Quake2 had model weapon flashes

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Quake2 had model weapon flashes

Post by leileilol »

There's bits of muzzleflash model references in the game code that are commented out. It would seem the shotguns had muzzleflash models in a subfolder with flash/tris.md2 and they would have appeared in sync with the weaponmodel with a FULLBRIGHT entity render effect. The weapon texture would be used as there's a muzzleflash skin on there.

Why they're removed I am not entirely sure why, but i'd imagine it'd be a interpolation artifact. The only flashes that remain in the game are the bullet impact flashes and the stroggs' weapon flashes which are also the same flash spheres.

Yeah, I know Quake2 64 has muzzleflashes, but that's beside the point.

Also, the flash.sp2 is red, and there's also commented out macros for the BFG having a flash sprite. This alludes to the BFG being red originally than blue (along with the q2test w_bfg.pcx which was later recycled for Ground Zero Plasma Beam), and NOT recycled from the Disintegrator.
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Re: Quake2 had model weapon flashes

Post by qbism »

Big muzzleflash sprites kill software mode framerate?
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Re: Quake2 had model weapon flashes

Post by andrewj »

interesting find.

Maybe they tried it and it just looked crap.
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