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Ceriux's Nub Tutorials [final touches with qme]

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 8:22 pm
by ceriux
Alright, well if you've tested your model out (or the one iv supplied) you might have noticed something else odd with it. it may be the wrong size or the wrong position. well here's the best way iv found to fix all of this if the model is already compiled , animated, and ready to go. simply open it in qme and change all of this with the basic movement tools provided with in it. So, with this tutorial ill show you where your these tools are and how to use them to your advantage.

first off open your .mdl or mine.

it should look like this.


so the first thing to do is to go down to the spot that looks like this and make sure "root" is selected.


next ill teach you how to scale your model. so with "root" selected you next need to use this tool and make sure all scenes are selected in the options like this. you will see and "x" "y" and "z" enter numbers there to change the scale of your model.


next is rotate, it works exactly the same as scale and after that move which works just like the other tools. its located directly to the left of rotate.


after editing your model with qme you should be able to come up with something that looks like this.


i forgot to mention that while your touching up your model in qme. you can save it as v_shot and put it int your ID/Progs folder. then simply start up the game and test what you have. when finished you could make something similar to this or something a little more quake like.


and this should be all you need for a source.