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Re: Kleshik Updates!

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 1:02 pm
by Dark$oul71
Chip wrote:Dresk has started updating Kleshik 2 days ago. I read in the changelog that it supports the recent versions of DarkPlaces, a lot of bugs were fixed, and a lot of deprecated instructions have been replaced or rewritten.
Hopefully, we'll have more updates for Kleshik, with an official update announcement, and a new DarkPlaces build, by the holidays.
Ah, good to hear...I'll update my Kleshik directory today when I get home from work.

I recently had a short IRC with Dresk and he indicated that he has holidays right now and wants to spent some further time on developing/enhancing Kleshik.

I'm keen what the Xmas holidays will bring...may be a new Kleshik build under the tree

Edit: Just for curiosity...where do I find the changelog when I grab the latest version of Kleshik via SVN. I've never seen any textfile in there.

Re: Kleshik Updates!

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 3:11 pm
by Chip
Edit: Just for curiosity...where do I find the changelog when I grab the latest version of Kleshik via SVN. I've never seen any textfile in there.
If you're using Tortoise, after right-clicking and updating the folder, there is a Show Log... button. Upon clicking on it you will see a list of updated files. Click on each of them and select Show Changes. It's the first option anyway.

If you're using Kleshik's SVN .bat file, you won't be able to see it.

Tortoise SVN has a merge utility built in so you can see changes highlighted. REALLY useful.

Re: Kleshik Updates!

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 4:44 pm
by Dark$oul71
Chip wrote:
If you're using Tortoise, after right-clicking and updating the folder, there is a Show Log... button. Upon clicking on it you will see a list of updated files. Click on each of them and select Show Changes. It's the first option anyway.

If you're using Kleshik's SVN .bat file, you won't be able to see it.
[/b] useful.
Thanks, I neither use the Tortoise nor the SVN batchfiles. Since I am running Kleshik under Ubuntu x64 I simply run my installed svn client within a shell script but it seems to me using a graphical svn client has advantages here :)

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 4:52 pm
by Chip
Exactly. It's pretty useful to see what files have changed.

Try this for Linux:

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 6:44 pm
by Dresk
Right now I've been testing with the latest Darkplaces SVN. Darkplaces itself has some crashing issues due to some new memory management for threading preparations. Aside from that, the most glaring bug is the "invisible player model" bug, where if anyone sets their player model before someone connects, they will be invisible to players after they connect. In addition, collision bugs still exist where my additional monster spawning code can cause monsters to fall through the world; I'm working on detecting that and doing something about it.

I know I should make some documentation. I'm planning on making a website soon, and with that documentation. I'm also pretty lazy with change messages in my SVN commits; usually I just commit my changes without any commenting. I'll see if I can break that habit.

One thing I do need assistance with is a modeler. As people have likely noticed, the chaingun model is just the super nailgun shifted to the side. I also have a few other ideas for guns but no models for them. If anyone has experience in creating MDL/MD2/MD3s, please let me know.

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 10:37 pm
by Dark$oul71
Hi Dresk,

thanks for the status update :wink:
If I can help, I'll be available.
I just sent a few comments in regard to weapon balancing /usage to your gmail account yesterday.

In regard to the monster spawing it would be great if the amount of "stuck monsters" could be reduced. Thats the only bigger issue I have run into.


Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 11:29 pm
by Dresk
To reduce the amount of stuck monsters is to decide on a different formula for spawning additional monsters.

My formula is this :

1) Spawn additional monster at the exact location of an existing monster
2) Lift the monster up by 1 Quake unit to prevent falling through floor
3) Assign SOLID_NOT to the monster, so it will not collide with any objects / monsters aside from map geometry
4) Apply a random force (in any direction) to "catapult" the monster away from the monster it spawned at. Note that SOLID_NOT assists with this
5) After anywhere from 2 to 5 seconds, assign SOLID and let the monster start roaming
6) Done

This formula has its drawbacks. One of the main issues for stuck monsters is when, for example, a monster is in a small alcove with very little space, and when the additional monsters are spawned the "catapult" just shoves them against the alcove walls, resulting in a bunch of stuck monsters.

A rarer issue is when catapulted monsters, during which they have SOLID_NOT, land into other catapulted monsters, and when they become SOLID, now we have spawned monsters that were catapulted into the same location, became SOLID and can't break free.

