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IQM export for 3ds Max?

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:28 am
by Downsider
Blender's interface has an incredibly steep learning curve, and there's really no ideal way to get a model out of 3ds Max and into Blender, nonetheless into the IQM or IQE format at all.

Anybody willing to donate a bit of their time to port it over from Python to whatever 3ds Max uses? :D

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:56 am
by Downsider
Gah, another pointless thread. There's a working MD5 exporter for 3ds Max. I was even all prepared to say that SMD didn't support bone weights if anybody challenged me with using the converter :(

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:42 am
by toneddu2000
As far as I know, blender has now afbx importer but I don't know its limits. You could try to export it to fbx and then import to blender and re-export to iqm/dpm (dpm DO has bone weights support).

PS:is just an impression, blender is less hard then it just a matter of testing and learning.. two weeks of tutorials and you're ready to go! And you could discover how fast is modeling with it! :wink:

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:00 pm
by leileilol
toneddu2000 wrote: PS:is just an impression, blender is less hard then it just a matter of testing and learning.. two weeks of tutorials and you're ready to go! And you could discover how fast is modeling with it! :wink:
The truth. I had the same overwhelming rocket scientist 'too many ui butans' when I started Blender for the first time. After roughly est. 16 minutes of fooling with the interface and knowing the vital keys (tab, w, e, r, g, a) I managed to get the hang of it and notice I don't have to pay attention to the interface panels to do what I do. It's a very good program for that "art mind zone" and it's a capable low poly modeler as well despite all those renders of subsurfaced things with the OSA pumped up to absurd blur levels. Sturgeon's Law hits Blender hard for that and alot of Blender tutorials lean toward making some cartoon character.

I'd say it's worth throwing away a limewire'd copy of "the only modeling program existing" 3dsmax for. With 3dsmax's constant regressions of export plugins, I don't think it can be recommended for any stuff for older games.

also DON'T FORGET NOESIS! It imports/exports IQM, and does the same for MD5 and SMD (and yes SMDs do have weights, HL2 added them)