Introduction Thread

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Post by RaysDemon »

Hello folks,

Name's Jace, 25, and I've been toying with Quake since not long after the game was released. I've never made anything worth releasing to the public, and more often than not my real life obligations end up killing any potential projects before long, but I always seem to find myself tinkering again eventually.

I generally avoid gaming communities and forums in general, as the common theme is negative and self-serving - newbies and casuals are to be shunned. I've been lurking around this forum for a while now and it's been a breath of fresh air. It's great to see a group of people able, even eager, to help those with less knowledge than themselves without demotivating them in the process.

I recently decided to undertake a rather ambitious project, and this forum has been an endless source of aid along the way. I'm a fan of LordHavoc's Darkplaces engine, and I found tutorials or examples of many of its less documented features here.

My modding skills are limited; most of my programming relies on perseverance, cut and paste, heavy reliance on builtin functions, and a lot of if statements. I'm eager to make this work, though, so don't be surprised if I end up asking a lot of questions that may seem silly.

So that's me. I'm looking forward to getting to know people and hopefully helping a few of them too.
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Post by scar3crow »

Welcome Jace! I must say, this is one of the better introduction posts I've seen.

I'm not much of a coder myself, so though I can rarely assist in actual coding, I'm always willing to lend moral support, and to help flesh out designs. Looking forward to seeing you around!
...and all around me was the chaos of battle and the reek of running blood.... and for the first time in my life I knew true happiness.
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Post by Syncing »

Hello guy,

I think I tell a bit about me.

In the Internet I call myself Sync, I#M 16 years ol' and I live in Germany (thats why I speak no good English :P )

I got medium skills in modeling (3ds Max) and in GFX (Photoshop)

I make 3ds Models now more than 3 years and I began to making grafics with 12.

At now, my Friend and me working on a little PSP Homebrew, a BF2-Clone, based on the Quake Engine.

I'm unskilled in coding, so we need help.

My hobbies are modding my PSP, 3D modeling, 2D designing and hit my head 'cause of errors -.-

greetings, Sync
We are searching a QuakeC-Coder for a little PSP Homebrew
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Post by efess »

Hi, my name is Joe - i'm 28 from Connecticut. I've been playing netquake since 1998.

I still play quake to this day, you can see me on the CA servers - especially

I've been participating on the boards since 06, and never really contributed to the community until recently.

With the advent of googlewave, I thought of the idea of providing a quake server browser app that you could embed in a wave. An app like this would require a feed somewhere to get the data from. I figured at that point I would make my own query app, 'cause I thought it would be cool communicating directly with Quake Servers through UDP.

The googlewave app kinda fell through the cracks, since Google refused to provide me with a sandbox, and I found that noone really uses google wave yet - its really slow. So, instead I focused on providing server information for Quake clients which is along the same lines.

So started my involvement in the Development Community, and as Baker has posted in another thread, i've released the core as Open source (albeit being .net, which might make the C developers here cringe)

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Post by Arkage »

I registered here a while back but I have been lurking in the shadows until now (reading tutorials).

Its nice to have so much documentation here as I am learning to program its been a great help so far.
I dont know what else to say other than to show some things that I managed code. ... s/#1068294
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Re: Introduction Thread

Post by dreadlorde »

I'm known on the internet as either dreadlorde, dread, or jt_.

I'm currently hacking up my own Quake software-rendered engine for *nix to help myself learn C alongside with reading K&R. I use unices exclusively, and currently I use Gentoo linux along side with Plan 9 from Bell Labs. I'm a radical for the unix philosophy, the suckless philosophy, and worse is better. But none the less, all software sucks. So does copyright, patents and so called 'intellectual property'. I also believe that Open source is the only practical way to develop software.

I'm a college freshman. I'm attending a community college and plan on transferring once I have my transfer credits.

I love cyberpunk novels, Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson being my favourite, steampunk, obviously H.P. Lovecraft's work.

I post here, and I'm usually idle in'm known on the internet as either dreadlorde, dread, or jt_.
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Post by revelator »

joined about 10 years ago on the original qsg while skimming the net for howto setup a quake server mistakenly ending up on a coder site the people there started throwing ideas at me how to do all kinds of spiffy stuff with the engine (newer got to the part about setting up a quake server though :lol: ) but it was quite fun
and in time i had a fair share of my own projects.

first forum name was btw daemon in case someone wonder not having seen reckless back then :)

i live in denmark im 41 years old currently unemployed cause my mom got sick so looking after her.

im a graduate radio technician but later years i worked with making windmills (quite a jump from small electronic components) 8)
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Post by Chip »

Hi, I'm Chip and I'm a Quake-a-holic [applause in the background].

I'm 30 and try to learn QC, and lately C++, but to no avail. So, I dedicate my little spare time to build up a huge wiki for Quake.

I worked in television for 6 years, now I have my own web development and hosting company. Trying to get through the crisis.

I met a lot of wonderful people on Inside3D, and I really feel I should make a contribution to this small world of Quake.

I once won a Quake contest on Aerowalk map. I got a mouse-pad. It was like 10 years ago.
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Post by Mengmoshu »

Vitals: I'm 25, Male, live in the US, and consider myself a low-grade beer snob. (Not an Arrogant Bastard, but I do prefer darker brews). Worst of all, I'm stuck with a Dial-Up connection at home.

I came to Inside3D years ago with the over-ambitious idea of building an MMO like mod, and absolutely no coding knowledge. I discussed it a bit around here and decided to set the idea aside. I didn't leave though. I spent a year or two at least lurking and playing the mods as people finished them. I have to say, knowing the makers made the mods a lot more fun.

