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Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:51 am
by mh
sevenx wrote:Okey, i have question to you.
Do you work with DarkPlaces engine ? I asked ,because i have error in compile process, i try to compile with MVC 2006 , MVC 2008 , MVC 2010 and i have errors with all these. Then, i try to compile with MinGW , but i can't find how compile .dsw format with MinGW .
Can help me ?
No work with DarkPlaces; I just do the RMQ engine and DirectQ.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:09 am
by sevenx
Okey, thank you for help.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:20 am
by revelator
as far as i remember darkplaces got a makefile specially made for mingw.

if you do mingw32-make -f makefile.mingw it should print out some help for options (mingw\bin needs to be on PATH).

as for the msvc errors post them here and ill have a look at whats wrong.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:32 am
by Spirit
Your garbage rendering is ATI's fault. nvidia has much better OpenGL drivers. You can work around this by launching the executable with "-bpp 32" as command line parameter.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 11:11 am
by sevenx
reckless, i set mingw\bin on PATH and then i try to compile darkplaces.dsw with mingw .

I do next

mingw32-make -f darkplaces.dsw

Then,i see next error

darkplaces.dsw:1 *** missing separator. Stop.

Do you know this error ?

Spirit, do you answer me about graphic ?

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 10:55 pm
by revelator
dont use the dsw as a makefile dsw is a msvc project file mingws make has no idea how to compile that :)

i had a look at the darkplaces source and all you need to do is mingw32-make release DP_MAKE_TARGET=mingw.

a good starting point is getting familiar with the different project formats as it seems you lack a bit of understanding in that regard (no offense) we all been there, so ill list a few below.

dsw files are microsoft compiler project files for msvc 6 and older.
dsp pure form of the above (without local modifications) the dsw will get created automatically if you start msvc with a dsp.

sln files msvc2003 and newer. else same as above.
vcproj pure form as above the sln file gets created if you start msvc with a vcproj file.

dsp files can be used as makefiles but only with the microsoft compiler mingw doesnt understand the msvc syntax.

vcproj same as above (note i newer tried using a vcproj as a makefile but i seen it done).

and lastly makefile. these can be for several different compilers and can as such be quite annoying to figure out what compiler there for unless you got a deeper understanding of how they work. mostly the author writes comments in the makefile to point the user to what compiler is needed in a README file.

rule of thumb if the makefile has no extention like (notice the .mk) then its a gcc "makefile" (no .mk) and will most probably work with mingw BUT gcc is a unix tool so make sure the thing you try to compile is actually for windows.

find some good books about programming and settle for the compiler you want to use (newer a good idea to try and get smart with several compilers you will only end up more confused).

personally i use mingw with the codeblocks ide which does what i need but can be a bit hard to learn if you are just starting.

msvc on the other hand costs money but is pretty easy to learn, and most here have used it so they know the ins and outs.

hope this helped a bit.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 11:14 am
by sevenx
you answer :"dsp files can be used as makefiles but only with the microsoft compiler mingw doesnt understand the msvc syntax. "

But, i try compile with dsp files and i have compile errors ....

You said,also, that :"all you need to do is mingw32-make release DP_MAKE_TARGET=mingw. "

in this line "DP_MAKE_TARGER" is what it file ? Dsp file?

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 11:44 am
by Spike
a dsp file is for msvc6's ide (as is the dsw file).
darkplaces doesn't build with msvc6 any more, that file might as well be deleted. ignore it. its utterly useless.

if you have a later version of msvc, you can open up the sln file instead (I think it may require msvc2005 in which case later versions will pretend to convert it while msvc2003 will refuse to open it).

if you're compiling with mingw then using project files made for msvc and only msvc is pure folly.

In the previously given line, 'DP_MAKE_TARGET' is set to tell the makefile what its meant to be building for - ie: not cygwin or linux. Its an argument to the Makefile. It is not itself a file.

Forget the ****ing dsp file.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 12:05 pm
by sevenx
If you have a project file.
You do :"mingw32-make release DP_MAKE_TARGET=mingw. "
And it should be good compiled ? Where in this line i can write project file?
Thank for good answers, but i don't understand something...

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 2:42 pm
by Baker
You might consider this.

FitzQuake 0.85 project files ready to go with MS Visual C++ Express ...

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 2:49 pm
by sevenx
Baker, i want to compile darkplace with MinGW, not FitzQuake ...

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 3:59 pm
by Baker
sevenx wrote:Baker, i want to compile darkplace with MinGW, not FitzQuake ...
I understand that but in the beginning of the thread you just wanted to compile GLQuake and I'm offering a solution to that problem.

On the topic of DarkPlaces, why do you want to compile DarkPlaces?

DarkPlaces exposes virtually ALL modding features via QuakeC, client-side QuakeC [CSQC] and other methods. It is designed to NOT need engine modification to give modders all the features they need without engine coding (examples: Nexuiz, Xonotic, Steel Storm, etc.)

I'm just providing infos since you've had Quake for only about 24 hours and are new to Quake modding.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 4:26 pm
by sevenx
I understand,now. And what normal engine for programming on C or C++ ? Can is it be GLQuake or FitzQuake ? Advise ,please.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:42 am
by revelator
If you have a project file (no no ! forget about project files).
You do :"mingw32-make release DP_MAKE_TARGET=mingw. "
with mingw you just do mingw32-make release DP_MAKE_TARGET=mingw <- the compiler you wish to use.

mingw is a pure compiler it cannot use msvc files for anything.

im going to make a package of latest darkplaces with codeblocks workspace and upload it.

to use it get this ... -setup.exe

remember to remove your old mingw before installing the above !!!

when installed open the darkplaces.workspace in my new package.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:49 am
by revelator
ok heres darkplaces with the codeblocks workspace. ... z&can=2&q=