Nothing so far as I can see; these are legal. If QCC accepts chars > 127 as lightstyles then these are also legal. Yet map is a signed char so these translate to negative lights; R_BuildLightmap needs to be able to catch these (or should it instead be compatible with ID Quake even though ID Quake's behaviour is clearly a bug?)

I wonder have any examples of this ever been unleashed in the wild?

QCC behaviour here needs to be consistent with engine behaviour for saving/loading lightstyles. If they conflict which one should be considered "correct"? I'd personally vote "engine" because engine source came last; before the engine source was released QCC had no choice but to conform to what the engine did. This standard should be maintained.

(Curious aside - have I just found a use for the "signed char" data type? To make it explicit in code that yeah, signed behaviour is what you want here, this is not a bug, don't go trying to 'fix' it.)

Food for thought.