Basic Half-Life Map Support For Stock GLQuake

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Basic Half-Life Map Support For Stock GLQuake

Post by Baker »




The Half-Life map format is almost identical to Quake. The primary difference is that it allows the use of 256 colors per individual texture and stores the palette (WAD3). Quake uses a global 256 color palette (WAD2).

We can't conveniently do this for software renderers (WinQuake) so this is going to be GL-only. The Quake software renderer uses only a single byte to store colors, so it is locked to 256 colors. FTEQW's software renderer uses 3 bytes per pixel giving it 24-bit color, but that is a somewhat heavy modification.

(The WinQuake rendering code does have some seemingly unused 16-bit color code to support display resolutions that support 65536 colors. Since software renderers are direct memory manipulation to the best of my knowledge, I would imagine that 16-bit and 24-bit color can be a lot slower than 8 bit.)


The basics of what we need to do here looks like this:

1. We need to make a define for Q1 BSP (29) and one for HL_BSP (30).
2. We will need to add in WAD3 support.
3. Half-Life supports external .wad textures.
4. Half-Life hull sizes are a little different.
5. Half-Life supports alpha textures. We won't be doing this right now, this will probably be included in a part 2 (because I like alpha textures :D but I also worry about them confusing "anti-wallhack").
6. Half-Life map format uses different texture prefixes for sky/water/etc.

The Code Changes

1. First, the Half-Life map format uses WAD3 instead of WAD2, so we need to add support for loading them.
wad.c - Add to end (borrowed from FuhQuake)

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WAD3 Texture Loading for BSP 3.0 Support

#ifdef GLQUAKE

#define TEXWAD_MAXIMAGES 16384

typedef struct {
	char name[MAX_QPATH];
	FILE *file;
	int position;
	int size;
} texwadlump_t;

static texwadlump_t texwadlump[TEXWAD_MAXIMAGES];

void WAD3_LoadTextureWadFile (char *filename) {
	lumpinfo_t *lumps, *lump_p;
	wadinfo_t header;
	int i, j, infotableofs, numlumps, lowmark;
	FILE *file;

	if (COM_FOpenFile (va("textures/halflife/%s", filename), &file) != -1)
		goto loaded;
	if (COM_FOpenFile (va("textures/%s", filename), &file) != -1)
		goto loaded;
	if (COM_FOpenFile (filename, &file) != -1)
		goto loaded;

	Host_Error ("Couldn't load halflife wad \"%s\"\n", filename);

	if (fread(&header, 1, sizeof(wadinfo_t), file) != sizeof(wadinfo_t)) {
		Con_Printf ("WAD3_LoadTextureWadFile: unable to read wad header");

	if (memcmp(header.identification, "WAD3", 4)) {
		Con_Printf ("WAD3_LoadTextureWadFile: Wad file %s doesn't have WAD3 id\n",filename);

	numlumps = LittleLong(header.numlumps);
	if (numlumps < 1 || numlumps > TEXWAD_MAXIMAGES) {
		Con_Printf ("WAD3_LoadTextureWadFile: invalid number of lumps (%i)\n", numlumps);

	infotableofs = LittleLong(header.infotableofs);
	if (fseek(file, infotableofs, SEEK_SET)) {
		Con_Printf ("WAD3_LoadTextureWadFile: unable to seek to lump table");

	lowmark = Hunk_LowMark();
	if (!(lumps = Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(lumpinfo_t) * numlumps))) {
		Con_Printf ("WAD3_LoadTextureWadFile: unable to allocate temporary memory for lump table");

	if (fread(lumps, 1, sizeof(lumpinfo_t) * numlumps, file) != sizeof(lumpinfo_t) * numlumps) {
		Con_Printf ("WAD3_LoadTextureWadFile: unable to read lump table");

	for (i = 0, lump_p = lumps; i < numlumps; i++,lump_p++) {
		W_CleanupName (lump_p->name, lump_p->name);
		for (j = 0; j < TEXWAD_MAXIMAGES; j++) {
			if (!texwadlump[j].name[0] || !strcmp(lump_p->name, texwadlump[j].name))
			break; // we are full, don't load any more
		if (!texwadlump[j].name[0])
			Q_strncpyz (texwadlump[j].name, lump_p->name, sizeof(texwadlump[j].name));
		texwadlump[j].file = file;
		texwadlump[j].position = LittleLong(lump_p->filepos);
		texwadlump[j].size = LittleLong(lump_p->disksize);

