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visual equipment / setattachment / parent/child ents

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 3:01 pm
by ceriux
Visual Equipment mod release:


mods mainly for coop and ffa use because the armor makes it to where you cannot see your custom colors.

okay so iv been attempting to get visual gear/weapons into quake. essentially what i did was edit the original player model i split the head from the body and weapons. the only part of the players model that it is still tied to the original player ent is the head model.

i spawn a new ent (pbody) and give it , it's own model. i then give the ent a think and next think which points to my body_think function. the body_think function tells pbody, that its frames are the same as its parents frames. the parent being the player/owner of pbody.

here's the thing i join the game with chase_active on i see the body set its frames to the idle frames then it crashes DP.

iv been trying to get help on IRC with this for the past 3 days. but no one there seems to know whats wrong. id really appreciate it if anyone could please point out what iv done/doing wrong. ill post the code here and a link to a pastebin.

--- body(); is only called once in client connect. i don't spam it in playerprethink or playerpostthink.

Code: Select all

// visual attachment stuff  (currently crashes)

void() body_think = 
	self.think = self.frame = self.parent.frame; // bodies frame is "parents" frame
	self.nextthink = time + 0.1; // think every 0.1 ticks


void() body =

	self.pbody = spawn ();  // spawn the body
	self.pbody.parent = self ;  // the bodies owner is the player
	setmodel (self.pbody, "progs/body.mdl"); // he will get the player body model
	setattachment (self.pbody, self.pbody.parent, ""); // attach the body model to "parent"
	self.pbody.think = body_think; // make the body think
	self.pbody.nextthink = time + 0.1; // it thinks every 0.1 ticks

EDIT : Right after i made this thread figured it out! im sorry, thread can be deleted. but ill post the fix and maybe the thread can be useful to someone else later on!


Code: Select all

void() body_think = 
	self.frame = self.parent.frame; // bodies frame is "parents" frame
	self.think = body_think;
	self.nextthink = time + 0.01; // think every 0.01 ticks


Re: visual equipment / setattachment / parent/child ents

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 4:15 pm
by frag.machine
I've made a multi part player model using MOVETYPE_FOLLOW instead of setattachment (see earlier version). It's tricky to make the body react in a synchronous way, but feasible.

Re: visual equipment / setattachment / parent/child ents

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 4:31 pm
by ceriux
i started using movetype_follow. i was told by LH that its not as good as setattachment, so i changed my code to use it.

it syncs pretty well as far as i can tell.

Re: visual equipment / setattachment / parent/child ents

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 4:33 pm
by frag.machine
hrmm, I think it's about time to me to learn more about setattachment then. :)

Re: visual equipment / setattachment / parent/child ents

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 4:44 pm
by ceriux
the code above could be used for weapons as well as a body =) right now im still using the quake guy. =) also works in multipalyer =)

Re: visual equipment / setattachment / parent/child ents

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 6:17 pm
by Cobalt
Sounds interesting , post a vid sample if u can.

Re: visual equipment / setattachment / parent/child ents

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 6:52 pm
by ceriux
sure as soon as i can. the current code posted above only draws the original body. but its easy enough to add in support for showing armors with a few lines (already added green armor.) id like to get some weapons added in before i make a video.

once i get all this added in, i might release the visual parts of my mod as a standalone so others can use it.

Re: visual equipment / setattachment / parent/child ents

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 3:10 pm
by drm_wayne
This is what i use to attach stuff to the player (weapons, legs etc...), works great in DQuake, Darkplaces but in FTEQW the legs are not really
synced xD
I use custom scratch qc so some stuff might look weird...

Legs ingame:


Legs QC:

Code: Select all

void() legs_update =
	float chasecam;
	chasecam = cvar("chase_active");
	if (chasecam == 1)	
	setmodel (self, string_null);
	setmodel (self, "progs/players/p_legs.md2");	

	if (self.owner.deadflag != DEAD_NO)
		if (self.owner.incam == TRUE) // Intermission, we dont need to see our legs here
	self.think = legs_update;
	self.nextthink = time + 0.01;
	self.angles_y = self.owner.angles_y;
	self.origin = self.owner.origin + v_up*-20;
	self.frame = self.owner.frame;
void() player_legs = //Called at PutClientInServer
	local entity legs
	legs = spawn();
	setmodel (legs, "progs/players/p_legs.md2");
	legs.solid = #SOLID_NOT;
	legs.movetype = #MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
	legs.owner = self;
	legs.angles_y = self.angles_y;
	legs.origin = self.origin;
	legs.velocity = self.velocity;
	legs.drawonlytoclient = self;
	legs.frame = self.frame;
	legs.think = legs_update;
	legs.nextthink = time + 0.01;

Re: visual equipment / setattachment / parent/child ents

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 7:38 pm
by frag.machine
float chasecam;
chasecam = cvar("chase_active");
if (chasecam == 1)
setmodel (self, string_null);
setmodel (self, "progs/players/p_legs.md2");
In DP there's a extension exactly to deal with this situation: IIRC is DP_VISIBLETOCLIENT. I'm using this and makes the code much simpler and elegant.

Re: visual equipment / setattachment / parent/child ents

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 7:54 pm
by Spike
fte defaults to prediction enabled.
cl_nopred to turn it off, or sv_nqplayerphysics to force it off for all clients (yay! authentic nq physics!).
you would see the same thing with DP and its cl_movement 1 setting.
setattachment works clientside so is meant to function properly regardless of prediction, instead of only when its disabled.

Re: visual equipment / setattachment / parent/child ents

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 5:09 pm
by drm_wayne
frag.machine wrote:
float chasecam;
chasecam = cvar("chase_active");
if (chasecam == 1)
setmodel (self, string_null);
setmodel (self, "progs/players/p_legs.md2");
In DP there's a extension exactly to deal with this situation: IIRC is DP_VISIBLETOCLIENT. I'm using this and makes the code much simpler and elegant.
I know, the qc i posted above is mainly designed for my customized PSP Engine, i already added some DP features like drawonlytoclient and nodrawtoclient.

Re: visual equipment / setattachment / parent/child ents

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 8:59 pm
by frag.machine
Just a correction: the DP extension I was referring actually is DP_ENT_EXTERIORMODELTOCLIENT.

Re: visual equipment / setattachment / parent/child ents

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 8:28 pm
by ceriux
update, im still working on this. got all the armor coded in, but the weapons are crashing the game so i have to figure that out first.

edit: so there wasnt any problem with my code, some how one of the models became corrupt and thats fixed. which essentially means there are 2 things left to do. there's a bug with the exit level cam where you see the body still, and theres a bug with ring of invisibility where you have a body walking around with a floating pair of eyes (kinda funny looking). after that all is finished! then i can release.

Re: visual equipment / setattachment / parent/child ents

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 12:15 pm
by ceriux
sorry for double post, mod has been finished, ill add information to the top of post.

Re: visual equipment / setattachment / parent/child ents

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 6:44 pm
by Spirit
Hey, it would be great if you could add a readme to the archive. Check out some readmes from idgames2 as good examples: ... nversions/ :wink:

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