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Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 9:27 pm
by lth
The horror!


(Beta 1 - all feedback welcome. You need darkplaces to play.)

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 9:54 pm
by ceriux
ooo what is that?! im checking it out =)


love zombies! love this mod! wants servers up! moar buhg fixez!!! <3

maybe storylined maps ? =)

edit sorry lol...

hud jumps around
funny bullets on the big machine gun =P
if you get too close and fire the bullets miss the zombies even when aiming directly at them (only tested with starting pistol)
water and food does not drop enough!
sometimes zombies spawn in walls.

Linked maps with final boss at end?
different player skins
full bright the item drops using dpextensions
make a map using "fog" =) it would look sexy with this type of mod.
crosshair for pointer
err more, but i need to play more hehe .

thought this was sexy =)


Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:04 am
by Downsider
Looks -epic-.

Add in first person support for kicks?

But also; how do I switch weapons? Oo I pick them up but, I dunno.

The chainsaw worked for me (No clue how I switched to it, though xD), I just had to press reload, which I guess is like pulling the ignition or whatever those people do when they pull the string.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:51 am
by ceriux
oh maybe i couldnt tell weather or not it was running , cause i have no sound xO

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:53 am
by Downsider
Me and Ceriux just played some online; it's awesome.

Few things, though. Online, you have to share the water and food, and you run out way too fast. Give us a little indicator to show what the other player's health, hunger, and water is so we can share efficiently and it would be great if you could scale the amount of drops based on the player count too.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 3:59 am
by ceriux
lol it was a bitch getting this score... and i died cause no water dropped.


Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 2:05 pm
by Spirit
Wow, very impressive work! :shock:

Critic time (imagine 10 times that amount of the text below, praising you and this mod, please!):

I find the "you always have to reload manually" mechanism annoying. Would like "reloads automatically if you try shooting with an empty magazine but you can always reload manually" much better.

The mouse is way to inaccurate for me. Might be a Linux issue? I have no idea. It hops around the screen in what feels like 5px jumps. Might be too high sensitivity, I'll try.

The monsters tend to walk in lines.

The chainsaw did not work for me.

Does the exact mouse position actually matter or does it just decide the angle? If the ladder I would suggest making the aiming work more like in "now i forgot the name of that game, duh. That one with the electro cannon." where you can get a laser sight later to pinpoint distant shots. Basically the cursor would stay on the same radius around the player.

This might be a personal pet peeve but I like it more if a) the monsters stand out more from the background somehow and b) if dead monsters are less visible instantly.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 8:22 pm
by ceriux
spirit i think the mouse problem is that of your own, it seemed to work fine for me. also the monsters are zombies, if you watch some kind of zombie movie they generally group together and walk in a line twards you they have no thought of avoiding bullets. (a good way for easy reload is to bind mouse 2 to reload rather than r or something. =)



Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 3:04 pm
by Supa

And here I thought that after swearing off Crimsonland I'd finally get to be productive again, now I'm never going to get anything done. :)

The readme mentioned a prebound config, but I didn't find any bindings in horror.cfg.

I really like the food and thirst management, and I prefer the manual reload over an automatic reload. The combination of the two mechanics really helps to create a sense of desperation, without which the game would degenerate to sitting in one place and unloading on the closest zed, only stopping to change positions every so often.

I do agree though that health/food/water pickups need to be more visible. Just giving them the same pulse effect as the weapon pickups would work perfectly. A lot of games ended because I ended up trapped in a horde and I couldn't plan a route in time - when you're in that situation you just can't focus on anything but your immediate surroundings.

I did catch a few zeds getting stuck on world geometry after spawning though; ... 000001.jpg ... 000002.jpg
Spirit wrote:The mouse is way to inaccurate for me. Might be a Linux issue? I have no idea. It hops around the screen in what feels like 5px jumps. Might be too high sensitivity, I'll try.
cl_prydoncursor is *very* coarse at higher sensitivities. I had to lower mine to about one fifth of what I normally use.
Spirit wrote:The chainsaw did not work for me.
Hit reload first. :)
Spirit wrote:This might be a personal pet peeve but I like it more if a) the monsters stand out more from the background somehow and b) if dead monsters are less visible instantly.
I would like to see immediate alpha fadeout on death or maybe Crimsonland style gibbing for the weaker zeds, sure.

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 3:53 pm
by scar3crow
Actually, I was never able to get the weapon switching to work. I even poked Ceriux in #qc, nothing worked... I could reload... But not switch weapons. Consequently, I never got far at all.

Supa; I actually tried the reloading on the chainsaw, it didn't make it do anything... Reload itself did work though I used it a fair bit with the pistol, and with a shotgun.

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 4:13 pm
by lth
You should be able to cycle weapon using impulse 10.

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 5:18 pm
by scar3crow
[17:33] <Ceriux> go into options and set next weapon to q
[17:42] <Spoike1> yeah, impulse 11 to change weapon

Thanks a lot guys, *hands on hips*
Though I did try the existing ingame binding of next weapon to no avail. I'll give impulse 10 a go when I get home tonight. Thanks.

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 6:18 pm
by Spike
You did actually pick up another weapon, right?

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 6:59 pm
by ceriux
has anyone else been able to use grenades yet =D? i did they seemed fun, didnt get to test them very long though...

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:15 pm
by scar3crow
Yes, I played numerous times last night, using your bind of impulse 11, along with the next weapon bind (which was set to / by default), and picked up a pump action shotgun, and a double barreled shotgun, and a chainsaw in different instances.