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Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 7:57 pm
by Error
Sadly, is pretty much dead. Sure there's been a little activity, but it's been dead for a while now. Paying for it is extremely expensive. All of the hosted sites are backed up, and keeping the main site would serve for nothing but nostalgia. A few people here have offered hosting for Quakedev's current hosted sites, but there's honestly no need for the main site anymore.

Points (to reiterate)
- is dead
- Everything is backed up
- No one wants to pay $130/month for any extended period of time
- Getting 13 people to pitch in every month is silly, and there's no guarantee that it would ever really work. Someone will get slapped with the big part of the bill most of the time
- Hosting nowadays is cheap, $6/month for your own freak'n domain/webspace
- A few people here will toss you a subdomain for FREE
- Keeping it alive will only be a burden that no one wants to pay
- Find an alternative to

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:52 am
by motorsep
I guess case is closed.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:25 pm
by Error
Someone needed to say it. I feel for everyone that could possibly "lose" something here. I'll miss Quakedev as much as the next guy... but there are alternatives.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:17 pm
by goldenboy
Every time this happens, people are surprised and shocked. Why? Because no one prepares for disaster, and everyone assumes that everything will just work forever.

Sadly, that's not how it works.

Be prepared. If you think something is important, take a Sunday afternoon to back up their entire site and burn it on a DVD. There are tools for this.

Never put all your eggs in one basket. How prepared are you?

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 12:06 am
by leileilol
This thing never seems to happen to Doom hosting or even Duke hosting.

Quake is qursed!

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 12:29 am
by motorsep
goldenboy wrote:Be prepared. If you think something is important, take a Sunday afternoon to back up their entire site and burn it on a DVD. There are tools for this.
I hope you know that DVD Rs don't last long..

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 12:52 am
by frag.machine
Nothing lasts forever.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:20 am
by leileilol
motorsep wrote:I hope you know that DVD Rs don't last long..
Unless you take good care of them like I do (with all that common sense around media), as well as perform copy redundancy. :D

Hell, some of my 1990s CD-Rs still read 100% perfect today. EVEN MY 1980S FIVE INCH FLOPPIES are still working!

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:26 am
by apolluwn
I would be willing to take over the web/svn( or mercurial / git [if requested instead] ) hosting.

It appears that this is a fairly low bandwidth site, but, if not, you can provide me with anticipated usage (typical 95th). I doubt it will be a problem, however.

The move would be to either a dual opteron located in Dallas, TX, or a pentium d in Toronto, ON. Both are running FreeBSD with 100mbit links and are running most of the software on the quakedev server [except webmail software, phpmyadmin, awstats on the opteron].

We have additional servers scattered around in europe and russia, as well, but they would require remote hands in the case of disaster so I'd rather stick with NA ones.

Judging from the server specs on, the hardware and resources available on either of these servers should be quite adequate.

The site would continue to operate exactly as it does now. Dead, dying, whatever, I think plenty of solutions have been offered (edit) in the way of archiving what currently exists.

I'd like to keep as much of it intact as possible and would accept any new requests for hosting with the same terms. This would be done for free, as it is now, but I'd certainly graciously accept any donations by anyone generous enough to help cover some of the costs from time to time.

The servers certainly aren't going anywhere, but every little bit helps. ;)

If anyone who can make a decision regarding this issue believes that this is a route they would like to take then I'd be more than happy to help.

I've certainly taken my fair share from the community, and would hate to see another quake site disappear into the void.

If anyone is interested, you can contact me at john(nospam), or my associate at brian(nospam) and we can work out the details of the migration ( website transfers, database dumps, expected services [ftp access, shell access, mail, etc], or any other software that I'm unaware of).

It would also be worth discussing a solution for the actual domain... Which would be either transferring the domain, or just using our nameservers (although this isn't ideal for obvious reasons).


Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 12:36 am
by Entar
Any update on this? I already backed up the files that I had on my filespace on QuakeDev, but if the hosting will be taken over and maintained, I'd like to know ahead of time before I find another host.

EDIT: Also, exactly when will the hosting expire as it stands now?

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 4:26 am
by apolluwn
Well, as for my offer, I haven't been contacted by anyone at this point...

I don't know if this was the most appropriate place to initiate contact, but it seemed the forums were relatively silent regarding the issue when I originally posted and, honestly, it seemed to be more of an issue here (probably because of the activity) rather than there...

After considering that, it did seem it was more appropriate to address it here, where it was being actively discussed, rather than contacting anyone individually since it really is up to those with the data and access to make the decision. This is certainly an issue that those with access should discuss amongst themselves as there may be a fair bit of work involved depending on how a migration would be handled.

I wouldn't want anyone to put work in that they felt has been addressed by other methods, or that they feel just isn't worth the effort since the main sites seem to be archived at this point.