	//leaves the file open

//converts paletted to rgba
static byte *ConvertWad3ToRGBA(miptex_t *tex) {
	byte *in, *data, *pal;
	int i, p, image_size;

	if (!tex->offsets[0])
		Sys_Error("ConvertWad3ToRGBA: tex->offsets[0] == 0");

	image_size = tex->width * tex->height;
	in = (byte *) ((byte *) tex + tex->offsets[0]);
	data = malloc(image_size * 4); // Baker

	pal = in + ((image_size * 85) >> 6) + 2;
	for (i = 0; i < image_size; i++) {
		p = *in++;
		if (tex->name[0] == '{' && p == 255) {
			((int *) data)[i] = 0;
		} else {
			p *= 3;
			data[i * 4 + 0] = pal[p];
			data[i * 4 + 1] = pal[p + 1];
			data[i * 4 + 2] = pal[p + 2];
			data[i * 4 + 3] = 255;
	return data;

byte *WAD3_LoadTexture(miptex_t *mt) {
	char texname[MAX_QPATH];
	int i, j, lowmark = 0;
	FILE *file;
	miptex_t *tex;
	byte *data;

	if (mt->offsets[0])
		return ConvertWad3ToRGBA(mt);

	texname[sizeof(texname) - 1] = 0;
	W_CleanupName (mt->name, texname);
	for (i = 0; i < TEXWAD_MAXIMAGES; i++) {
		if (!texwadlump[i].name[0])
		if (strcmp(texname, texwadlump[i].name))

		file = texwadlump[i].file;
		if (fseek(file, texwadlump[i].position, SEEK_SET)) {
			Con_Printf("WAD3_LoadTexture: corrupt WAD3 file");
			return NULL;
		lowmark = Hunk_LowMark();
		tex = Hunk_Alloc(texwadlump[i].size);
		if (fread(tex, 1, texwadlump[i].size, file) < texwadlump[i].size) {
			Con_Printf("WAD3_LoadTexture: corrupt WAD3 file");
			return NULL;
		tex->width = LittleLong(tex->width);
		tex->height = LittleLong(tex->height);
		if (tex->width != mt->width || tex->height != mt->height) {
			return NULL;
		for (j = 0;j < MIPLEVELS;j++)
			tex->offsets[j] = LittleLong(tex->offsets[j]);
		data = ConvertWad3ToRGBA(tex);
		return data;
	return NULL;

2. And now add the function prototypes to wad.h ...
wad.h - Add to bottom

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void WAD3_LoadTextureWadFile (char *filename);
byte *WAD3_LoadTexture(miptex_t *mt);
3. Next it will be important to determine the map version to know how to handle the textures ...
char *entities;

int bspversion;

// additional model data
cache_user_t cache; // only access through Mod_Extradata

} model_t;
4. And open bspfile.h and replace this:

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#define BSPVERSION	29

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#define Q1_BSPVERSION	29
#define HL_BSPVERSION	30
5. Now it is important to read the version number of the map at load time:
world.c in SV_HullForEntity - add the yellow
VectorSubtract (maxs, mins, size);
if (model->bspversion == HL_BSPVERSION) {
if (size[0] < 3) {
hull = &model->hulls[0]; // 0x0x0
} else if (size[0] <= 32) {
if (size[2] < 54) // pick the nearest of 36 or 72
hull = &model->hulls[3]; // 32x32x36
hull = &model->hulls[1]; // 32x32x72
} else {
hull = &model->hulls[2]; // 64x64x64
} else {

if (size[0] < 3)
hull = &model->hulls[0];
else if (size[0] <= 32)
hull = &model->hulls[1];
hull = &model->hulls[2];
6. Normally, Quake reads the texture data as palette indexes (i.e. a byte is the color palette offset), but with bsp 30 each texture has it's own palette and the read process will convert it rgb. So we need a supporting texture upload function that won't try to impose a 256 color palette on the data.
Add this to the end of gl_draw.c:

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int GL_LoadTexture32 (char *identifier, int width, int height, byte *data, qboolean mipmap, qboolean alpha)
	qboolean	noalpha;
	int			i, p, s;
	gltexture_t	*glt;
	int image_size = width * height;

