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Re: What are you working on?

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:11 am
by Shpuld
A week ago I did Ludum Dare 33 Jam, once again using FTEQW. Finished game can be tried out here: ... &uid=46227
or in a browser here: ... l#ld33.fmf
or just watch a video here:

I might write a bit more about it and post it in the Project Showcase if I find the time.

Re: What are you working on?

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 1:29 pm
by toneddu2000
I like very much the elegant hud and menu. Plus, cel shading it's very nice to see.
Great piece of work again, Shpuld! I hope some day we can create something together! :biggrin:
PS:The exit sign it's supercool!

Re: What are you working on?

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 1:34 pm
by toneddu2000
ADMINISTRATOR: please re-enter edit button, pleeease!! I forgot every time something to say!! :razz:
You could add the behaviour "roaming" for enemies (maybe through pre-determined path objects), so it would be possible, waiting a little, to caught enemies on their back during their roaming walk, but, of course, it's just my opininion

Re: What are you working on?

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 4:44 pm
by SusanMDK
Nice stuff there, Shpuld. Kind of looks/feels like a combination of Deus Ex and AVP alien missions.

After looking at some aircraft photos, I was able to make something that looks like it might fly. The first model is maybe a bit too Descent ship looking, and maybe a bit too "complicated". The second model is at least simpler, and used it in game. I tried a cockpit for the first person view, but it was hideous. Now there's just some cannons.

Current movement allows the game to be played single handedly with mouse only. MB1 fire cannons, MB2 accelerate, MB3 (or mousewheel) change weapon. All regular movement is disabled. If player doesn't press the accelerate, then there's some slow automatic forward move. It takes a little while to start moving in another direction, so player can still do some strafe/hover like movements.

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Don't know about the graphics style yet, I thought I might use the style I used with my simple style Doom model/texture pack. It looks pretty cool in software. The style has some issues with nature textures, they either look like MSPaint stuff or too detailed compared to everything else. But it would be a really fast style to do... I could also do some regular techy looking textures in multiple colors, and use these for about every model, and then level textures can be regular.

Re: What are you working on?

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 1:37 am
by toneddu2000
it looks fantastic jim!

Re: What are you working on?

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:54 pm
by SusanMDK
Thanks! Here's some more:


I've improved the controls. Now player can strafe without needing to first aim at one direction (this strafe is still possible). The new strafe mode activates when player is aiming at an enemy, so it's possible to circle strafe around an enemy. The direction changes every now and then, and can always be changed with the Accelerate/Move button (release, press again).

The enemy movement is based on my earlier custom flight code. The enemies get pushed around with velocity. Direction for the push is randomized "intelligently" based on their enemy/goalentity's location.

These are the textures I made at the start of the summer for the Doom model/texture pack thing. I think the software light banding looks pretty cool on them.

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Re: What are you working on?

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 3:07 pm
by toneddu2000
Supercool video jim! Love the style! When Blaze will be out? Is it commercial,right? Cause I'd like so much to buy a copy! :biggrin:

I just found out a issue/solution for version 4942+ of FTEQW. If you, like me, try always to catch last version of FTEQW, you need to pay attention to what you put in your default.cfg.
From version 4942 and above, if you set

Code: Select all

set pr_csqc_formenus 1
FTE will crash if csprogs.dat is present.
Set it to 0 or remove it (better) to resume your work/free time passion!

Re: What are you working on?

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 3:18 pm
by toneddu2000
I forgot to say that, deleting set pr_csqc_formenus 1 or setting it to 0 let make disappear csqc menus when player is not connected, printing engine menu. I'll try to find some workaround soon

Re: What are you working on?

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 11:21 am
by toneddu2000
Hi guys, I',m forced to leave this message here because it's quite impossible to send a pm to InsideQC administrators (it prints out an error message "The requested users to be added do not exist.").
And, because I think it's important for everyone, I use this thread because it's one of the most visible.

