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Empty texture in E1m2

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 4:41 am
by Cobalt
Maybe someone can tell me whats causing this checkerbox to appear on the pad near the player start on e1m2? I thought it was a corrupted file, but its been replaced...and then I thought maybe its an entity issue, but which entity would serve that function? Any input appreciated.

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 5:23 am
by ceriux
maybe the textures directory/name is too long?

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 6:26 am
by Chip
You might look for the same texture in other places to see if appears. If not, it might be indeed an entity issue. Look for another pad, either in the same map or another one.

Also, check the console, and see if there is any message about missing textures.

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 1:52 pm
by Spirit
Step 1: Try if this happens if you do not load a mod.

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 6:39 pm
by Spike
e1m2 has a texture or two that got optimised out.
But not *that* texture.

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 7:47 pm
by goldenboy
It's the missing +1slipbot(?) texture that is no problem in id1, but the mod (what is that, an early CTF?), or the engine, apparently wants to display it.

GPL map compiled yourself with quake.wad as the texture set? Even if not, I guess that is the problem. Somehow. Missing texture frame.

Maybe Romero or someone like that has it in some old texture wad.

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:45 pm
by Cobalt
Sounds about right. I opened the map again in Quark, and checked for holes, and right on that spot is a hole, and basic checks says theres a polyhedron problem, but I do not know what to delete.


goldenboy wrote:It's the missing +1slipbot(?) texture that is no problem in id1, but the mod (what is that, an early CTF?), or the engine, apparently wants to display it.

GPL map compiled yourself with quake.wad as the texture set? Even if not, I guess that is the problem. Somehow. Missing texture frame.

Maybe Romero or someone like that has it in some old texture wad.

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:09 am
by Cobalt
Ok, I used the texture editor in Quark, and found 2 slipbot textures. I dont know what I am doing, or if the map can be repaired without recompiling...and I dont have a complier, unless Quark has it built in? Heres the file in case theres someone able to fix it, thanks !


Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:15 pm
by goldenboy
Ok, I used the texture editor in Quark, and found 2 slipbot textures.
Very good.

In the map editor, apply them to the brush that forms the slipgate pod. The one that goes on the top is +0slipbot, the other is slipbot_side or something like that. You might need to align the textures so everything looks right.

Then save the map file.

Now that error means you have some entities (doors etc) without a brush attached - like a door entity with the actual door brush removed. Broken entities. However, that shouldn't stop the map from compiling.

Recompile the .map file to get a playable BSP.

Map compiler here:

You download and and unpack them into your map editor's directory.

Then you run these commands (substitute with the actual name of your e1m2 .map file):

vis.exe e1m2.bsp
light.exe e1m2.bsp

That should give you a compiled, VISed and lighted BSP file with fixed textures.

Alternatively, upload the .map file (the .bsp is worthless) and I or someone else might fix it. It's always better to learn it yourself, though.

Upload Quake stuff to rather than some free hosting sites. The pw is ilovetheshubhub.

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 4:35 am
by Cobalt
I downloaded those tools, but I dont have file , just the bsp.

I also dont have vis, light or any other of the tools you can use with Quark. I couldnt see how to work with the texture when loaded in bsp. I think you mean I need to have file to redraw the brshes and such, and you are saying the map file cannot be extracted from the bsp?

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:48 am
by Spirit
Where did you get that .bsp file from?
Is it the original e1m2.bsp?
Have you tried if the texture is missing when you load the game without a mod?
Is there something about a missing texture logged to the console?

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 4:02 pm
by Cobalt
Its the stock ID map I had off my Quake CD. The mod I am using had seperate .ent file and Qbsp for recreating the map with CTF entities in it.

I just ran the map in Single player from the standard ID folder, and can still see the problem. Its only when a GL Quake engine is used, Winquake, it looks fine. So its not related to the CTF mod at all, seems to be exclusive to some GL clients.

Darkplaces, yes
fitsquake, no
Qrack, no

rapq, no
glq10, no

Some of the other clients like xquake, mickglquake and tomazquake show the problem, but the entire map is in black and white. Im guessing thats some kind of hardware incompatability with the new Video cards with the new system I am using.

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 11:16 pm
by goldenboy
No idea why it only happens in some engines.

It probably does have to do with the mod, since you used qbsp and an .ent file to modify the map. I guess the problem does not happen with stock e1m2?

You could try applying the ent file to a fresh copy of stock e1m2 again, with the qbsp program I linked instead of the one that comes with the mod. Maybe the .ent file is broken, too.

Can you link the mod you use, or upload the .ent file?

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 3:31 am
by Cobalt
The test I did with several engines was in single player mode, with reference to no mods. So it does not appear mod related to the Qbsp'ing of the map Im using for the mods. The screenshot in Quark I posted showing the hole and other errors is the same for any e1m2 map I have, even the alt_e1m2 that came with the mod, which I checked when I posted the screenshot. Theres definately a hole in all the e1m2 maps I have, and I suspect this is also called a 'leak' and is not good. I also found a zipped up file of Quake on Torrent, with e1m2 in it, and that one is hosed too. So its a problem with the map, or there is a newer version then the ones I am finding. Does anyone elses map show the hole? If not, all I probably need is that map, and I can re-qbsp it....then check if the ent files create the hole. But I am thinking its a bug in the older maps no one has found yet.

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 8:22 pm
by Cobalt

I got another stock E1M2 map from the shareware version of Quake. I placed that in the ID1 folder, and ran single player with Darkplaces - typed: map E1m2 , and the problem is gone with this new map. I went and opened up my CTF copy of the map with all the current entities, copied them to the clip board, and pasted them in place of the new map, which I think is the same as doing the QBSP operation? Well, the problem is back once it has these entities, so I guess it is an entity issue after all...or is it maybe a bug in Quark because of the hole? The hole and other problems still show up in the shareware version of the map. I am gonna try using QBSP and see what happens using a .ent file.....but I suspect the real problem are the holes and the errors.