Revitalizing Quake

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Post by scar3crow »

Spirit; quite nice

dont care too much for the enforcers pose (makes me think of those old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figures) but the level of detail looks nice while still looking like the original monster. I really hope to see more along those lines.

The ammo boxes are pretty good looking also, though I would think that the NIN on the nailbox would actually be a raised surface, inside of a dipped rectangle in the actual box of nails. Or just painted on, literally, as part of the skin.

Very cool stuff and glad to see it.

Though I highly doubt this thread spurred it by any means, in fact Id say you linking the thread on that post has the potentiality of tripling its viewers ;)
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Post by Wazat »

Yea, I like the enforcer, too, though his stance doesn't really fit his... personality, so to speak. :) I love the level of detail, and I can't wait to start using those models. ^_^
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