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Re: chasecam like "Survival Horror Maker"?

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 12:17 pm
by drm_wayne
well, i just compiled the Envenom QC with frikqcc (comes with the archive) and i have the same problems...
the player will not walk up stairs anymore, oh my god fuck this, really!

about fteqcc: i always had problems with this compiler and i dont like fteqcc, compiling the
"clean" qcv1.06 isnt possible with fteqcc unless you remove/change some stuff with the spwanblood function..

Re: chasecam like "Survival Horror Maker"?

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 3:44 pm
by ceriux
its either obviously a bug in the code or its meant to do that..

Re: chasecam like "Survival Horror Maker"?

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:12 pm
by Spike
there's only 3 qccs worth considering using.
fteqcc (I'm biased yeah yeah), frikqcc (grr, qccx hacks), qfcc (if you can get the compiler to compile).

every other qcc I've seen has too many vanilla bugs.

fteqcc and frikqcc have quite a few features in common (which I stole). If you're paranoid about qcc bugs, avoiding the use of any fteqcc/qccx extensions can be a good plan, then you can blame the qcc a bit more easily. :P
Either way, both of those qccs have a load of warnings for when things go bad.
With frikqcc, the defaults are good, while fteqcc tries to spam you with pretty much everything it has - there's a -Wno-mundane argument to disable trivial warnings with only non-trivial fixes.

quite a few qcc warnings really ought to be errors, as they're basically fatal. however, refusing to compile a mod that works fine with another qcc due to mere luck is bad karma. :P
If it doesn't run properly, CHECK THE WARNINGS! :)

Regarding the 'clean qcv1.06 spawnblood' issue, what's the problem? got a link?

fteqcc is by no means perfect. :P My local version miscompiles everything resulting in players spawning at '0 0 1' whatever the spawn spot says. All sorts of weirdness there. :D Its generally okay if you avoid the weird undertested/untested features like mixing pointers+structs+arrays which I made the mistake of trying somewhat recently. Had to fix that before I could mess around with the mod, jogi still hates me for suggesting that he use those features too. :(

Re: chasecam like "Survival Horror Maker"?

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 5:05 pm
by drm_wayne
i think there is something wrong with the players code, but i dont know what (lol)...
It may something small, like self.velocity (or gravity) or something else..

i am not at home atm but i really want to know how i can make the bastard walk up stairs (he doesnt walk up anything, it looks like he is walking against a wall)...

And no, i dont think the player is meant to do that, the envenom maps have stairs, but i cant use them with my fresh compiled source..

Re: chasecam like "Survival Horror Maker"?

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 6:06 pm
by r00k
So you're saying your camera is chasing your own player? Is it possible that you changed the movetype?
If you just want a limited free flight chasecam why not mod the engine and keep it clientside?

Re: chasecam like "Survival Horror Maker"?

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 6:27 pm
by drm_wayne
no, i dont change ANYTHING, i just downloaded this:

And compiled it and tested it in Darkplaces and you cant walk upstairs anymore, but you can walk
upstairs in the "original" codename envenom....

Maybe i should look for another third person cam...

Re: chasecam like "Survival Horror Maker"?

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:45 pm
by ceriux
why dont you just take (or learn from) envenoms code and recode it yourself so you dont have those issues?

Re: chasecam like "Survival Horror Maker"?

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:17 pm
by taniwha
Well, I just checked and qfcc does build stock 1.06 progs (with a pile of warnings). I play quake with qfcc built progs (non-stock), so I "eat my own dogfood" :).

As for "if you can get the compiler to compile": While compiling qfcc (qf, really, as qfcc is a small part of the code) in windows can be a pain, it should be trivial in linux (etc) if you read INSTALL. For windows, a pre-built zip is available (yes, though never anounced, 0.6.3 was released). Ignore the top-level lib dir: it's very quakeforge specific, but the files in bin and qfcc.1 (man page) are usefule:
  • qfcc.exe qfcc itself
  • qfpreqcc pre-compiler for TF (needs python 2)
  • qfprogs.exe progs dump tool (qfprogs --help for instructions, no man page yet)
Running qfcc as just "qfcc" in your progs source directory (with progs.src) will cause qfcc to operate in "qcc mode". At worst, you might need the "-Cno-cpp" option (depends on your system). If "qfcc -Cno-cpp" either refuses to build progs that qcc will build, or produces progs that don't work when qcc does, it's a bug :).

I really would like more feedback on how qfcc performs for other people.