	// see if the texture is already present
	if (identifier[0])
		for (i=0, glt=gltextures ; i<numgltextures ; i++, glt++)
			if (!strcmp (identifier, glt->identifier))
				if (width != glt->width || height != glt->height)
					Sys_Error ("GL_LoadTexture: cache mismatch");
				return gltextures[i].texnum;
	else {
		glt = &gltextures[numgltextures];

	strcpy (glt->identifier, identifier);
	glt->texnum = texture_extension_number;
	glt->width = width;
	glt->height = height;
	glt->mipmap = mipmap;

	GL_Bind(texture_extension_number );

#if 1
	// Baker: this applies our -gamma parameter table
	if (1) {
		//extern	byte	vid_gamma_table[256];
		for (i = 0; i < image_size; i++){
			data[4 * i] = vid_gamma_table[data[4 * i]];
			data[4 * i + 1] = vid_gamma_table[data[4 * i + 1]];
			data[4 * i + 2] = vid_gamma_table[data[4 * i + 2]];

	GL_Upload32 ((unsigned *)data, width, height, mipmap, alpha);


	return texture_extension_number-1;

7. Problem #2: Stock GLQuake doesn't support hardware gamma and instead applies gamma using the -gamma command line parameter. We don't want fullbright looking textures, so there needs to be a gamma table.
gl_draw.c - Add this above the GL_LoadTexture32 we just added:

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byte		vid_gamma_table[256];
void Build_Gamma_Table (void) {
	int		i;
	float		inf;
	float   in_gamma;

	if ((i = COM_CheckParm("-gamma")) != 0 && i+1 < com_argc) {
		in_gamma = Q_atof(com_argv[i+1]);
		if (in_gamma < 0.3) in_gamma = 0.3;
		if (in_gamma > 1) in_gamma = 1.0;
	} else {
		in_gamma = 1;

	if (in_gamma != 1) {
		for (i=0 ; i<256 ; i++) {
			inf = min(255 * pow((i + 0.5) / 255.5, in_gamma) + 0.5, 255);
			vid_gamma_table[i] = inf;
	} else {
		for (i=0 ; i<256 ; i++)
			vid_gamma_table[i] = i;

8. On startup, we need to build the gamma table so ...
open gl_vidnt.c and add the yellow:
static void Check_Gamma (unsigned char *pal)
float f, inf;
unsigned char palette[768];
int i;

if ((i = COM_CheckParm("-gamma")) == 0) {
if ((gl_renderer && strstr(gl_renderer, "Voodoo")) ||
(gl_vendor && strstr(gl_vendor, "3Dfx")))
vid_gamma = 1;
vid_gamma = 0.7; // default to 0.7 on non-3dfx hardware
} else
vid_gamma = Q_atof(com_argv[i+1]);

for (i=0 ; i<768 ; i++)
f = pow ( (pal+1)/256.0 , vid_gamma );
inf = f*255 + 0.5;
if (inf < 0)
inf = 0;
if (inf > 255)
inf = 255;
palette = inf;

memcpy (pal, palette, sizeof(palette));

Build_Gamma_Table ();

9. The code from FuhQuake uses the BOX_ON_PLANE_SIDE macro. For reasons unknown to me that I suspect might have something to do with assembly language, the code for this in mathlib.h is effectively IFDEF'd out on x86. So we need to remove this #IFDEF.

mathlib.h - delete the red
#ifndef id386
#define BOX_ON_PLANE_SIDE(emins, emaxs, p) \
(((p)->type < 3)? \
( \
((p)->dist <= (emins)[(p)->type])? \
1 \
: \
( \
((p)->dist >= (emaxs)[(p)->type])?\
2 \
: \
3 \
) \
) \
: \
BoxOnPlaneSide( (emins), (emaxs), (p)))

10. I kept the Q_strncpyz function that FuhQuake used. Add that to common.c and the prototype to common.h

common.h - add to end

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void Q_strncpyz (char *dest, char *src, size_t size);
common.c - add to end

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void Q_strncpyz (char *dest, char *src, size_t size)
	strncpy (dest, src, size - 1);
	dest[size-1] = 0;
11. While we are in common.c, increase MAX_FILES_IN_PACK to 4096 since the only way I had of immediately testing this at the moment was to test using the Half-Life pak0.pak which exceeds the file count limit of 2048 by a large margin:
common.c - find MAX_FILES_IN_PACK and increase from 2048 to 4096

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#define MAX_FILES_IN_PACK       4096 // Was 2048
12a. Finally, we need to check for bsp 30 and if so, load the textures appropriately:
Open gl_model.c and find