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 5:01 am
by Baker
apolluwn wrote:Well, as for my offer, I haven't been contacted by anyone at this point...
Look ... fair or not fair, for a community like Quake that has managed to preserve and recover from several site losses [and we have ...]

How are various people supposed to respond to the "new guy" who might be a repeat of the past issues?

Seriously, who knows the difference between your commitment to Quake and Jiffy Peanut Butter? How does anyone know that in 2013 your site won't be the next QuakeDev? I mean without any other knowledge, all I or more observers know about you is that you've got 2 posts-worth of Quake interest. There are PSP modders I'd trust more than that.

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 8:02 am
by apolluwn
It’s almost impossible to detect tone via text... so....
Baker wrote: Look ... fair or not fair, for a community like Quake that has managed to preserve and recover from several site losses [and we have ...]
I don't recall saying anything about "fair or unfair". You are imagining things. I stated the situation to the best of my knowledge. Nothing more, nothing less...

In fact, I recall being very respective of what all is entailed. If you think otherwise then you are unbelievably misguided.
Baker wrote: How are various people supposed to respond to the "new guy" who might be a repeat of the past issues?
Well you can respond like a total pompous ass, like you, I suppose?

Are you basing my intent and merit on past post counts and registration date? You are certainly alluding to this.

What makes me a "new guy"?

I'm not new to the community despite you not recognizing this nickname, or me registering at some arbitrary date because I was in a position to help. The entire community has actually been quite estranged since the death of other sites, but you know that. Don't you.

You are just being flippant.

If you think my post count reflects my intent, malcontent, or otherwise. Well... You are naïve, and personally I really don’t care what you have to say because it seems you are just trying to stir up shit.

I think you like the idea of something dying and revel in the drama it causes which is why you are dramatizing this like I'm trying to "pull a fast one on you".

Are you happy with the result?
Baker wrote: Seriously, who knows the difference between your commitment to Quake and Jiffy Peanut Butter?
What a worthless comment. Are you trying to antagonize me? How sad...
Baker wrote: How does anyone know that in 2013 your site won't be the next QuakeDev? I mean without any other knowledge, all I or more observers know about you is that you've got 2 posts-worth of Quake interest.
You don't.

Despite my post count, or whatever irrrational mumbo jumbo wishwash you wish to attack me with...


You wouldn't know anyways. Would you?

I could be a quite respected member of the community, and I could do the same thing that happened with quakesrc. Couldn't I?

You will never know what will happen in the future and unfortunately, I don’t have a crystal ball that is functioning at the moment so I guess were all fucked on that one. Despite my best intentions you still attack me?

You know nothing of me as you have stated. Is it as naive to assume the worst as it is the best? Of course. Use your head.

I'm in a position to help. I offered that help. If you want to flame me for doing that then more power to you, buddy. Congratulations.
Baker wrote: There are PSP modders I'd trust more than that.
Good for you? Nice way to alienate an entire segment of people in the community, however, despite the talent (or lack thereof as you insinuate) involved there.

It is an important part of the community whether you choose to belittle them or not. Especially in regards to me, which just isn't fair to them. Classy. Pure Class.

Shame on YOU.

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 8:37 am
by Error
apolluwn: You should have taken the high road... Who is going to trust you now? Criticism is something you WILL get. Deal with it and be a big boy. Baker is, and has been for a long time now, a respected member of our community, and even runs his own community site (and has for many years).

Look, I'm not trying to start anything either... but Baker did make valid points. How are we to trust someone, as "new" as you with someone else's property. Actually, quite a few people's property. You may see it as simply offering a spot to let this site die off, but if as a whole was to be hosted by you (someone we don't know), most people wouldn't trust you to begin with... those people wouldn't use their sites anymore... so it really would die.

The site isn't what we're worried about losing, it's all of the hosted sites. No one is going to just transfer over to a host that hasn't proven themselves as trustworthy and reliable.

Anyways, my offer still stands. If you would like a spot to rest your work (active or not), please contact me. I'd hate to lose any of the work from that site. This offer is even good for the Q2/Q3 hosted sites.

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 8:43 am
by apolluwn
I took the low road... that's interesting.

It seems people were more interested in talking about it dying and irritated that I even bothered to offer help.

So ... whatever.

I took the "low road" -defending- myself against a -flame-. "Respected member" or not a flame is a flame. You know it. I know it. Lets move on.

If you are interested in keeping the site call me at 817 504 9915. If you want it to die and talk about how it's so crappy that it's dying then so be it.

I'm not going to legitimize myself for people that think post count == merit.

BTW my merit is 4 times greater than it was. See how silly this is?

My offer stands for anyone that wants svn/hg/git/bazaar whatever hosting.

Public or private. I don't care. I'm just trying to help out.

Flame away and take shots at me for defending myself against nonsense. Kids will be kids... :/(_ ~)