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Fight Internet Apathy

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 11:49 am
by sock
Remember to visit Quaddicted and VOTE for your favourite maps, post comments, let authors know what you thought of their work!

Quake is available on steam and there are plenty of guides that have been written to help the Quake community grow.
Lend a hand and UP vote these guides so that more players will realize there is more Quake content out there!

The Quaddicted guide on steam is looking for UP votes, please help steam users find more Quake SP content.

Steam users love to share screenshots of their favourite parts to Quake, join in and vote for your favourites.

Re: Fight Internet Apathy

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 2:57 pm
by leileilol
I think it has less to do with apathy and more to do with the RL, especially considering the holidays.
I didn't even get a chance to code a line in the past 5 days.

Re: Fight Internet Apathy

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 2:58 am
by qbism
Apathetic? Guilty. RL life is indeed also an issue this time of year, plus the realization that another year has burned by without completing Project 'X'. (Insert your own 'X' here.) I leave unplayed maps on hard drive for weeks, make playthrough demo and leave for more weeks, then upload partially complete video to youtube so it can sit for three weeks before posting. Just posted these links on Quad: Ivory Tower parts 1 and 2: I walked right by several secret targets but meh.

Re: Fight Internet Apathy

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 3:55 am
by revelator
Not exactly apathetic, just been really sick for a long time, wandering in and out of hospitals has taken its toll on my free time :S dont even feel like playing atm.