PS: for the curious (git checkout of v1.06 progs checkin, demonstrates -Cno-cpp, too):

Code: Select all

$ qfcc -Cno-cpp
subs.qc: In function `SetMovedir':
subs.qc:25: warning: control reaches end of non-void function
ai.qc: In function `FindTarget':
ai.qc:367: warning: return from non-void function without a value
ai.qc: In function `CheckAnyAttack':
ai.qc:587: warning: return from non-void function without a value
items.qc: In function `PlaceItem':
items.qc:47: warning: too few arguments
client.qc: In function `FindIntermission':
client.qc:134: warning: control reaches end of non-void function
client.qc: In function `PutClientInServer':
client.qc:507: warning: assignment between disparate function types
monsters.qc: In function `walkmonster_start_go':
monsters.qc:75: warning: too few arguments
doors.qc: In function `fd_secret_use':
doors.qc:581: warning: assignment between disparate function types
doors.qc: In function `fd_secret_done':
doors.qc:668: warning: assignment between disparate function types
doors.qc: In function `func_door_secret':
doors.qc:772: warning: assignment between disparate function types
triggers.qc: In function `teleport_touch':
triggers.qc:419: notice: precedence of `&' and `-' inverted for traditional code
triggers.qc: In function `trigger_monsterjump_touch':
triggers.qc:611: notice: precedence of `&' and `!=' inverted for traditional code
misc.qc: In function `misc_fireball':
misc.qc:179: warning: Non-executable statement; executing programmer instead.
misc.qc: In function `misc_explobox':
misc.qc:249: warning: too few arguments
misc.qc: In function `misc_explobox2':
misc.qc:281: warning: too few arguments
misc.qc: In function `func_illusionary':
misc.qc:536: warning: too few arguments
ogre.qc: In function `ogre_smash12':
ogre.qc:249: warning: too few arguments
knight.qc: At top level:
knight.qc:32: warning: duplicate frame macro `attackb1'
wizard.qc: In function `WizardAttackFinished':
wizard.qc:180: warning: control reaches end of non-void function
dog.qc: In function `monster_dog':
dog.qc:357: warning: assignment between disparate function types
shalrath.qc: In function `monster_shalrath':
shalrath.qc:233: warning: assignment between disparate function types
oldone.qc: At top level:
oldone.qc:29: warning: duplicate frame macro `shake12'
oldone.qc: In function `monster_oldone':
oldone.qc:277: warning: assignment between disparate function types
 46539 strofs
 20119 statements
  2091 functions
  3650 global defs
   151 fielddefs
 10736 globals
     10163 near globals
          6353 locals size
         0 far globals
       572 type globals
   195 entity fields
Compilation time: 0.121 seconds.
If you don't want to see the "notices" (they flag an incompatibility between qcc Quake-C and C (and qfcc's advanced Quake-C)), use -Nnone.

Re: chasecam like "Survival Horror Maker"?

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:07 pm
by drm_wayne
ceriux wrote:why dont you just take (or learn from) envenoms code and recode it yourself so you dont have those issues?
Well, because the player cant walk up stairs, and nobody can tell me HOW i can change that so the envenom code is almost useless for me...
I mean what exactliy causes this strange behaviour of the player? Changing the Gravity? Velocity? Did not work... There must be a way.....

EDIT: In Envenom you couldnt jump, maybe the problem is located here?


Jump to 2:56, he walks up stairs here, but in the fresh compiled UNTOUCHED source it didnt work anymore...

Re: chasecam like "Survival Horror Maker"?

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:17 pm
by ceriux
im going to download the source and see if i have the same problem. (but what i meant is get an understanding of how a camera works and try and code it yourself and see if you get the same problems)

i just recompiled using the same source as you and i am able to go up and down stairs. (using frikqcc) i'm running darkplaces i got 1 warning when compiling (SetMovedir: Not all control paths return a vaule) found in subs.qc on line 32. but all seems to work properly. i'm not sure what your problem is. are you testing with a custom map? if maybe its the height of your steps that you cant make it up?

Re: chasecam like "Survival Horror Maker"?

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:59 pm
by drm_wayne
Well, i decompiled now the progs.dat and replaced the client.qc and player.qc and compiled again and now it works...

Yes, custommap:


Do you see the wood laying on the floor? the player got stuck even there...
But now it works, problem solved (the unconventional way)...

Re: chasecam like "Survival Horror Maker"?

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:44 pm
by r00k
You should diff those two files you replaced to learn why it happened.
Btw, why did u decompile the progs.dat when the source is included in that .rar you posted ;)

Re: chasecam like "Survival Horror Maker"?

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:27 pm
by drm_wayne
Because the progs.dats source is very different to the posted above...

Re: chasecam like "Survival Horror Maker"?

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 4:02 am
by RenegadeC
Weird, I've never had issues ever with the player not being able to climb stairs in Envenom on any version I've ever compiled. The source was written from scratch with minimal QC errors, The Ascension of Vigil is essentially using the same type of stair climbing code as well and there hasn't been an issue. I'll look into it myself however sometime soon.

Edit: It's nice to see someone using something I've made ;) I'll provide support as much as I can.