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		if (!Q_strncmp(mt->name,"sky",3))	
			R_InitSky (tx);

And replace with:

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		if (!Q_strncmp(mt->name,"sky",3))	 {
			R_InitSky (tx);
		if (loadmodel->bspversion == HL_BSPVERSION) {
			byte		*data;
			if ((data = WAD3_LoadTexture(mt))) {
				//com_netpath[0] = 0;		
				//alpha_flag = ISALPHATEX(tx->name) ? TEX_ALPHA : 0;
				texture_mode = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST; //_LINEAR;
				tx->gl_texturenum = GL_LoadTexture32 (mt->name, tx->width, tx->height, (byte *)data, true, false);
				texture_mode = GL_LINEAR;
12b. Next ...
Still gl_model.c in Mod_LoadBrushModel find:

Code: Select all

	loadmodel->type = mod_brush;
	header = (dheader_t *)buffer;

	i = LittleLong (header->version);
	if (i != BSPVERSION)
		Sys_Error ("Mod_LoadBrushModel: %s has wrong version number (%i should be %i)", mod->name, i, BSPVERSION);

And replace with this:

Code: Select all

	loadmodel->type = mod_brush;
	header = (dheader_t *)buffer;

	mod->bspversion = LittleLong (header->version);

	if (mod->bspversion != Q1_BSPVERSION && mod->bspversion != HL_BSPVERSION)
		Host_Error ("Mod_LoadBrushModel: %s has wrong version number (%i should be %i (Quake) or %i (HalfLife))", mod->name, mod->bspversion, Q1_BSPVERSION, HL_BSPVERSION);

Now ... this will work as-is. Unfortunately, GLQuake doesn't have colored light support and the lightmaps will look all wrong.

So we will cheat, since I have no intention of adding colored light support to this tutorial (there is a colored light tutorial here ( tutorial #95, unfortunately it doesn't work).

13. Find this and add the yellow. A stock GLQuake with colored light support, we would not need to do this, but what we are doing here is turning the colored light into gray. This is improper, but adding colored light support involves several changes and most engines already support colored light.
Still in gl_model.c
void Mod_LoadLighting (lump_t *l)
if (!l->filelen)
loadmodel->lightdata = NULL;

if (loadmodel->bspversion == HL_BSPVERSION) {
int i;
loadmodel->lightdata = Hunk_AllocName(l->filelen, loadname);
// dest, source, count
memcpy (loadmodel->lightdata, mod_base + l->fileofs, l->filelen);

// Cheat!
// Run thru the lightmap data and average the colors to make it a shade of gray, haha!
for (i=0; i<l->filelen; i+=3)
int grayscale;
byte out;
grayscale = (loadmodel->lightdata + loadmodel->lightdata[i+1] + loadmodel->lightdata[i+2])/3;
if (grayscale > 255) grayscale = 255;
if (grayscale < 0) grayscale = 0;
out = (byte)grayscale;
loadmodel->lightdata = loadmodel->lightdata[i+1] = loadmodel->lightdata[i+2] = out;

loadmodel->lightdata = Hunk_AllocName ( l->filelen, loadname);
memcpy (loadmodel->lightdata, mod_base + l->fileofs, l->filelen);


To test this, make a folder called c:\quake\hl

Copy Half-Life pak0.pak into that folder.

Start it as such: glquake.exe -game hl +map c1a0 -gamma 0.7 -no8bit

[the -no8bit is a "just in case", I'm not certain it is actually required and my video card doesn't have that GL extension so I can't test whether or not the command line param is needed for card supporting the 8bit palette extension]


Now what this tutorial doesn't support:

1. Alpha textures, we didn't do that. Many modified engines already support it though.
2. Colored lighting, not in the scope of this
3. Half-Life skyboxes.
4. Half-life water, the prefix is different.
5. The glass entities in Half-Life use the "renderamt" field, which is not so much different than .alpha. For transparent glass, you'd need to add that into the engine and use a progs.dat to translate the renderamt to .alpha.

