P0x's Ladders in Darkplaces

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P0x's Ladders in Darkplaces

Post by Ghost_Fang »

I'm sure theres been a topic of this somewhere but I didn't find it. But in a nutshell, p0x's ladders from Extras_R4 to not play nice with Darkplaces, you have to Jump up them and even that barely works. So i was wondering if there was anything in the code I would need to change in order to fix it up to make it compatible with DP.

Here is the code:

Code: Select all

void() func_ladder =
	self.touch = ladder_touch;

/*	FIXME! - Physics on a moving ladder don't quite work
	// Attach the ladder to it's parent
	if (self.target) {
		self.think = train_ext_linkchild;
		self.nextthink = time + 0.2;

float LADDEROFS = 0.36;// touchy...

// This is tricky cause we can't just check key presses...
void() ladder_touch =
	local vector vel;
	float fvel, spd;
	if (other.classname != "player") return;
	// FIXME! - time out for teleporters?
	// Don't stick underwater, or in the middle of a waterjump
	if (other.waterlevel > 1 || other.fwatershifttime > time) return;
	if (other.flags & FL_WATERJUMP) return;
	// Don't re-grab right away if jumping
	if (other.ladderjump > time) return;
	// Check if the player can grab the ladder
	makevectors (other.angles);
	if (v_forward*self.movedir<-0.5)// a little more than 180¼ of freedom
		return;// not facing the right way
	// Avoid problems if the player is on the top edge (act like an 8 unit step)
	if (other.origin_z + other.mins_z + 8 >= self.absmax_z) {
		if ((!other.flags & FL_ONGROUND))
			other.flags = other.flags + FL_ONGROUND;
	// Null out gravity in PreThink
	other.laddertime = other.zerogtime = time + 0.1;

/*	FIXME! - Physics on a moving ladder don't quite work
	// Factor in the parent train's movement
	if (self.owner) {
		// Stop all vertical movement
		other.velocity_z = self.owner.velocity_z;
		// Check if the player is moving sideways (don't go up/down)
		if (v_right*(other.velocity - self.owner.velocity) > 25) {
			other.velocity = self.owner.velocity;
			other.origin = other.origin + v_right*0.5;
		else if (v_right*(other.velocity - self.owner.velocity) < -25) {
			other.velocity = self.owner.velocity;
			other.origin = other.origin - v_right*0.5;
		// Get the player's forward speed	
		fvel = v_forward*(other.velocity - self.owner.velocity);
	} else {// Stationary		
		// Stop all vertical movement
		other.velocity_z = 0;
		// Check if the player is moving sideways (don't go up/down)
		/*if (fabs(v_right*other.velocity) > 25) {
			other.velocity = '0 0 0';
		if (v_right*other.velocity > 25) {
			other.velocity = '0 0 0';
			other.origin = other.origin + v_right*0.5;// boost strafes
		else if (v_right*other.velocity < -25) {
			other.velocity = '0 0 0';
			other.origin = other.origin - v_right*0.5;// boost strafes
		// Get the player's forward speed	
		fvel = v_forward*other.velocity;
//	}
	vel = '0 0 0';// Our new velocity
	// Up (facing up/forward)
	if (other.v_angle_x <= 15 && fvel>0 ) {
		other.origin = other.origin - self.movedir*LADDEROFS;// Pull back to keep from hitting the backing wall
		vel_z = fabs(other.v_angle_x)*6;// go faster when facing forward	
		if (vel_z < 90) vel_z = 90;// minimum speed
	// Up (facing down)
 	else if ( other.v_angle_x >= 15 && fvel<0 ) {
		other.origin = other.origin + self.movedir*LADDEROFS;// Pull in to keep from falling off
		vel_z = other.v_angle_x*4;
	// Down (facing up/forward)
	else if (other.v_angle_x <= 15 && fvel<0 ) {	
		other.origin = other.origin + self.movedir*LADDEROFS;// Pull in to keep from falling off
		vel_z = fabs(other.v_angle_x)*-5;// go faster when facing forward	
		if (vel_z > -80) vel_z = -80;// minimum speed
	// Down (facing down)
	else if ( other.v_angle_x >= 15 && fvel>0 ) {		
		other.origin = other.origin - self.movedir*LADDEROFS;// Pull back to keep from hitting the backing wall
		vel_z = other.v_angle_x*-4;
	// Cap vertical moves to the server limits
	spd = cvar("cl_upspeed");
	if (vel_z > spd) vel_z = spd;
	else if (vel_z < -1*spd) vel_z = -1*spd;
	// Add the parent's velocity - FIXME! - Physics on a moving ladder don't quite work
	//if (self.owner) vel = vel + self.owner.velocity;
	// Set the player's new veloctity
	other.velocity = vel;
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