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Post by Baker »

Hey, let's go for the triple post ...

Patience is a virtue, one I have always lacked. And at the moment I'm crawling up the walls because I lack patience and want several of my projects done "now" like they were supposed to have been done ... and yet I look at the calendar and am profoundly disappointed in myself.

On a good day, I actually have this patience I don't actually have. Not because I naturally have it, but because all humans possess plasticity ... the limited ability for humans to adapt.

But on a bad day, you can throw all that out the window ... I revert to natural form.

And for reasons unknown to me, this involves sympathy towards newbies who get harassed.

And I get tired of Xlinks getting harassed. And then acceding to the asshat who harassed him. Not that I have anything against Downsider -- my ranked #1 "will do something amazing some day candidate".

And despite anyone with knowledge of my past history involving leileilol, I have never held anything against him either ... I admire his ways of thinking ... I am attracted to the unconventional and this bland world surely needs it. My attraction to Quake has never involved my ego (which can make me brash at times, unfortunately) but seeing the wonders and that is what attracts me.

At times, I can react less than optimally when my emotions gets provoked by what I see (anyone with memory yawns at this point) ...

But lost in all of this is that I get really irritated with myself because I have a lot of irons in the fire that really lack so little to complete them ... yet real life obstacles kill my time ...

Yet isn't success about defeating obstacles?

There are ALWAYS obstacles.

And like I said, I do lack patience. And the disappointment isn't that there are obstacles, but rather that they are even stopping me. Hmmmm ....
The night is young. How else can I annoy the world before sunsrise? 8) Inquisitive minds want to know ! And if they don't -- well like that ever has stopped me before ..
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Post by Downsider »

I'm also not a big fan of him acceding to me. I like people to have a personality and XLink's a bit robotic, to be honest.
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Post by Error »

Sajt wrote:I'm glad you people beat Error to this thread!
why for? :?
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Post by Sajt »

Because Error is a NAZI!!!!! He deleted a post once.
F. A. Špork, an enlightened nobleman and a great patron of art, had a stately Baroque spa complex built on the banks of the River Labe.
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Post by leileilol »

Sajt wrote:Because Error is a NAZI!!!!! He deleted a post once.
YEAH F--- CENSORSHIP! SCR*W IT IN ITS G*SH D*RN FACE FOR ITS POINTLESS HARbuttMENT its like candlejack running for democ
i should not be here
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