Crazy pointer arithmetic issues

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Crazy pointer arithmetic issues

Post by mankrip »

I'm trying to get TGAs to load in Makaqu, but the code I've ported from GLQuake refuses to work.

More specifically, this:

Code: Select all

typedef struct //_TargaHeader
	,	colormap_type
	,	image_type
	unsigned short
	,	colormap_length
	unsigned short
	,	y_origin
	,	width
	,	height
	,	attributes
} TargaHeader;

void LoadTGA_as8bit (char *filename, byte **pic, int *width, int *height)
	TargaHeader		*filedata;					//pcx_t	*pcx;
	byte			*input, *output;			//*out,

	int				row, column;				//int		x, y;
	int				columns, rows, numPixels;	//int		dataByte, runLength;
	byte			*pixbuf;					//byte	*pix;
	loadedfile_t	*fileinfo;

	*pic = NULL;

	fileinfo = COM_LoadTempFile (filename);
	if (!fileinfo)

	// parse the file
	filedata = (TargaHeader *) fileinfo->data;

	if (filedata->image_type != 2 && filedata->image_type != 10)
		Sys_Error ("LoadTGA: Only type 2 and 10 targa RGB images supported\n");

	if (filedata->colormap_type != 0)
		Sys_Error ("LoadTGA: No colormaps supported\non \"%s\"\n", filename);

	if (filedata->pixel_size != 32)
	if (filedata->pixel_size != 24)
		Sys_Error ("LoadTGA: Only 32 or 24 bit images supported\non \"%s\",\n%i not supported", filename, (int) (filedata->pixel_size));

	columns	= LittleShort (filedata->width			);
	rows	= LittleShort (filedata->height			);
	numPixels = columns * rows;

	*pic = output = malloc (numPixels);
	input = (byte *) filedata + sizeof (TargaHeader) + filedata->id_length; // skip TARGA image comment

	if (filedata->image_type == 2) // Uncompressed, RGB images
		for(row = rows - 1 ; row >= 0 ; row--)
			pixbuf = output + row * columns;
			for (column = 0 ; column < columns ; column++)
				,	green
				,	blue
				,	alphabyte
				switch (filedata->pixel_size)
					case 24:
							blue		= input[ (rows - row) * columns + 0];
							green		= input[ (rows - row) * columns + 1];
							red			= input[ (rows - row) * columns + 2];
							*pixbuf++ = BestColor (red, green, blue, 0, 254);
					case 32:
							blue		= input[ (rows - row) * columns + 0];
							green		= input[ (rows - row) * columns + 1];
							red			= input[ (rows - row) * columns + 2];
							alphabyte	= input[ (rows - row) * columns + 3];
							*pixbuf++ = (alphabyte == 255) ? 255 : BestColor (red, green, blue, 0, 254);
				input += (filedata->pixel_size / 8);
I've just checked the TargaHeader struct and it's fine, it passes the image_type test with no problems, but when checking for the pixel_size it goes nuts, apparently reading two, five or eight bytes ahead, and returning 49 instead of 24.

These are the first 32 bytes of the TGA file:

Code: Select all

00 00 02 00   00 00 00 00   00 00 00 00   00 01 00 01
18 00 31 47   65 31 46 61   31 44 5B 33   4C 73 33 4E
This makes no sense for me, specially since the algorithm for loading PCX images is quite similar, and works just fine.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh mankrip Hell's end wgah'nagl fhtagn.
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Post by leileilol »

Try ripping up Quake2's TGA loader rather than the questionably functional GLQuake one (what did glquake ever use tgas for lol)

Quake3's image loader is slicker and more streamlined by the way. I'd actually recommend using that so you also get JPEGs and BMPs in software (jpeg lib overhead, though...)
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Post by Sajt »

The fields in the TGA file are packed tightly, not padded for data alignment (like C structs are). You'll have to load it byte by byte.
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Post by Spike »

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#pragma pack(push,1)
struct my struct
char sillydef;
int mybadlylayedoutfield;
} foo;
#pragma pack(pop)
will work as expected. without the pragmas, the struct is larger than you might expect due to padding for alignment.
gcc+mvsc should both understand the pragma.
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Post by mankrip »

Thanks! It worked perfectly.
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Post by Sajt »

If you're going for crossplatform stability you probably shouldn't do that. I think some processors don't allow access of unaligned memory at all... (they crash). Someone else might be able to tell you more about this. The safest thing is not to do that pragma thing, but to load the header byte by byte.
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Post by Spike »

if you're using gcc on a packed structure, it'll do special accesses to ensure its all aligned and fine and dandy.
but yeah, its slower on such machines (slower on x86 too, just not so noticably).
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Post by qbism »

Thanks, this is great, now loading tga skies directly into 8-bit engine! Got type 10 (compressed) tga working also, need some clean-up and will post.
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Post by qbism »

Modified from Makaqu 1.4alpha

Code: Select all

void LoadTGA_as8bit (char *filename, byte **pic, int *width, int *height)
	TargaHeader		*filedata;					//pcx_t	*pcx;
	byte			*input, *output;			//*out,

	int				row, column;				//int		x, y;
	int				columns, rows, numPixels;	//int		dataByte, runLength;
	byte			*pixbuf;					//byte	*pix;
	loadedfile_t	*fileinfo;

	*pic = NULL;

	fileinfo = COM_LoadTempFile (filename);
	if (!fileinfo)

