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FitzQuake Native OS X (like not SDL)

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 9:54 am
by Baker
Just altered source files. Some Fruitz of Dojo Quake plus some stuff from SDL blended together. Imperfect. [Not too bad overall, but the input code needs to protect against certain key presses and so forth like, for example, SDL does. Nothing sucks as much as pressing an undesirable keyboard combo and getting pulled out of fullscreen for instance. Kinda like hitting the "Windows" key or ALT-space would be in Windows.]

No I don't believe in "Tower of Babel" Quakes.

But just as I think the native Windows build of FitzQuake is generally preferable to running SDL on Windows, I think a native Linux or a native Mac OS X build is better than some extra layer of questionable insulation. Except I know they keep updating SDL, still ...

I think it would be nice in some eventual future that one source base ran identically with the same features on a super-broad variety of platforms. (FTEQW is leaning towards that with the Android port, for instance.) Versus Frankensteinian PSP Quakes or Wii Quakes or iPhone Quakes or Pandora ZQuakes that are their own little incompatible island of incompleteness.