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More colors available for a model?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:41 pm
by asdqwe
I'm working on a monster's skin and I have the Quake 1 palette file (.pal) loaded in PaintShop Pro. But I need more colors to work with than already are in the Quake palette. How can I add new colors?
Honda City

Re: More colors available for a model?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 3:06 pm
by lth
Any decent new Quake engine will allow you to apply a .tga skin separately afterwards. Export your skin, switch to full RGB mode and save the skin as "yourmodel.mdl_0.tga" (the _0 is the skin index so if you want to alter skin #3 do "yourmodel.mdl_3.tga").

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 9:28 am
by asdqwe
Yes but can that .tga file contain colors that aren't in the regular Quake palette? The Quake palette only allows 256 colors in the game.

So could I make a Quake texture from a .tga in which there are MORE than 256 colors *and* have Quake display it properly?
Lincoln Navicross specifications

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 9:45 am
by lth
The whole idea of allowing external skins is so that they can exceed the Quake palette - otherwise, what would be the point?

Of course, this will only work in engines like Darkplaces, Telejano, TomazQuake, etc.

You can also supply RGBA targas to do translucency, which lets you do smoke effects, etc.