Important missing forums features
I noticed that, when the forums moved to, some features are missing:
  1. Possibility of editing posts (in inside3d I was able to edit even first post of the thread, so I was able to tag the thread as [SOLVED] or [WIP] and such)
  2. Advanced search. It's quite impossible to search through hundreds of threads without the possibility to search for titles only or section only
  3. Login informations are lost too often. In inside3d I was always logged on (at least for a whole week) but now, login informations don't last even an hour (every new tab I've to re-login to post)
  4. (Not so important) It would be nice to have old back "see all" button in code frame, but it's just a frivolity
Do you think are these modifies possible?

Thank you in advance for all the great work you're doing for the Quake community
Cheers and sorry for the mis-use of this thread

Re: What are you working on?

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 9:48 pm
by metlslime
Login informations are lost too often. In inside3d I was always logged on (at least for a whole week) but now, login informations don't last even an hour (every new tab I've to re-login to post)
I have noticed this also, I now realize the difference is the login isn't stored in a cookie as most websites, it's only stored in the current page's URL. So if you click on "Forums" or any other link on the left side navigation, you are logged out. If you have bookmarked IQC, and come back via bookmark, you are logged out.

I haven't tested yet whether bookmarking the URL with login information can be used to stay logged in across sessions.

Re: What are you working on?

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 3:30 am
by frag.machine
Also, before completely derayling the thread for good: there is at least one additional oddity in the mobile version, too (clicking in unread posts shows the thread but there's no direct link to the first unread post as used to be). I know you guys were amazingly fast to keep things online and preserving all the forums content intact (and again, many thanks for this!) but these annoying problems are, well, annoying. :)

Re: What are you working on?

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:48 pm
by hogsy


Re: What are you working on?

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 4:24 am
by qbism
I like the art direction of OpenKatana and the feel of the space/lighting.

I've become more of a lurker here, spending less time on coding and more on content for a new project. Here's a couple mapping textures showing the style. Basically they're enlarged from low-res art, blurred and filtered to get the rounded-corner 'hole-punch' effect.



Re: What are you working on?

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 7:00 am
by mankrip
I've pushed my health to near death until the end of August, and got a shoulder injury that hasn't fully healed yet. This somewhat affected my sense of humor. Anyway, enough of that.

On the upside, every time a new good idea pops up in my head, I write it down on paper, so someday I can implement it. And there have been quite a few good ideas.

As an example, I've given quite a lot of thought about color rendering, coming up with very optimized algorithms for color blending and for colored lighting, but both features seems to be somewhat mutually exclusive; an ultra-optimized high quality color blending algorithm would impossibilitate an ultra-optimized high quality colored lighting algorithm, and vice versa. I'll only figure out the best algorithm when I get enough time to dive into the code again, as I suspect it should require some major refactoring of all palette-related code.

In retrospect, trying to implement FitzQuake's "big map" support was a mistake. Retroquad wasn't ready for that yet, not in a clean way. Also, the FitzQuake protocol has its own limitations, some of which Retroquad didn't have, and I don't want to restrict my engine's features. A proper implementation will take much more work than I could do at the moment, but I don't want to undo all the work I've already done on it. I can't do anything else in Retroquad until this is done, but there's no better way; it's too late to turn back now.

Re: What are you working on?

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 5:16 pm
by qbism
Blending/lighting... last time I thought about it was a while ago, but 'megatexture-ish' brute-force pre-blend was an option given a reasonable amount of RAM. Basically every texture is unique and pre-blended with colored lighting. Can't remenber whose idea it was, probably somewhere on this board.

I haven't taken time to try it yet, but Maarakate reported adding asm colored lighting in Q2DOS (there's also a win32 port). I imagine it could be ported to Q1, where the colored lighting originally came from via Engoo.

"Setting r_coloredlighting > 1 will set a different mode that will use ASM for the Opaque and ClipEdge functions. This results in a fairly dramatic speed increase (previously I was getting about 110FPS in timedemos, using this hack I was able to get about 140). It comes at a cost of the models (including view model) will be renderer with the standard vid.colormap so they will still respond to dyanamic lights casting on them, but it will be the standard white lights. It actually looks quite nice and the speed improvement was worth it for me to keep it in."