Gravity Gun help

Discuss programming in the QuakeC language.
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Post by leileilol »

Wazat did a black hole once. He knows how to make something that sucks so let's hope he notices this thread
i should not be here
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Post by ratbert »

Here is gravity gun code from customtf mod (aka prozac coop). This what your looking for?

code from weapon.qc

if ( self.current_weapon == #WEAP_ZEROGRAVITY ) {
zg_togglepickup( self, #FALSE );
Attack_Finished( 0.4 );

gravity gun code

entity solidTestEntity;


This is just used to remove the test entity after
half a second, to avoid create and removing a bunch
of entities and causing the server's sv.num_edicts to
increase a great deal.
void() RemoveTestEntity = {
solidTestEntity = world;
remove( self );


Checks if the entity is inside the world or another entity.
float (entity ent) InSolid =
local entity oself;
local vector oldownerorg, oldorg, neworg;
local float ret;

local float oldsolid;

// first make sure the entity won't get in the way
oldsolid = ent.solid;
ent.solid = #SOLID_NOT;

// create an entity to test with
tent = spawn ();
tent.solid = #SOLID_SLIDEBOX;
tent.movetype = #MOVETYPE_STEP;
setsize (tent, ent.mins, ent.maxs);
setorigin (tent, ent.origin);

oself = self;
self = tent;

self.origin_z = self.origin_z + 1;
ret = droptofloor ();

//ret = walkmove (0, 0);

self = oself;

// reset the entity's solid state
ent.solid = oldsolid;

remove (tent);
return ret;

// 2/28/08: since we can't use ent.owner as the owner for solidTestEntity.owner, link ent.owner out of the way
if ( ent.owner != world ) {
oldownerorg = ent.owner.origin;
ent.owner.origin_z = ent.owner.origin_z + ent.owner.maxs_z * 2;
setorigin( ent.owner, ent.owner.origin + '0 0 200' );

// don't spam a bunch of entity spawn() and remove() calls if this is called often
if ( !solidTestEntity ) {
solidTestEntity = spawn();
solidTestEntity.think = RemoveTestEntity;

solidTestEntity.nextthink = time + 0.6;

solidTestEntity.owner = ent;
solidTestEntity.solid = #SOLID_SLIDEBOX;
solidTestEntity.movetype = #MOVETYPE_STEP;
//solidTestEntity.flags = #FL_FLY;
solidTestEntity.flags = #FL_ONGROUND | #FL_PARTIALGROUND;
setsize (solidTestEntity, ent.mins, ent.maxs);
setorigin (solidTestEntity, ent.origin);

// check if we're inside something
oself = self;
self = solidTestEntity;

oldorg = solidTestEntity.origin;
ret = walkmove (0, 0);
neworg = solidTestEntity.origin;
setorigin (solidTestEntity, oldorg);

if (oldorg != neworg && !droptofloor())
ret = #FALSE;

self = oself;

// set origin back to normal if needed
if ( ent.owner != world )
setorigin( ent.owner, oldownerorg );

// make sure the test entity can't interact with anything now
solidTestEntity.solid = #SOLID_NOT;
solidTestEntity.movetype = #MOVETYPE_NONE;
solidTestEntity.owner = world;

return !ret;
// return qc_droptofloor (ent, 4096, #TRUE);



Zero-Gravity gun

#define ZG_PICKUPDIST_EXTRA 48 // extra distance added to pickupee's maxs, was 32

// FIXME: change some of these to macros
.entity pickedupobject_hands;
.entity pickupthink_hands;
.entity _oldowner;
.entity pickedupby; // set if the object is being picked up
.float oldmovetype;

float unlockedZeroGrav; // set to TRUE if unlocked

void (entity pickuper, float toss) zg_drop;
float (entity pickupee) zg_getpickupdist;


void (entity pickuper, entity pickupee, vector destt) zg_movetowards =
local float vel, distfrompickuper;

vel = vlen (pickupee.origin - destt);
distfrompickuper = vlen(pickuper.origin - pickupee.origin);

if (distfrompickuper > zg_getpickupdist(pickupee) + 32) {
pickupee.velocity = '0 0 0';
zg_drop (pickuper, #FALSE);

if (pickupee.origin != destt)
pickupee.velocity = pickuper.velocity + ((normalize(destt - pickupee.origin) * vel) * 10);
pickupee.velocity = pickuper.velocity;

float (entity pickupee) zg_getpickupdist =
local float sizex, sizey;

if (pickupee.solid == #SOLID_NOT || pickupee.solid == #SOLID_TRIGGER || (!pickupee.mins_x && !pickupee.maxs_x))

sizex = pickupee.maxs_x + #ZG_PICKUPDIST_EXTRA/*(pickupee.mins_x * -1) + pickupee.maxs_x*/;
sizey = pickupee.maxs_y + #ZG_PICKUPDIST_EXTRA/*(pickupee.mins_y * -1) + pickupee.maxs_y*/;

