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Inviting "veterans" modders to say "hi"

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 5:10 am
by CocoT
I've always found "what have they become" articles nice.
As I know many of you might still have contacts with modders who used to be around but seemed to have fallen off the face of the (Q1) earth, I thought it'd be fun if, from time to time, we found a way to "invite" people back on the forums for a little chat (thread-specific for each modder, obviously), asking them about how things have been for them since they left the community, what good memories they have kept from their experience with Q1. etc... We could even have some kind of questionnaire they could answer to launch conversation. I realize some people will be totally unreachable, but I can't imagine some of them wouldn't want to participate in it, as I'm sure they still surf the net from time to time...
In an ideal world, maybe some of them will like to stick around a little longer than just for the duration of the thread but, I guess we shouldn't get our hopes too high...
What do you think?
Maybe we could use this thread to list a couple of people we have in mind and, if you still communicate with any of the ones listed, you could be the forum's "messenger" and invite them over! :)

My picks (there are obviously more than three people I'd like to name, but I don't want to swamp this thread with a long list, and I'm sure many of them might appear in your own post :)):



The list so far:
(names followed by YES are those of modders who have shown up in this very thread :))

Akuma - YES
Electro - YES
Horn - YES
IceDagger - YES
Iikka Keronen
Koolio - YES
Labman - YES
Matt Stefton
Mauve - YES
Plumb - YES
Quest - YES
Rich Whitehouse
SantaClaws - YES
Squirt - YES
Tux - YES
Xsniper - YES
Wazat - YES

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 5:17 am
by leileilol
it would be fun to see squirt again
renegadec's a veteran too

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 6:12 am
by Urre
Deej and Coffee

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 6:20 am
by RenegadeC
All mentioned + Tux

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 1:26 pm
by MauveBib
Not exactly a modder, but it was great to see Sujoy had a booth at the last qexpo.

My top three would be:

Iikka Keronen

But then again I'm oldschool.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 1:26 pm
by Quest
I'd like to know what the down-under crew are up to. Namely Electro, Randy and ze0.
Also curious to what Static, Deej and Akuma are up to.

I've seen Squirt on #qc recently though I haven't had a good chat with him. Seems to be working on a snowboarding UT3 mod

There's so many others to add to the list:
Mauve and Harbinger (I suppose mauve still pops in now and again?)
Rich Whitehouse
Merl1n (now there's one for the veterans)

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 1:28 pm
by MauveBib
Quest wrote:Mauve and Harbinger (I suppose mauve still pops in now and again?)
Heh, good timing.

I can certainly arrange Harb to pop back if you guys want.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 1:29 pm
by Quest
MauveBib wrote:
Quest wrote:Mauve and Harbinger (I suppose mauve still pops in now and again?)
Heh, good timing.

I can certainly arrange Harb to pop back if you guys want.

dude, thats creepy... **checks outside the window**

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 1:35 pm
by MauveBib
See, I actually sit reading this forum all day everyday, waiting for someone to mention me so I can pounce and creep them out.

Mwhahaha etc.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 1:37 pm
by scar3crow
Rich is sometimes in irc, Plumb has dropped by a few times... Coffee has dropped by a few times... LTH released a map over at Func back in January.

Horn has been gone for a long time, as has Akuma and Deej... I never really did see JBallou much at all.

I speak with SantaClaws at least once a week, he lives half an hour from LordHavoc now and is coding for GarageGames, working on their digital distribution system. We were recently discussing a Quake mod idea of mine, and he had me install Gobby so as to try and coax me into actually coding it. I'm sure I could get him poking back around for at least a day - he just disappears for the sake of productivity.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 1:51 pm
by Quest
Iikka Keranen is working at Valve as a level designer.

(He had a commentary in tf2 about trains. good times)

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 1:59 pm
by MauveBib
Yeah, I saw Iikka's name in the HL2 credits.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 2:56 pm
by leileilol
took them a while to assimilate him >:(

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 3:32 pm
by FrikaC
I'd like to see FrikaC pop up. He was my favorite modder way back when.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 3:37 pm
by RenegadeC
FrikaC wrote:I'd like to see FrikaC pop up. He was my favorite modder way back when.
You certainly are mine, and you still hang around here. :)