I stopped visiting the forums regularly at the same time the first QExpo was gearing up. I don't remember why, probably just the changes going on in my life since that was right around the end of high-school for me.

I used to talk in Green.

These days I'm making due with the economy and trying to teach myself code (Python and C/C++). I came back here because I'm thinking about mapping an old NES game in quake, Snake Rattle and Roll. Though I'm finding the world of mapping tools to be surprisingly intimidating. I've used the version of Worldcraft that came with Half-Life 1, and I've used the Duke3D editor, and some CAD tools, but I've never had to choose an editor before. If I stay around this time it'll at first be to pick brains about editors.
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Post by Downsider »

Hey. My name is Joe; 15 years old, living in New Jersey.

I first got into Quake when I was looking for a portable game to throw onto a flash drive and play in class, Quake was the answer. Enjoyed it, found out there was a modding community for it when I was like 11. Lurked around, never posted. Ever. Envyed programmers for their talents, played a game called Graal Online at the time. Learned the embedded scripting language in that to start. Moved onto some DarkBASIC crap, realized it was retarded, started learning C/C++. At this point I'm in like 7th grade. I stopped playing baseball and started running track. Studied C/C++ in my spare time, got very, very interested in it. Soon learned a bit and wrote stupid console applications. In 8th grade I made a platformer in C utilizing my spare time after doing the gay ass typing exercises, which were actually kinda fun in hindsight. Beats history class any day. Anyway, the platformer was like an eye opener to a new hobby; game development. Freshmen year, 14 years old going into 9th grade, got stuck in some dumbfuck's geometry class named Mrs. Leeny. How she got married I do not know. Got my first girlfriend, well, third girlfriend, first was in 6th, second in 8th, but that shit doesn't count in middle school. Started working on projects; usually switched projects every few weeks due to boredom. Nothing got done. Prospered in cross country with my team, although I was the worst on our Varsity team it was expected; there were only two freshmen on varsity anyhow. Got a D on my report card in geometry. Oh well. Not like it's my fault. When you get an A+ average for the first three marking periods and it suddenly drops to a D I don't think you're the one at fault here. Moving on. Summer between Freshmen and Sophomore year sucked balls. Sophomore year, I'm currently in now. The beginning of the year, the first quarter, was pretty much perfect. Nothing could have gone better. Got another girlfriend, cross country was great, did well, first team all league and good things like that. Got straight A's first marking period. Started doing more with Quake, namely some more serious PSP projects. Started Cobalt Runner in December of '09 hoping to change the image of the stereotypical PSP modder from dumbass to moderately talented. Worked on it for about a month, stopped. New Years came and passed. 2010. Not much is going on right now. In Februrary, got assigned a project to finish. Due tomorrow, or rather today, considering it's 1:20 AM, and this is me procrastinating.

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Post by Orion »

Downsider wrote:Hey. My name is Joe; 15 years old...
And I thought there were no active people younger than me and Monster.

And also you started playing around with QC way before than me! :shock:
I knew there was a source code for Quake when I was 13. :P

I'm currently 17, will be 18 on july(yeah! finally i'll get my ride) and I'm on 2nd year of high school. :)
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Post by Downsider »

Orion wrote:
Downsider wrote:Hey. My name is Joe; 15 years old...
And I thought there were no active people younger than me and Monster.

And also you started playing around with QC way before than me! :shock:
I knew there was a source code for Quake when I was 13. :P

I'm currently 17, will be 18 on july(yeah! finally i'll get my ride) and I'm on 2nd year of high school. :)
I started playing with QC last year, though :0
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Post by Logan »

Hey guys,

I first found quake on an old disc that was lying around in my Stepdad's collection of CD's. I installed it on my machine and had quite a lot of fun for a few weeks heh.

Not long after that, I got into modding for Source. And for the past year I have been working on a few projects with that. I recently found this forum and was amazed at finding an active quake community 14 years on. So here I am today.
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Post by Static_Fiend »

I suppose I ought to write something here, though most of the veterans will probably remember me. (hey everyone I remember, I'm back :) )

My name is Nick, I'm 26 and from California. I first came on to the (at least at the time) IRC channel #qc back when Nehahra was being released, LordHavoc was the one who got me over there. From there I just did random things, learned a bit of C, did a little mapping, not a whole lot. I did manage to make an engine (NGLQuake) and even had a booth at the first (I think) qexpo. First time I ever played Quake was the demo on a friends P60 at the time, it blew my mind and I ended up playing it till about 8 in the morning. Since then I've pretty much always had the game installed on every machine I own.
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Post by Teiman »

Raresed84 wrote:
FrikaC wrote:Hi, my name is Ryan and I'm a quakeaholic.

I go by the hacker alias "Frika C", and I'm guilty of....never mind. I've previously written a bunch of stuff: a compiler, a bots, several mods, most of them tagged with the prefix Frik- since it's a convenient and unimaginative way to name things.

I'm the site administrator here at Inside3D. I've been active in the Quake community since late 1997 and released my first public mod in 1998 iirc.

Currently, I work in the game industry as an AI programmer, which has left me little time to continue working on my Quake projects, but I do what I can.

I love bacon. It is the best form of fatty sliced pork money can buy.

hy my name is rares....i would like to ask u something....what does it mean quakeaholic?...thanks
In english, you could go "rogue" with words. Anything with "-were" as long hair and eat people.

Where-cows, Where-dogs, and the like.

You can do the same thing with Alohoolic. Work-holic is a guy addicted to work (workholic is actual,real word). Quake-holic must be the same thing.. a guy adicted to quake.

Bacon is delicious.
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