Interesting note: DarkPlaces treats renderamt as a standard QuakeC field so DarkPlaces happens to load the glass in the Half-Life maps properly without requiring a progs.dat
Stealth Kill
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Post by Stealth Kill »

great tutorial thank you :)
Can you write a tutorial how i can make the
blue Half Life color transparent in maps?
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Post by mh »

Nice one Baker. :D

One thing about the texture loading - you could modify GL_LoadTexture to take a palette as a parameter; if it's NULL just fall back on the old d_8to24table, otherwise use the palette specified. Seems to be a slightly cleaner way of doing it.
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Post by Baker »

Stealth Kill wrote:great tutorial thank you :)
Can you write a tutorial how i can make the
blue Half Life color transparent in maps?
Could you give me an example or screenshot? My imagination sucks and I'm not quite sure what you mean.
mh wrote:you could modify GL_LoadTexture to take a palette as a parameter; if it's NULL just fall back on the old d_8to24table, otherwise use the palette specified. Seems to be a slightly cleaner way of doing it.
I considered something like that, but personally I think transferring rgba bytes to the texture uploader makes more sense in particular because if you support 24 (32) bit you need it anyway.

Eventually, I have something on the way that solves an ages old problem few people think about, but proves to be annoying to everyone.
Stealth Kill
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Post by Stealth Kill »

Here is an example

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Post by Baker »

Stealth Kill wrote:Here is an example

That very well could be alpha masked texture support that isn't in the scope of at least this tutorial. I don't believe Half-Life has any special colors or palette indexes.

Do you have a map name so I can load it up and confirm?
Stealth Kill
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Post by Stealth Kill »

There are some counter strike maps.

cs_italy, cs_assault....
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Post by Baker »

Stealth Kill wrote:There are some counter strike maps.

cs_italy, cs_assault....
I loaded up cs_italy and cs_assault in ezquake and didn't see anything out of the ordinary, so I think this is pretty safe to assume it's alpha texture support related. The above only adds basic Half-Life map loading support.

Eventually, I plan on writing up a texture manager tutorial and I'd include alpha texture support in there.

One way to locate the code you need is to open up FuhQuake's source code (I like FuhQuake's source code, it is very easy to follow) (download) and search for instances of the word "TEX_ALPHA" as such:
source\gl_draw.c(155): if (!(pic = GL_LoadPicImage(va("crosshairs/%s", s), "crosshair", 0, 0, TEX_ALPHA))) {
source\gl_draw.c(193): crosshairtexture_txt = GL_LoadTexture ("", 8, 8, customcrosshairdata, TEX_ALPHA, 1);
source\gl_draw.c(264): GL_Upload8 (scrap_texels, BLOCK_WIDTH, BLOCK_HEIGHT, TEX_ALPHA);
source\gl_draw.c(293): (pic_24bit = GL_LoadPicImage(va("textures/wad/%s", name), name, 0, 0, TEX_ALPHA)) ||
source\gl_draw.c(294): (pic_24bit = GL_LoadPicImage(va("gfx/%s", name), name, 0, 0, TEX_ALPHA))
source\gl_draw.c(359): if (pic_24bit = GL_LoadPicImage(path, NULL, 0, 0, TEX_ALPHA))
source\gl_draw.c(410): char_texture = GL_LoadTexture ("pic:charset", 128, 256, buf, TEX_ALPHA, 1);
source\gl_draw.c(500): crosshairtextures = GL_LoadTexture ("", 8, 8, crosshairdata, TEX_ALPHA, 1);
source\gl_model.c(380): alpha_flag = ISALPHATEX(tx->name) ? TEX_ALPHA : 0;
source\gl_model.c(1682): texmode = TEX_MIPMAP | TEX_ALPHA;
source\gl_model.c(1703): texmode = TEX_MIPMAP | TEX_ALPHA;
source\gl_rmisc.c(29): static const int flags = TEX_MIPMAP | TEX_ALPHA | TEX_COMPLAIN;
source\gl_rpart.c(226): if (!(particlefont = GL_LoadTextureImage ("textures/particles/particlefont", "qmb:particlefont", 256, 256, TEX_ALPHA | TEX_COMPLAIN)))
source\gl_texture.c(246): internal_format = (mode & TEX_ALPHA) ? 4 : 3;
source\gl_texture.c(248): internal_format = (mode & TEX_ALPHA) ? gl_alpha_format : gl_solid_format;
source\gl_texture.c(280): mode |= TEX_ALPHA;
source\gl_texture.c(288): } else if (mode & TEX_ALPHA) {
source\gl_texture.c(290): mode &= ~TEX_ALPHA;
source\gl_texture.c(293): mode |= TEX_ALPHA;
source\gl_texture.c(384): pic->texnum = GL_LoadTexture (fullname, glwidth, glheight, data, TEX_ALPHA, 1);
source\gl_texture.c(399): pic->texnum = GL_LoadTexture (fullname, glwidth, glheight, buf, TEX_ALPHA, 1);
source\gl_texture.c(487): } else if (mode & TEX_ALPHA) {
source\gl_texture.c(488): mode &= ~TEX_ALPHA;
source\gl_texture.c(491): mode |= TEX_ALPHA;
source\gl_texture.c(547): if (mode & TEX_ALPHA) {
source\gl_texture.c(548): mode &= ~TEX_ALPHA;
source\gl_texture.c(551): mode |= TEX_ALPHA;
source\gl_texture.c(612): texnum = GL_LoadTexture (identifier, image_width, image_height * 2, buf, TEX_ALPHA | TEX_NOCOMPRESS, 4);
source\gl_texture.h(27): #define TEX_ALPHA 4
source\r_part.c(202): GL_Upload32 ((unsigned *) data, 32, 32, TEX_MIPMAP | TEX_ALPHA);

