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changing point of view

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 12:34 pm
by Nahuel
hello forum, i am trying to change the point of view of the player for my project "dead morning". in self.view_ofs i have '0 0 25' but the player see to have the view too "forth" , so when i walk until touch a wall infront i can see the wall too near. Sorry for my english this jpg will explain you

This feature is not bad in quake , but i need to change it for my project.This problem is not solved by changing the FOV, I do not want change the FOV, I am using a FOV of 80 , i just need change the view backward. How can i get it? I am using darkplaces engine so i can use CSQC stuff :) Thanks for your help.

Re: changing point of view

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 2:39 am
by Cobalt
NOTE: Im speaking from QC, not you will have to figure out how to adjust to CSQC.

self.view_ofs = '0 0 25' / self.view_ofs_z = 25 means the 3rd person view will be a few units higher than the normal 22 units for the default player.mdl

I believe you need to experiment with self.view_ofs_x values, as I believe values > 0 will place the "eyes" ahead a distance, and negative values will place it back some. I think if you go back too far, and you are in chase_active mode, you will be blended into the player model and view wil be distorted.

I have played a little with decrementing the self.view_ofs_z during a death frame macro to add some realism. The default code sends it to '0 0 8' quickly, and I decrement it calling this code within the macro frames.

Code: Select all

void (float rate) Dec_view_ofs =

self.view_ofs_z = self.view_ofs_z - rate;


Re: changing point of view

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 1:53 pm
by r00k
imho fov 80 will look like that on all engines.