// go for the biggest side
if (sizex >= sizey)
return sizex;
return sizey;

float (entity source, entity targ) zg_infront =
local vector vec;
local float dot;

makevectors (source.angles); // BUG: this makes up and down not work, use .v_angle for players instead

vec = normalize (targ.origin - source.origin);
dot = vec * v_forward;

if ( dot > 0.3)
return #TRUE;
return #FALSE;

float (entity tester, entity test) zg_invalidtarget =
if (test.solid == #SOLID_BSP || test == world /*|| test.movetype == #MOVETYPE_NONE*/ || test.pickedupby != world)
return #TRUE;
if (/*test.flags & #FL_MONSTER ||*/ !zg_infront(tester, test))
return #TRUE;
if (IsBuilding(test) && test.real_owner != tester)
return 2;

if (test.real_owner == tester && test.flags & #FL_MONSTER) // Ratbert - Allow warlocks to move own summons
return #FALSE;

if (!unlockedZeroGrav) {
if (test.flags & #FL_ITEM)
return 3;
if (test.flags & #FL_CLIENT || test.classname == "player")
return #TRUE;

if (unlockedZeroGrav < 2) {
if (test.movetype == #MOVETYPE_NONE || test.flags & #FL_MONSTER)
return #TRUE;

// RATBERT - Cannot pickup monsters affected by deep freeze grenades
if ((test.flags & #FL_MONSTER) && (test.buggerfrozen == #TRUE))
return #FALSE;

return #FALSE;

entity (entity source) zg_findtarget =
local entity radiusent;
local float ret, badpickup;

badpickup = 0;

makevectors (source.v_angle);

// try directly at what we're looking at
traceline (source.origin, (source.origin + '0 0 16') + v_forward*64, #TL_ANY_SOLID, source);

if (trace_fraction != 1.0 && !(ret = zg_invalidtarget(source, trace_ent)))
return trace_ent;

if (ret > 1)
badpickup = ret;

// if nothing's directly infront try scanning for something
radiusent = findradius (source.origin, 64);

while (radiusent) {
if (!(ret = zg_invalidtarget(source, radiusent)))
return radiusent;

if (ret > 1)
badpickup = ret;

radiusent = radiusent.chain;

if (source.flags & #FL_CLIENT) {
if (badpickup == 2)
sprint (source, #PRINT_HIGH, "Sorry, only the owner can pickup his builds!\n");
else if (badpickup == 3)
sprint (source, #PRINT_HIGH, "Sorry, picking up items is disabled!\n");
sprint (source, #PRINT_HIGH, "There's nothing there to pickup\n");

return world;


void () zg_think =
local entity pickuper, pickupee;

pickuper = self.owner;
pickupee = self.owner.pickedupobject_hands;

// remove onground flag
pickupee.flags = pickupee.flags - (pickupee.flags & (#FL_ONGROUND | #FL_PARTIALGROUND));

// if the pickuper doesn't have anything picked up then remove ourself
// FIXME: this should never happen, zg_drop should be the only thing that messes with pickupee and removes the thinker
if (pickupee == world)
remove (self);

if ( pickupee.classname == "player" ) {
if ( pickupee.gravity ) {
pickupee.oldmovetype = pickupee.gravity;
pickupee.gravity = 0;
} else {
// 10/12/07: if the pickupee's movetype has changed, save it and reset it back to MOVETYPE_FLY, can happen
// FIXME: if the object's new movetype is actually set somewhere to MOVETYPE_FLY, there's no way to know it changed, and the old movetype will still be set when dropped instead of fly
if ( pickupee.movetype != #MOVETYPE_FLY ) {
pickupee.oldmovetype = pickupee.movetype;
pickupee.movetype = #MOVETYPE_FLY;

// check if the pickuper is dead
if ( <= 0 || (pickupee.takedamage && <= 0) || pickupee.model == "" || !pickuper.is_connected) { // *
zg_drop (pickuper, #FALSE);

makevectors (pickuper.v_angle);

// this is based upon the entity's size
// there's a bug in cpqwsv, for some reason the trace_endpos is screwed on this, works fine on other qwsv's
traceline (pickuper.origin, (pickuper.origin + '0 0 16') + v_forward*zg_getpickupdist(pickupee), #TL_BSP_ONLY, pickuper);
trace_endpos = (pickuper.origin + '0 0 16') + v_forward*zg_getpickupdist(pickupee);

zg_movetowards (pickuper, pickupee, trace_endpos);

self.nextthink = time + 0.05;

void (entity pickuper, float toss) zg_drop =
local entity pickupee, oldself;

pickupee = pickuper.pickedupobject_hands;

makevectors (pickuper.v_angle);

// checked based upon the entity's size
//traceline (pickuper.origin, (pickuper.origin + '0 0 16') + v_forward*64, #TL_ANY_SOLID, pickuper);