In addition:

Half-Life uses a prefix to identify the alpha texture, search for instances of ISALPHATEX

source\gl_model.c(248): #define ISALPHATEX(name) (loadmodel->bspversion == HL_BSPVERSION && (name)[0] == '{')
source\gl_model.c(380): alpha_flag = ISALPHATEX(tx->name) ? TEX_ALPHA : 0;
source\gl_model.c(867): if (ISALPHATEX(out->texinfo->texture->name))
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Post by Downsider »

Superb, superb, superb job! Brilliant tutorial!
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Post by MDave »

This will come in handy for future versions of Kurok, thanks! :)
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Post by Baker »

MDave wrote:This will come in handy for future versions of Kurok, thanks! :)
Yeah I don't believe total conversions should be locked to the Quake palette or some other annoying palette limitation if that isn't what they want to use. :D

Hey Mdave, if you ever have time I'd like to get your input on how to standardize some of the great little modifications you made to Kurok into a new enhanced Quake 1 map format and roll out a Quake Adapter 2.0 with special support for them.

Within the next month or so, I'm going to try to solicit opinions from the wisened veterans on how to appropriately support some of the interesting ideas you've done plus some others (origin brushes, alpha mask textures, etc.) to have a form of standardized support for things like reflective textures, the additive sprites, etc.
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Post by ceriux »

Baker wrote:
Stealth Kill wrote:Here is an example

That very well could be alpha masked texture support that isn't in the scope of at least this tutorial. I don't believe Half-Life has any special colors or palette indexes.

Do you have a map name so I can load it up and confirm?
what they do for those transparencys actually isnt set to 1 color, its the 256 color in the pallet (last color) any color thats saved as the last color in the saved pallet will be transparent in half-life although if they could make it to where is specify's a specific color i honstely think that would be better .

ps. sorry for spelling mistakes im slightly slow.
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Post by MDave »

Baker wrote:
MDave wrote:This will come in handy for future versions of Kurok, thanks! :)
Yeah I don't believe total conversions should be locked to the Quake palette or some other annoying palette limitation if that isn't what they want to use. :D

Hey Mdave, if you ever have time I'd like to get your input on how to standardize some of the great little modifications you made to Kurok into a new enhanced Quake 1 map format and roll out a Quake Adapter 2.0 with special support for them.

Within the next month or so, I'm going to try to solicit opinions from the wisened veterans on how to appropriately support some of the interesting ideas you've done plus some others (origin brushes, alpha mask textures, etc.) to have a form of standardized support for things like reflective textures, the additive sprites, etc.
Yeah, I'd be interested in helping out :)

If you liked the little things I did for the PC version, you should take a look at the psp version :P

In fact, I was trying to back-port the stuff I did for the psp version, but the differences in the source base made it difficult.

One of the things I'm most proud of is the skybox stuff, how I managed to make fog AND skyboxes work and look good at the same time without any decrease in performance :P that's missing in the PC version.

I'm going kinda off topic now though ;)
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Joined: Fri Jul 04, 2008 8:04 am

Post by Sisah »

can someone get it to work on psp
Dodge Demon Concept history
Last edited by Sisah on Fri Feb 04, 2011 11:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2008 3:30 pm
Location: Indiana, USA

Post by ceriux »

hey i got this in but im having lighting issues... anyone know whats wrong?

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