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Post by revelator »

one huge beast indeed ... im on day 2 of packing up the installer i do hope users got a dvd drive :lol:
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Post by frag.machine »

Wow, awesome job reckless... But I suspect it would be better to divide the package at least in core and add-ons (better yet if they were separated so one could download only what really matters).
I know FrikaC made a cgi-bin version of the quakec interpreter once and wrote part of his website in QuakeC :) (LordHavoc)
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Post by revelator »

pretty much ported stuff on the go else i would have to spend my entire life finishing it :) much of it i have in seperate packages though

but a lot of it had to be built step by step as im allready stretching my knowledge a lot on some parts i had to pretty much make modifications on the fly to check if it really worked so much of it newer made it into seperate packages.

installer is done and i managed to get it down to about 1 gig.

seperate packages can be found on my ftp when its up again (far from all) but atleast a sizeable chunk.
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Post by revelator »

not the installer only a sfx archive.

ive gone to great lengths making this so its easy to use.

a few things you need to do.

1: when you unpacked it go to the folder postinstall in the msys subfolder and doubleclick on postinstall.cmd (tell it where you installed mingw when it asks) its in the codeblocks folder itself so rather easy. :)

2: if you want to use mico's naming service (corba) go to the mingw\service folder and doubleclick NsInstall.bat

3: openldap server if you feel an urge to dabble in server environments just hit the run_ldap.exe in the basefolder.

4: postgresql same as above hit run_psql.exe

5: debugger codeblocks uses mingw's gdb fear not if you prefer compiling from the shell i also included the insight debugger just write insight in the shell and you have a nice tcl gui from which to debug your mingw stuff ;)

6: included a special build of source navigator (source code analyzer) just hit snavigator.exe in the mingw\bin folder.

7:gimp if you need to edit some images hit the gimp.exe in the mingw\bin folder.

8: abiword handles pretty much any of your text needs. find it in the mingw\bin folder.

9: inkscape nice little tool for creating resources like executable icons etc. find it in the mingw\bin folder.

10: zenity gtk tool makes creating gtk gui's a blast

11: console previous msys\mingw releases used batch files for setting up the shell, not anymore.
we now use a single executable for handling it all called console.exe. find it in the base folder.

there are 3 options when you open it it will by default use msys tools with mingw if you rightclick in the window and select file/new tab you will see 3 options MinGW MsysDvlpr and CMD the first one is what you allready have the next is for creating msys tools and uses msys own compiler the third is a standard cmd shell.

if you prefer zsh i included it also but theres no tab for it in the console shell as its still experimental and i need to read up on how to set it up. for now just write zsh in the shell window (only works in mingw or msysdvlpr not in CMD)

enjoy :)
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Post by revelator »


some of the extra.
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Post by revelator »

small update in regards to python.

created a minimal bash shell that uses the native windows path variable to find its toys :)

it can actually replace cmd.exe on windows by putting it somewhere in the path.

im adding it to the package as an addition to the msys shell since python has some trouble with that at times (path conversion is a bit buggy with msys) it works right out of the box with this :)

it also contains a small subset of the coreutils from gnuwin32.

one thing though do not use it for configuring (no fork support) regular shell scripts work fine though.

the console.xml in this package replaces the one in codeblocks so you get a new tab called winshell use this if you plan on using python or other shellscripts.

another update gtk-doc now works (hell it only took me 3 years to port the utilities) :lol:

python was patched a bit since its regular expressions couldnt handle newer libtool with long version strings (works now).

and a small bugger i added py2exe to it to create standalone python executables but there seems to be a bug with the package
it creates executables allright but they only run on win9x :evil: trying to run em in nt yields invalid executable format :( (do not use)

gtk2_prefs added for easy configuration of gtk's theme engines.

theres now a built in gtk based browser using webkit (mostly a prof of concept) but fun toying with :) works flawlessly.

gtk now uses gdi32 to interface with its engines no need to recreate the loaders anymore.

glade3 now works go make some gtk gui's :D
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Post by revelator »

waf build scripts now work :shock:

gdamn i wish i packed stuff seperatly now, seems noone is interrested in the full packages because of the size, unfortunatly thats the "only" way anyone is going to get there hands on those utilities now :(

i simply cant remember all the changes i had to make to the python code to get it working with mingw :S

well if its any help i derived it from the work on python-mingw which ended with version 5.1 so its rather old, but along the way i upgraded stuff to newer libraries added gdbm and fixed a few things.

only thing you dont get with the included python is the win9x wrapper (btw i think thats the reason why py2exe breaks) and the pythonwin shell (that one has been replaced with pyshell so you get it anyway just not as a tcl frontend instead pyshell uses wxwidgets).

gonna donate the compiler to the schools here they think its freaking great :D
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Post by revelator »

well heres somethin rather small for once.

if using mingw allready and in need of a simple ide/editor

gtk based and the gtk libraries are allready in it.

this build had some hacks by me to avoid having to define directory paths so it could find its dependencies and plugins, it now plugs right into the correct paths.

the exe is just a winrar sfx archive and only 27 mb's to install it just point it to your mingw directory and extract, make a shortcut somewhere to geany.exe and away you go.

the ide was primarily designed for gtk development but latest incarnation handles all kinds of sources (even latex).

it also has plugin support so more extensions can be easily added.

the included gtk runtime can be used for any gtk project considering you put the bin directory on path.

only a few plugins missing as theres some problems with them (gdb ya boo no debugger from inside the ide) and spellchecking (cant find its language files) so i left them out.

if you dont like the default theme use gtk2_prefs and change it ;) its in the bin folder.
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