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Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 5:23 pm
by goldenboy

It seems pretty effort-free to drop Ruohis' models into some folder before you present your (non-weapons/monsters) mod (once they're finished, of course).

Unless you mean high-poly models and a HUD looking like (Doom3, etc).

Yeah, I'm probably not understanding the discussion.

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 6:25 pm
by Baker
goldenboy wrote:Well.

It seems pretty effort-free to drop Ruohis' models into some folder before you present your (non-weapons/monsters) mod (once they're finished, of course).
No. No. No.

Let's say you have a QuakeC mod or engine modification (or both) to show off something cool for the purpose of displaying a feature that could be used in a total or heavy conversion, usually using DarkPlaces.

A coder probably isn't going to have any modelling skills, nor have time to dedicate to such a thing.

They finish a great modification meant to invoke imagination.

They want to showcase the possibilities so they make a video or some screenshots.

But due to lack of models and so forth, the video has a freaking ogre, rocket launcher and Quake HUD in it.

In an ideal world, they might have, say, a dinosaur or alien, a plasma gun and a radical modern fancy HUD.

... except they don't exist; at least for sure not in an easily usable fashion.

The lack of GPL models situation is rather limiting and then of course a subtopic that arose is the pain in making models.

If someone is using DarkPlaces as an engine on a project, for instance, 9 times out of 10 it isn't a Quake mod or if it happens to be a "Quake" mod, the use the Quake monsters and weapons is more due to lack of choice and alternatives and more because they are there and nothing else is.

How less cool would the following pic be if the tanks were shamblers and it had a Quake HUD on it?

There needs to be a body of models easily available in a databank to offer easy flexibility to modders. How different things would be if there were a nice folder of 150 models, 30 different HUDs that could be used at will with no strings attached.

As I mentioned earlier, I didn't do a very good job titling the thread which led to a lot of confusion about what I meant, although at least a few people immediately knew what I was talking about. :D


Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 7:16 pm
by goldenboy
All right, I got it.

That's very much not-Quake, though.

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 8:27 pm
by Baker
goldenboy wrote:All right, I got it.

That's very much not-Quake, though.
I see maybe 3 maybe remotely Quake related threads in the list of recent threads.

At some sites "Quake" means single player or coop, at others .. multiplayer.

Here "Quake" means the engine/quakec platform.

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 9:54 pm
by ceriux
the download for the ak is available here. ... owtopic=10

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 10:29 pm
by frag.machine
Wazat wrote:And BTW, I use Quark for my modeling and mapping needs. QME and the other tools never made a lick of sense to me, and I can barely get through making a map without Quark's very handy object list on the sidebar.

But that's just crazy me. ;)
Same to me, with the agravating that I am stuck in Quark 4.07 (the last one with a half usable .mdl editor). For model editing I also use the ye olde studioMDX (mostly for cut & paste mesh operations and animation viewer) and lately I am toying with QME 3.0 too (in a minor scale, altough). I wish FrikaC one day have mercy of us and write that long time ago mentioned MDL editor. Our community would be very grateful for that.

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 10:33 pm
by MeTcHsteekle
looks great :D

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 10:38 pm
by ceriux
anyone who wants to post their models or textures can also post there too, its all going to be sorted by type and name.


extra skin i been working on for it.


Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 5:15 am
by leileilol
frag.machine wrote: I wish FrikaC one day have mercy of us and write that long time ago mentioned MDL editor. Our community would be very grateful for that.
Quaded? That's dead.

Does Blender not exist?

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:05 am
by Spirit
I'd suggest either giving it to the public domain (do whatever you want, however you want) or license it under the GPL if you want people to use it.

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:18 am
by leileilol
Spirit wrote:license it under the GPL if you want people to use it.
1. Not every modder wants to use GPL media, especially since it's a mod for Quake and not standalone game (since you are talking modders). It'll conflict with whatever quake-derived media there might most likely be with it
2. Encouraging Google image-derived artwork to get licensed under the GPL is foolish

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 12:16 pm
by goldenboy
Baker wrote: I see maybe 3 maybe remotely Quake related threads in the list of recent threads.

At some sites "Quake" means single player or coop, at others .. multiplayer.

Here "Quake" means the engine/quakec platform.
Thanks for the explanation!


may be remotely interesting for anybody who hasn't read it yet.

Among other things, releasing artwork under the GPL is discussed there. I just found that interesting. They're discussing it since 2004... not much happened...

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 12:13 am
by ceriux
the next model iv been working on is a grenade. its more or less a projectile but im sure others can come up with more uses.


Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 12:38 am
by Baker
Looks nice.

/I hope the word grenade is only on the above picture and not on the model's skin itself.

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 1:13 am
by ceriux
it is, but i can remove it easily.

just got the idea from this,
