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PakTool 1.0.0 Released

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 5:30 pm
by E-werd
Hello everybody, long time no see. Except I've been idling in #qc for a year or so, shhh!

A couple years back I was working on learning C# and needed a learning project. I decided to create a library to handle Q1/Q2 PAK files. The only tool I ever really knew of was Pak Explorer from back in the 90's, and source for that was never released. There's a C or C++ library made, but never an interface. I went a little further and created a simple interface for my library. I'm really not sure why I never released it.

So here it is, PakTool:

It's a simple tree interface that allows you to select what you'd like to extract and whether to keep the directory structure, or you could extract the whole thing. If you need to create a PAK then get everything staged in a folder and open PakTool, 'Create PAK from folder...", and select that folder you created. If you want to open a single file from an opened PAK, you can double-click on the filename and it will extract to a temporary folder (deleted on exit) and open through the Windows shell. You can also drag a PAK into the program to open it, or run from command line like "paktool.exe pak0.pak".

In the project is "Pack.cs" which contains the entirety of the library, all methods are documented inside.

In order to run it, you'll need to have .NET 4.0 Client Profile (or full 4.0) installed--if you run Windows Updates regularly, you should be fine. Hell, if you've run updates in the past 3-5 years you should be fine.

If there's enough interest, I'll develop it further--otherwise it will stay more or less as-is. If you find any bugs, feel free to submit them to the issue tracker on github. I've tested this pretty thoroughly, but it's still very possible.

Re: PakTool 1.0.0 Released

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 2:26 am
by Bluntz
Thanks man,I was getting sick of looking at pakexplorer :D

Re: PakTool 1.0.0 Released

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 3:09 am
by qbism
Confirmed to work in a quick test. Great to see a nice open source pak tool.