Mod Idea: Vampire

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Mod Idea: Vampire

Post by Tei »

I have a idea for a simple mod.
Its a GTA alike mod. Will need 1 city map, but I dont need cars, only people on the streets walking.
You are a new vampire and are just confused. If you dont eat blood, you lost health. But you dont want to.
People will run in fear if you attack him with vampire powers, but will mostly ignore you. Except police man and mafia, that will use his guns to try to kill you.
As you kill people, you will become more powerfull and the "alarm level" of the city will raise, so police will use heavy weapons.
With high powers you can morph to avoid your enemy, or surprise attack, jump high or fly,.. even snip your enemy.
You can also infect some people to make him a zombie that will follow your orders ( hidden underground, follow and attack ).

I think is mostly doable, except the "flee in terror" AI that will be really dificult to me. Theres a mod out here that implement that?
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Post by scar3crow »

Well, you could use frikbots and waypoint the city, so when attacked if theyre easily scared, they will pick a distant point in the map and move away from it, or run towards a cop.

Why do you not want to drink their blood?

BTW, this could be very cool.
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Post by Tei »

scar3crow wrote:Well, you could use frikbots and waypoint the city, so when attacked if theyre easily scared, they will pick a distant point in the map and move away from it, or run towards a cop.
K!, lets try it.
Why do you not want to drink their blood?
Just like on any GTA game you dont want to run amok and kill all people and destroy all cars. You are a car stealer, but not a assasin. The problem here is that as vampire you dont steal cars, but blood.
BTW, this could be very cool.
Hehehe.. thanks. I think a GTA alike game can be very dificult, because vehicles phisic and map size. So this one twist made for a easier modability.

sorry my english :O



humm... .maybe having some RPG stuff inside can fit very well. As you do "stuff" that give you XP, and with enough XP you level up to a powerfull vampire with new powers.
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Post by Sajt »

Tei would just not be Tei if he spoke perfect English.

1 saludo!
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Post by leileilol »

goddmanit i thought this was going to be about this
i should not be here
Quake Matt
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Post by Quake Matt »

Why do you not want to drink their blood?
There's a pen and paper RPG that I used to play called Vampire: The Masquerade. The 'good' vampires in that had a humanity level that they had to keep high (by not brutally killing everyone they came across!) otherwise they'd be consumed by their inner beast and basically go crazy. Also, they did everything in their power to keep vampire society hidden from normal, boring humans, so blantant blood-drinking was out of the question.

Perhaps you could use humanity like KoToR uses light/dark-side play? Good characters get good powers while evil characters get evil powers? Also, of course, other vampires in the city might not take kindly to your presence, so you'll probably want to stay discreet and make some allies along the way.

Sounding good so far! I'd worry about design first, though, then cut back what you can't code.
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Post by That_Guy »

Yeah, I've never played the PnP, but I have played Bloodlines (which is, other than using an alpha verson of the source engine, was a really good game) and they had humanity as a meter and you could feed, as long as you didn't kill the person you fed on, but it was ok to drain them if they shoot you in the foot with a .45.

Blood in Bloodlines was almost like stamina. It was the source of your powers and the more you have, the faster you heal.

you sound like you've got a good game idea going, as you don't have anyone turning into bats or that crap.
oh, and they should be able to feed on things besides humans, but like food in MGS3, draining a rat might cause you to vomit, but a house cat won't be so bad.
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Post by FrikaC »

I really liked the earlier Vampire The Masquerade CRPG, subtitled "Redemption". It's a nice diablo-styled rpg, where again you feed and keep your humanity meter in check, it was part inspiration for Prydon Gate. Bloodlines is also good, but I haven't gotten very far in it. I loved how in Redemption you got to play in both a medieval and modern settings. Anyway, this is an entire aside to the whole conversation.
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