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Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:02 am
by mh
sevenx wrote:I understand,now. And what normal engine for programming on C or C++ ? Can is it be GLQuake or FitzQuake ? Advise ,please.
I'd recommend FitzQuake over GLQuake any day. FitzQuake is reasonably simple to work with, cleanly packaged, and fixes quite a lot of the things that are wrong with GLQuake (there are a few things left, but fixing them gets more and more complex). If you pick GLQuake you would more or less have to do a total rewrite of the rendering code before it would be usable. Not fun.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:42 am
by revelator
as mh points out the original source is pretty much unworkable on current operating systems (to much changed in drivers etc.)

i wouldnt recommend starting from the original source, but if you wish something closely to an unmodified version i believe tomaz cleansrc is still around ?. even with that a few things might be neesesary to fix still but atleast its not a monumental task like starting all over.

fitz is also a good starting engine but it does have local modifications not in the original source like external texture support and other things.

if you need any help on using codeblocks ill be happy to assist but it might take a few days as i dont have access to my main PC atm. (upgrading it atm). so im writing from my old spare PC which unfortunatly doesnt have my compiler installed.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 5:55 pm
by sevenx
mh, thank, i will be know it.

And reckless , I finally compiled darkplace codeblocks workspace with your "codeblocks mingw" , thank you very much !!!

And i have few questions to you.
What are codeblocks mean ?
And why use them, if i have original darkplace .
Or codeblocks is a modification of code ? I don't understand it...

And the second question. After compilation , i run it (compiled darkplaces codeblocks) and all is good, but i have one error . Watch a photo,please.


Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 1:52 am
by revelator
congrats :)

hum let me see if i can explain codeblocks.

CodeBlocks is an IDE, in leymans terms its an editor like microsofts msvc with the capability to use certain compilers to build your source code.

CodeBlocks itself cannot compile anything but its able to call say mingw for that part (basically doing the same as when you write mingw32-make release DP_MAKE_TARGET=mingw) on the commandline.

as for the peculiar error darkplaces shows there. did you put the darkplaces executables in the quake dir ?.

its telling you it cannot find the game data.

the darkplaces executables need to be copied to C:\quake then it should work :)

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 10:10 am
by sevenx
Okey. Thank you,reckless. And i want to ask.

Is this tutorial good for engine programming ? Or if you know better tutorials for engine programming, can you send links me?

I have some links from mh , but maybe you know else .

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:32 pm
by Baker
This thread kind of reminds me of a guy who left his boat untied at a dock and the guy doesn't speak your language and you tell him his boat is drifting away and he doesn't understand what you are saying so he says "thank you" and keeps walking.

And you want to help, but the boat is now almost on the horizon. :(

I suppose I'll keep reading the thread, knowing that any attempts to help will probably only make the problem worse. :?

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:46 pm
by revelator
the ones you linked are from our old site and while some might still bear some significance a lot of improvements have been done through time its still good for references though.

as for other sites well look in the tutorial section here :) we dont have a lot of ready made examples for users to dip right into but atleast you have the programmers right at your hand if something is unclear ;).

its also the best way if someones serious about learning :)

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:54 pm
by revelator
hehe baker :) well i can only imagine what a total pain in the butt i been myself when i first started visiting quakesrc some 10 years back
my boat must be in alaska by now :P

but i think i would repay the coders who helped here badly if i couldnt put up with lack of knowledge :)

hey even now i sometimes run into something my quake fu cant solve :P

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:55 pm
by sevenx
Baker, I want to know everything, so I'm asking about all, even twice.

Reckless, okey, i understand. Thank.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 1:24 pm
by Baker
If you want to do engine coding, having a couple of goals is important.

If you plan on making a game, you might consider focusing on mapping as a start followed by QuakeC and modeling.

It isn't that engine modification isn't important, it is that engine modification is generally to support a game or improve the toolset (when it isn't to fix system issues or make general incremental improvements) or at least the idea of one.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 1:42 pm
by sevenx
Okey, i understand.