	// parse the file
	filedata = (TargaHeader *) (fileinfo->data);

	if (filedata->image_type != 2 && filedata->image_type != 10)
		Sys_Error ("LoadTGA: Only type 2 and 10 targa RGB images supported\n");

	if (filedata->colormap_type != 0 || (filedata->pixel_size != 32 && filedata->pixel_size != 24))
		Sys_Error ("LoadTGA: Only 32 or 24 bit images supported (no colormaps)\non \"%s\"\n", filename);

   columns   = LittleShort (filedata->width);
   rows   = LittleShort (filedata->height);
	Con_Printf ("%i columns x %i rows\n", columns, rows);
	numPixels = columns * rows;
    *width = filedata->width;
   *height = filedata->height;

	*pic = output = Q_malloc (numPixels);
	input = (byte *) filedata + sizeof (TargaHeader) + filedata->id_length; // skip TARGA image comment

	if (filedata->image_type == 2) // Uncompressed, RGB images
        byte red, green, blue,alphabyte;
        int k = 0;
		for(row = rows - 1 ; row >= 0 ; row--)
			pixbuf = output + row * columns;
			for (column = 0 ; column < columns ; column++)
				switch (filedata->pixel_size)
					case 24:
							blue		= input[k++];
							green		= input[k++];
							red			= input[k++];
							*pixbuf++ = BestColor (red, green, blue, 0, 254);
					case 32:
							blue		= input[k++];
							green		= input[k++];
							red			= input[k++];
							alphabyte	= input[k++];
							*pixbuf++ =  BestColor (red, green, blue, 0, 254);

	else if (filedata->image_type == 10) // Runlength encoded RGB images
        byte red, green, blue, alphabyte, packetHeader, packetSize, bestcol;
        int j, k=0;

		for (row = rows - 1 ; row >= 0 ; row--)
			pixbuf = output + row * columns;
			for (column = 0 ; column < columns ; )
				packetHeader = input[k++];
				packetSize = 1 + (packetHeader & 0x7f);
				if (packetHeader & 0x80) // run-length packet
					switch (filedata->pixel_size)
						case 24:
								blue		= input[k++];
								green		= input[k++];
								red			= input[k++];
								bestcol = BestColor (red, green, blue, 0, 254);
						case 32:
								blue		= input[k++];
								green		= input[k++];
								red			= input[k++];
								alphabyte	= input[k++];
								bestcol =  BestColor (red, green, blue, 0, 254);
                    for(j = 0 ; j < packetSize ; j++)
                        *pixbuf++ = bestcol;
						if (column == columns) // run spans across rows
							column = 0;
							if (row > 0)
								goto breakOut;
							pixbuf = output + row * columns;
				else // non run-length packet
					for(j = 0 ; j < packetSize ; j++)
						switch (filedata->pixel_size)
							case 24:
									blue		= input[k++];
									green		= input[k++];
									red			= input[k++];
									*pixbuf++   = BestColor (red, green, blue, 0, 254);
							case 32:
									blue		= input[k++];
									green		= input[k++];
									red			= input[k++];
									alphabyte	= input[k++];
									*pixbuf++   = BestColor (red, green, blue, 0, 254);
						if (column == columns) // pixel packet run spans across rows
							column = 0;
							if (row > 0)
								goto breakOut;
							pixbuf = output + row * columns;


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Post by frag.machine »

Where's the BestColor function ? I'm a bit curious about how you did it.
I know FrikaC made a cgi-bin version of the quakec interpreter once and wrote part of his website in QuakeC :) (LordHavoc)
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Post by leileilol »

You can steal BestColor from the qlumpy source. That's what I did.
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Post by qbism »

BestColor is in the revised load palette tute:
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Re: Crazy pointer arithmetic issues

Post by mankrip »

That #pragma isn't recognized when compiling the Dreamcast version of the engine, so I did this:

Code: Select all

void LoadTGA_as8bit (char *filename, byte **pic, int *width, int *height)
	TargaHeader		filedata;					//pcx_t	*pcx;
	loadedfile_t	*fileinfo;


	fileinfo = COM_LoadTempFile (filename);
	if (!fileinfo)

	// parse the file
	filedata.id_length			= fileinfo->data[0];
	filedata.colormap_type		= fileinfo->data[1];
	filedata.image_type			= fileinfo->data[2];
	filedata.colormap_index		= * (unsigned short *) (fileinfo->data + 3);
	filedata.colormap_length	= * (unsigned short *) (fileinfo->data + 5);
	filedata.colormap_size		= fileinfo->data[7];
	filedata.x_origin			= * (unsigned short *) (fileinfo->data + 8);
	filedata.y_origin			= * (unsigned short *) (fileinfo->data + 10);
	filedata.width				= * (unsigned short *) (fileinfo->data + 12);
	filedata.height				= * (unsigned short *) (fileinfo->data + 14);
	filedata.pixel_size			= fileinfo->data[16];
	filedata.attributes			= fileinfo->data[17];

This have worked for me (on Windows at least, I'm going to test it on the Dreamcast in some minutes), but I guess it may not work on machines using a different endianess. How do I take care of the endianess?
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh mankrip Hell's end wgah'nagl fhtagn.
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Re: Crazy pointer arithmetic issues

Post by mankrip »

mankrip wrote:How do I take care of the endianess?
Some googling gave me the answer.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh mankrip Hell's end wgah'nagl fhtagn.
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