// make sure we have something picked up
if (pickuper.pickedupobject_hands == world)

if ((trace_fraction != 1.0 || zg_insolid(pickupee)) && !( <= 0 || (pickupee.takedamage && <= 0) || pickupee.model == "")) {
if (pickuper.flags & #FL_CLIENT)
sprint (pickuper, #PRINT_HIGH, "Not enough room here\n");


// fix pickuper and pickupee
remove (pickuper.pickupthink_hands);

if (toss) {
pickupee.velocity = v_forward * 500;

if (pickupee.oldmovetype != #MOVETYPE_FLY && pickupee.oldmovetype != #MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE)
pickupee.velocity = pickupee.velocity + v_up * 200;
} else
pickupee.velocity_z = pickupee.velocity_z + 10; // *

// 1/18/07: Gizmo - added this above InSolid() so it can check properly, and also if it fails
pickuper.owner = pickuper._oldowner;

// before we reset owner, check if we're inside him
if (InSolid(pickupee)) {
oldself = self;
self = pickupee;
self.velocity = '0 0 0';
pickuper.owner = pickupee;
droptofloor ();
self = oldself;

pickuper.owner = pickuper._oldowner;

// players are handled differently
if ( pickupee.classname == "player" )
pickupee.gravity = pickupee.oldmovetype;
pickupee.movetype = pickupee.oldmovetype;

pickupee.pickedupby = world; // *

pickuper.pickedupobject_hands = world;

// reset weaponmodel
if ( > 0) {
oldself = self;
self = pickuper;
W_SetCurrentAmmo ();
self = oldself;

void (entity pickuper) zg_pickup =
local entity thinker;

trace_ent = zg_findtarget (pickuper);

if (!trace_ent)

// make sure we're not already picking something up
if (pickuper.pickedupobject_hands != world)

// setup pickuper and pickupee
pickuper._oldowner = pickuper.owner; // *
pickuper.owner = trace_ent; // *

// players are handled differently, since .gravity only works on players
if ( trace_ent.classname == "player" ) {
trace_ent.oldmovetype = trace_ent.gravity;
trace_ent.gravity = 0;
} else {
trace_ent.oldmovetype = trace_ent.movetype;
trace_ent.movetype = #MOVETYPE_FLY;
trace_ent.pickedupby = pickuper; // * for knowing if it's picked up

trace_ent.flags = trace_ent.flags - #FL_ONGROUND; // *

// fire the onpickup event on the pickupee
//if (trace_ent.onpickup)
// trace_ent.onpickup (pickuper, trace_ent);

pickuper.pickedupobject_hands = trace_ent;

// create the thinker
thinker = spawn ();
thinker.owner = pickuper;

thinker.nextthink = time + 0.01;
thinker.think = zg_think;

pickuper.pickupthink_hands = thinker;

void (entity pickuper, float toss) zg_togglepickup =
// check for unlocking the gravity gun here instead of every frame
if (infokey(world, "zg_unlocked") != "") {
unlockedZeroGrav = stof (infokey(world, "zg_unlocked"));
localcmd ("localinfo zg_unlocked \"\"\n");
localcmd ("serverinfo zg_unlocked \"\"\n");

if (pickuper.pickedupobject_hands == world)
zg_pickup (pickuper);
zg_drop (pickuper, toss);
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Post by r00k »

whoa that looks cumbersome to the newly quakeC coder!
My first thought would be similar to the CTF hook, but in reverse. Instead of hooking to an object and pulling the player, pulling the object instead. This might be fun to test in CTF ;)

Do you want to pick up the object while holding +attack (HL2) or point shoot grab and pull (like Borderlands)?

You can reset the movetype at anytime, btw. I'd have the traceline to GRAB a bit further, and then pull it into the HOLD range, maybe 75 units, then when u let off the +attack it drops, reset the movetype. If anything the player can wield it straight up and allow the item to fall on their head if they wish to obtain possession ;)
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Post by Ghost_Fang »

I would have liked it toggleable. So that way while holding it, I could drop it, or use secondary fire which would shoot it.

Thanks for the help so far, but I have (temporarily) canceled the gravity gun, first of all it was too much work for what it was worth, the quake physics wouldn't cut it, it was driving me crazy, and it was holding me back from conitinuing to code the rest of the game.

I might revisit this and try again. If I do would you mind ratbert if i use your code and modify it a bit to suit my needs? Of course full credit will go to you for the gravity gun.
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Post by qbism »

// RATBERT - Cannot pickup monsters affected by deep freeze grenades
:shock: Who knew!
Looks like prozac has some interesting toys.
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Post by ceriux »

why not kind of give all objects that the gravity gun can interact with a little bit of AI and when the "pull" traceline hits it, it "walks" twards the player, after the object touches the player the entitie is removed and stored as a float... and if the player has the gravity gun out and the object has been pulled have the item appear as apart of the model (maybe using the quake 1 visual equips method?) it would work even if you didnt have draw only to client because in first person you would want the object to be visible. if you switched to another weapon or dropped the item the float may be ".grabbed" ? and the entitie that was grabbed which lines up with this float is spawned infront of the player and the float is set back to 0?
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