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Post by mh »

6. The "shouldn't really happen, but does occasionally" stuff - more pointcontents and in cases where it does happen (i.e. the trace leaves you stuck in solid) even more.

pointcontents is another killer by the way. If I modify PF_pointcontents to always return CONTENTS_EMPTY I can get a 4-5 x speedup in some maps.
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Post by Ghost_Fang »

Spike wrote:customizeentityforclient is your friend...

Code: Select all

float() somecustomizefunction =
    traceline(other.origin + other.view_ofs, self.owner.origin, TRUE, other);
    if (trace_fraction == 1 || trace_entity == self.owner)
        return FALSE; /*trace hit our owner, so tell the server to not send us to this player*/

    /*the trace hit something first, we are obscured, so we should make ourselves explicitly visible*/
    setorigin(self, self.owner.origin + '0 0 48'); /*might as well update the entity in here*/
    return TRUE; /*allow the server to send this entity to the client*/

.float() customizeentityforclient; /*including this in case you don't have a suitable header*/

void() spawn_head_sprite =
    local entity foo;
    foo = spawn();
    setmodel(foo, "progs/p_ind.spr");
    foo.owner = self;
    foo.customizeentityforclient = somecustomizefunction;
    foo.effects = EF_NODEPTHTEST;
will give you an indicator above some victim's head that is only visible when that victim is obscured, that should also work fine in coop/deathmatch/whatever.
Either I'm not fully understanding customizeentityforclient entirely, or it may have been just my sloppy way of doing team markers. But I can't seem to get it.
who is the returned value for? the entity being customized? or the client that wants the entity customized?

Well here is what I did, i rewrote it, a tad bit cleaner, everyone spawns their OWN marker above their own heads, I then just use nodrawtoclient = self.owner.
Under what terms and conditions would i use customizeentityforclient if I wanted other players to only see my icon if their view of me is obstructed?

Here is my new code:

Code: Select all

void() markerloop =
	if(self.owner.health < 1)
		setmodel(self, "progs/ind_die.spr");
	else if (self.owner.health > 0)
		setmodel(self, "progs/p_ind.spr");
		setmodel(self, "progs/flash.spr");
	if(self.owner.health > 0)
		setorigin(self, self.owner.origin + '0 0 35');
	self.think = markerloop;
	self.nextthink = time + 0.01;
void() spawn_marker =
	local entity entheader
	entheader = spawn();
	entheader.owner = self;
	setorigin(entheader, self.origin + '0 0 35');
	entheader.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
	entheader.solid = SOLID_NOT;
	entheader.effects = entheader.effects | EF_NODEPTHTEST;
	entheader.nodrawtoclient = self;
	entheader.think = markerloop;
	entheader.nextthink = time + 0.05;
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Post by Spike »

customizeentityforclient is called by the engine just before it sends the data to the client.

if it returns false, then the server will consider the entity(self) to be invisible to the player(other).
the function is generally expected to modify the entity's various fields to be player-specific (note that the changes will not be undone, so changing origin will affect physics later on).
so you can return false to filter the entity, and you can call setorigin inside to ensure that the model moves with whatever rate the server is sending out packets.
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Post by Ghost_Fang »

So i don't have to specify who "other" is? It just automatically assumes all clients? And only the client(s) (other) who return TRUE can see it and/or the changes?
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Post by Spike »

the engine calls it for every single client, even spectators.
self is the entity who's self.customizeentityforclient is set.
other is whatever client the server is currently trying to send a message to.
you don't call it from qc code, you only set the field so the engine knows what to call at the appropriate time.

'other' is each and every client, in turn. the engine will call your function as many times per (network)frame as there are clients that need new messages.
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Post by Ghost_Fang »

Ok i think i understand, but do I gotta set the conditions of it to be viewed my a specific client?
I did something simple like if(self.owner != other)
Or would I put more arguments in there such as if(self.owner == other) self.nodrawtoclient = other;
Man, I apologize, for some reason this one isnt clicking for me :/
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