There's probably a better algorithm than mine, and I am open to suggestions, but keep in mind of the following requirements :

1) The monsters must spawn immediately. I do not want monsters "teleporting" in after the monster we used to spawn additional ones off of is killed.
2) The monsters must roam. This goes with #1, since they must be spawned to roam.

Otherwise, please, give me your ideas for spawning additional monsters and I will see what I can do.

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 2:41 pm
by Chip
Welcome, Dresk!

I'm using Kleshik as the base for my Quake setup. I'll contribute with bug reports and suggestions. Can't help you with modeling.

I'll do some extensive testing these days.

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 10:52 pm
by Dark$oul71
Hi Dresk,

although I'm only a newb in QuakeC your approach sound reasonable. I think varying the angle/force/direction in which you "push" the monsters will not do any good here. Is there a chance to spawn a new monster in exactly the same postition where the previous monster was spawned after the previous monster is already roaming, in other words wandering around ? This would require of course some sort of collision detection that the new monster is not made solid if a another monster occupies the same space...sorry if this is a dumb question/idea.

Those "stuck monsters" do not happen THAT often. It was just the only "bigger" issue I've run into when playing Kleshik in SP.

In regard to modelling:
I'm not a true modeller but I'll play around a bit with Blender during the XMas holidays. May be I can help out with some modells ? I will not promise anything here tough. May be it's just a waste of time.
I also have a few other ideas for guns but no models for them.
I would be interested in hearing and may be even discussing those ideas with you. I always liked the variety of weapons in Eradicator ( ... 73364.html). A few guns in there were very cool (e.g. walking spider bombs which you could controll or flying rockets which you could control until impact). There was also a mod for Quake with grenade that jumped up like the bouncing betty ( Feel free to send me an e-mail if you do not want to discuss those ideas in public.

Best regards,

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 12:15 pm
by Chip
I have some issues with the latest version, where the Flashlight and the Flare are not working. Am I missing something?

I'm using the registered Quake, with both Rogue and Hipnotic addons, Rygel's pack, and latest SVN DarkPlaces.

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 11:30 pm
by Chip
Hey Dresk! Have you tried compiling the CURRENT QC? The one from the SVN? And I know it's not alpha/beta as there wasn't an update in weeks.

The precacheassets file is missing. It's just a function that it's not declared, and upon removing, Kleshik works. Could you please, if you see this message, fix it? I don't know what the function is supposed to contain, otherwise I'd have hacked it a long time ago :)

Any planed updates for Kleshik / new chaingun model ?

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:02 pm
by Dark$oul71
Hey Dresk,

I haven´t heared any news about Kleshik for quite a while ?
Didn´t you want to set up a homepage for it ?

Since I was playing Kleshik the last evenings for a few hours I was thinking about one of our message exchanges. Wouldn´t a new model for the chaingun make much sense ? While I like the power and sounds of this weapon, I dislike the repositioned super nailgun as model.

I once suggested the chaingun model of SDQuake:

Honestly right now I think that the weapon is a bit overpowered. Plus the model has extremely high poly count.

The chaingun I like most is the one from UT2k4:

Combined with the visible motor which turns the barrels this one feels the more realistic.

Unfortunately my modelling skills sucks but may be someone skilled could make a cool looking model based on the super nailgun with attached "motor" ?


Let me hear what you think. IMO a new chaingun model would add much atmosphere during heavy firefights.

BTW: Some other folks are hacking together some new mod based on Kleshik / SDQuake. Looks way overpowered to me:

Best regards,

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:54 pm
by goldenboy
That chaingun from SuperDuperquake is actually from Perquake.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:32 pm
by leileilol
And Per is still around so you can ask him about it!

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:33 am
by Dark$oul71
@leileilol & goldenboy: Thanks for clarification !

Not to sound disrespective but while I understand that one should respect copyright I also think that we should keep in mind that we are talking about non-commercial mods for a 14 year old shooter which is only played by some minority of oldschool gamers :lol:

Esp. leileilol seems to be Mr. Copyright Police to me. :roll: :roll: :roll:

...but back on topic:
@Dresk: You can ask Per if he has any issues when you use his chaingun model for Kleshik.